
Since when do waffles have to be made out of plain batter? We've made versions out ofshredded potatoes, kimchi and肉桂卷。华夫饼铁中有很多成分很好。vwin德赢avwin德赢ac米兰c米兰食品与葡萄酒的华夫饼指南可以通过包括经典的甜蜜主意,咸华夫饼干晚餐和无麸质的变化,以及在全国范围内尝试的最佳华夫饼景点来帮助您探索所有可能性。您保证再也不会有无聊的华夫饼了。

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Sourdough Buttermilk Waffles
If you can't find full-fat buttermilk at the market, you're better off substituting a mix of milk and sour cream instead (see amounts below). Collect your sourdough discard in a bowl in the fridge, adding to it until you have enough for the recipe. The sourdough discard can keep for up to 5 days before using. You can also make pancakes with this batter—see Note below for details.
7 Pop Culture-Inspired Waffle Makers to Start Your Day Right
在这一点上,我们都见过的ncake art, but not all of us are meant to make masterpieces on the griddle. Buf if breakfast is becoming boring or you've just found that plain old grid pattern on your waffles to be lacking in personality, there's another way to have our favorite characters sitting on our breakfast plate covered in butter and maple syrup. These pop culture-inspired waffle makers turn icons from movies, music, TV shows and newspaper comics into delicious, crispy works of art. All you have to do is put in the waffle batter and wait. — Clara Olshanksy
Tater Tot Waffles with Truffled Eggs
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Jen Pelka of The Riddler in San Francisco makes supercrunchy and delicious waffles using Tater Tots, then tops them with poached eggs and truffles, making them ideal for brunch.Slideshow: More Waffle Recipes
Tater Tot Waffles with Prosciutto and Mustard
旧金山的Riddler的Jen Pelka使用Tater Tots制作了超硬的华夫饼。她为华夫饼服务的一种更丰盛的方法之一是熏火腿和混合的蔬菜,以及CrémeFraîche和Mustard的快速混合在一起。Slideshow: More Waffle Recipes
Tater Tot Waffles with Smoked Salmon and Caviar
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旧金山的Riddler的Jen Pelka使用Tater Tots制作了超硬的华夫饼。Here she tops the waffles with caviar and smoked salmon, creating a delicious and decadent dish that’s ideal with Champagne.Slideshow: More Waffle Recipes

More Waffles

How to Make Kimchi-Cheddar Waffles
No waffle is complete without a delicious topping, especially the crispy, indulgent waffle ironed-cinnamon rolls featured in this week's episode of Mad Genius Tips! Here, seven of Food & Wine's best toppings that will complete any wonderful waffle stack.
Light and Crispy Waffles
Rating: 5 stars

When we made these dead-simple waffles from Pam Anderson's cookbook,Cook Smart,their rich buttermilk flavor and crisp yet light texture won over even longtime yeast-waffle fans. The recipe can be doubled, tripled, even quadrupled. Don't stack the waffles—they will become moist and limp. If necessary, recrisp directly on a rack in a 200° oven.More Brunch Ideas