Spicy Pita Pockets with Chicken, Lentils, and Tahini Sauce
Credit: © Ashley Rodriguez

© Ashley Rodriguez / Pita Pockets

A new study from the U.S. Department of Agriculture shows that eating healthy is not more expensive then eating junk food. Economists analyzed the price per calorie, price by weight and price per average serving for over 4,000 foods. When it came to fruits and vegetables, the researchers found that the price "per average portion consumed" was a better value than less healthy snack foods and sugary items. NPR’s food blog,The Salt, suggests that when you’re trying to get the most nutritional value for the money you should use legumes like beans or lentils: they’re filling, high in protein and very affordable. Thesespicy pita pocketsare stuffed with roasted chicken, bulgar and delicious lentils. Topped with a tangy tahini sauce, the pita pockets make a fast and filling weeknight dinner or a brown bag lunch.