Sam Fore的照片
Sam Fore的照片


山姆is a Sri Lankan-American chef based in Lexington, Kentucky. Her cooking is a reflection of her Sri Lankan upbringing in the American South. Sam's dishes include her spin on Southern classics as well as new riffs on her family's time-tested recipes.

专业知识:Sri Lankan Cuisine, Southern Cuisine, Pop-up Restaurants

经验:山姆started her pop-up restaurant, Tuk Tuk Sri Lankan Bites, in 2016, after traditional Sri Lankan brunches in her home outgrew her dining room. Her recipes can be found in multiple national publications and across the web — her take on tomato pie graced the cover of Food & Wine in 2019. She was named one of Plate magazine's Chefs to Watch in 2018, and was one of Southern Living's inaugural Cooks of the Year in 2020. In 2021, she joined the cast of Christopher Kimball's "Milk Street", which airs nationally on PBS stations.
Rating: Unrated
    肯塔基州列克星敦的Tuk Tuk Tuk Sri Lankan Bites的老板Sam Fore说:“我最喜欢的糖果是体现热带水果和夏季口味的糖果。”“芒果绒毛是一个古老的待机者 - 我年轻的时候我会用碗,而这是斯里兰卡派对的固定装置。它的蓬松质地使它成为一种甜点,清爽,但仍然充满甜味,但仍然充满了甜美的甜味Kesar Mangoes。我食谱的秘诀是甜味的凯撒芒果果肉,这使得产生的绒毛足够甜。淡淡的奶油使每口咬一口淡淡而decade废的口感。”这种果味和精致的冷藏慕斯,其丝般柔滑,云状的质地和大胆的甜味肯定会在您的夏季餐桌上成为常规。明胶将绒毛变稠成可勺勺的稠度,并使其在同样令人耳目一新且丰富的甜点中融化了口中的质量。用湿滑的新鲜芒果和辣蜜饯姜汁装饰它。
    厨师山姆的前弹出Tuk Tuk斯里兰卡es in Lexington, Kentucky, created this summer fruit dessert recipe for an icy, quenching sorbet of jackfruit, pineapple, and ginger ale. The sorbet has become an ever-present treat at her summer pop-up dinners, combining pineapple and jackfruit, both popular in Sri Lanka, with the spicy flavors of Ale-8-One, a Kentucky ginger ale.
    Rating: Unrated
    我的母亲在斯里兰卡长大,但直到她在1970年代移民到美国并开始建立一个家庭,她才开始认真烹饪自己的祖国美食。当我足够大的时候,当她为家人准备精心制作的传统餐点时,我开始注意。那是我学会回火的时候。调查是我从母亲那里学到的斯里兰卡烹饪中最有价值的宗旨之一。该过程非常简单。整个香料,例如小茴香和芥末种子,都可以快速旋转热油,烤它们足以在最少的时间内散发出大风味。然后,这种美味的烹饪媒介被用作任何数量菜肴的基础。当用辣椒,洋葱,咖喱叶和姜汁调味的油中,肉类尤其会获得美丽的颜色。您也可以在食谱的末尾使用它。我最喜欢的一些菜肴在上菜前会散发出这种美味的油。这是完成菜肴的一种极好的美味方式。该技术的多功能性可以在您的餐桌上解锁全新的选择世界。 It’s a fast way to introduce a balancing element of bitterness, earthiness, or brightness to the simplest of dishes, making it handy for quick weeknight meals.These tempered sweet potatoes illustrate how transformative the technique is. Hearty, filling, and packed with the flavors of my mother’s kitchen—onion, ginger, and chile flakes—they’re my cold-weather go-to. While my mother made this dish with russet potatoes or Yukon golds, I like using sweet potatoes because they are both firm and forgiving, making them ideal for soaking up the chile-and-spice-laden oil.