
逢低是最完美的派对食物之一 - 有这么多种不同的种类,然后可以用玉米片到vwin德赢ac米兰克鲁迪塔饼的一切。鳄梨酱,鹰嘴豆蔻和莎莎都是漂亮的标准,但可以通过添加新鲜水果或草药轻松打扮。我们的最爱之一是spinach and artichoke dip-一个几乎普遍喜欢的,味道德尔icious with pita chips and pretzels. We use dry white wine, lemon zest and a dash of hot sauce to add flavor and spice. For a healthier twist on a dip, try this take on classic ranch. Kale adds great texture and color, and lebneh (similar to strained Greek yogurt) keeps this dip super creamy. Whether you're looking for a classic appetizer or want to try something new, F&W's guide has a dip recipe for every occasion.


Rating: Unrated 1
This creamy, smokey dip features flaky smoked salmon two ways: half is finely chopped to add a pleasant texture to the dip alongside briny pops of capers, and the rest is pureed with the mayonnaise, sour cream, and cream cheese, lending its beautiful color and deepening the flavor. Fresh dill and chives keep the dip light while lemon juice adds brightness while also keeping the dip perfectly scoopable — no broken chips here.
光滑,厚,分层,味道,这种温和的辣红辣椒和烤核桃的味道浓郁,用细地脆皮面包棒加厚。石榴糖蜜添加了一种分娩,散发出多汁的烤甜椒的甜味,辣椒糊状物只带来一丝热量。这个蘸是在厨房联盟讲师Jeanette Chawki的烤肉Lahem Meshwy(Lamb Shish Kebabs)and fresh, crunchyBiwaz(欧芹和洋葱沙拉),或用新鲜蔬菜为扣篮服务。
Kashke Bademjan.(Iranian Kashk and Eggplant Dip)
Kashk是酸奶比酸奶更厚,咸味较厚,是伊朗乳制品,使这种芳香茄子浸入甜美的纹理和酸味。花卉番红花,炒薄荷,更多的kashk点顶,加上美丽的颜色。服务这个Kashke Bademjan,灵感来自纳粹riahi的爱California-based Mission Ranch Market用新鲜的蔬菜和烤的浸渍浸泡。
How to Use Up Those Dried Cheese Scraps From Your Fridge
奶酪比你想象的更轻 - 这就是如何把最干燥的奶酪放在良好的用途中。
外面的盒子外面是由烤辣椒,大蒜,花生和芝麻的芳香混合物制成的。勺子Tuna-Avocado Ceviche, grilled fish, quesadillas, tacos, Mexican-style street corn, salad, pizza, or crusty bread.
Caramelized Five-Onion Dip
Rating: Unrated 2
五种不同的葱属 - 青葱,葱和甜,黄色和红洋葱混合 - 升级了这种经典的焦糖洋葱蘸,具有味道。黄色和红洋葱给它咬了一口,而Vidalia洋葱和青葱则享有愉快的甜味。花点时间煮洋葱较低,慢慢集中味道,同时加入中途烹饪的葱,让它们保持足够新鲜,可以用薯条,烤面包或蔬菜等莴苣,蒸的鱼片土豆和烤的小葫芦。


Add some spiced chicken and cauliflower and you’ll never go back.
The Super Bowl, for some people, is about sports. But for the rest of us, it's about the excellent snacking opportunities, and a core category is Super Bowl dips. There's nothing wrong with opening a jar, but once you realize the vast array of dips you can make yourself, including anupgrade to your onion dip, a gorgeouspurple-hued, za'atar beet dip, and many有趣的种类鹰嘴豆。If you want to get really fancy, you can even pair your Super Bowl dips with自制芯片。But even if all you have the strength for is mixing together a few things and plunking down a bowl next to a bag of tortilla chips, we have many dip options for you.


Finally, the no-grill, quick-cooking baba ganoush recipe you’ve been waiting for. A quick pressure cook in theInstant Pot有助于创建纹理的完美组合而无需烧烤。作为一个额外的奖金,这can be made up to 2 days in advance. Serve with fresh crunchy vegetables or grilled pitas for dipping.