Angie Mar exiting the Beatrice Inn

Angie Mar's Grand Return

Introspective and deeply personal, her new restaurant Les Trois Chevaux is an ode to old-school luxury.

"When I was eight I campaigned to stay in France," Angie Mar tells me, laughing. After eating a bite of veal kidney at a restaurant with her family while on vacation, she decided that Paris, instead of her hometown of Seattle, was where she was meant to be, she remembers. "I was so obsessed with the food there."

It's January 2021, and we're sitting in the back dining room of the Beatrice Inn, Mar's subterranean palace dedicated to all things meat and New York City. As she tells this story, Mar's face softens to a wistful smile. It's a different side of the chef and restaurateur than what I expected after reading headlines about heruncompromising commitmentto her style of cooking and excellence, but a lot of things had changed within her and around her since the release of her cookbookButcher + Beastin 2019. The conversation naturally progresses to family and next steps in an uncertain time in restaurants and in New York City.


几个月前,11月,Mar宣布了Beatrice Inn,这是她自2016年以来共同拥有的近100年历史的牛排馆would be closing and moving next door to a vacant restaurant space。Mar告诉新闻界,原因是房东,他拒绝对高昂的租金增加。

The Beatrice Inn had been open since 1920, and taking it over was a daunting task. But she excelled,garnering rave reviews, earning a F&W 2017 Best New Chef nod, and making the menu and dining experience a celebration of opulence, with enormous aged steaks, caviar, and magnums of Champagne. It was a party and Mar was the hostess, "transforming it into a nocturnal palace wheremassive cuts of aged Pat LaFrieda beefare served on silver platters… and many of the offerings are presented, carved, or prepared tableside for maximum visceral, animalistic, hedonistic, Rome-is-burning pleasure,"wrote F&W Editor in Chief Hunter Lewisin 2019. It made sense, post-Covid, to restart the party next door as soon as possible.

But that's not the full story.

Les Trois Chevaux interior
Credit: Andre L Perry

"I've grown creatively, and I've grown as a business owner," she says. Running a party 24/7 has its downsides, and as Mar writes in her book, she's been "sued, extorted, and had [her] face splashed across Page Six" in the time since she's owned the Beatrice Inn. In the weeks after the announcement, instead of thinking about reopening "The Bea," as it's affectionately called, Mar thought about what she wanted to do next. "I'm ready to have a place that is a little less chaotic." Instead of reopening the Beatrice Inn as guests have known it, she's opening a new restaurant concept next door. Inspired by the nickname her father and uncles called her and her two brothers, "the three horses," her new restaurant,Les Trois Chevaux, will be an ode to her family, her favorite type of food to cook and eat, to the city that has become her adopted home, and where she wants New York to go after a devastating year.

It's March 2021, and the West Village looks more alive than it had on previous visits, with flowers in front of corner stores and the sounds of children playing in Bleecker Playground. Outdoor dining spaces lining Hudson Street are full of people chatting cautiously about the future.

我发现3月283西12号压力et, a space still very much a work in progress. She's wearing a sparkling white chef coat and looks perplexed. In front of her are three 22-ounce steaks at varying degrees of aging: a 30-day aged steak, a 45-day aged steak, and 60-day aged steak, all perfectly seared and thickly sliced. Today is a menu-testing day in the new space, and she wants to figure out what age of steak to serve with a pile of frites and bone marrow.

horse lamp at Les Trois Chevaux
Credit: Andre L. Perry

Mar grabs a piece of the 30-day aged steak and turns it over in her hands, observing it before ripping it in two and placing a piece in her mouth with the seriousness of a sommelier blind-tasting a bottle of wine, before doing the same to the other steaks. Each one is gorgeously marbled with lines of opaque fat and cooked to a perfect rare. "Do you think we should go with one bone marrow or two for this dish," she asks her crew who are working to help with menu development that day. They laugh. "I think one is enough," Aaron Chang, her executive sous chef, says.

在Mar烹饪中,强烈的贯穿线是对奢侈品的承诺,而且在新空间中也很明显。甜美的宴会饰有海军蓝色(她已故父亲最喜欢的西装外套的颜色)的装饰;莫尔本人亲自挑选了环绕式酒吧的大理石。les trois Chevaux的豪华闪闪发光的水晶吊灯来自餐厅的餐厅。

Being above ground, in a space that she has completely tailored to her liking, top to bottom, is about being seen as a chef and person, maybe for the first time. "I felt upset that people were coming to check it off the list instead of actually seeing it," she says about the Beatrice Inn, but I get the sense that she's speaking about herself. "I felt handcuffed by that iconic name."

Perfect for a dinner party or any sort of special occasion, this stunning dish from Angie Mar is a project that's well worth your time. The crab and scallops lend a delicate sweetness, and the sherry sauce brings nuttiness and brightness. Almond flour is essential, as it holds the filling together and gives it texture.

Credit: Photo by Caitlin Bensel / Food Styling by Chelsea Zimmer / Prop Styling by Audrey Davis

As I'm standing in the kitchen, she's tasting everything that her team is working on and offering feedback. Frog's legs confited in duck fat and seared in a hot pan aren't up to par, so the team discusses prepping them differently, maybe poached instead. After tasting a bordelaise sauce she instructs her sous chef to reduce the wine "to almost nothing" to extract flavor and get rid of the bitterness. A truffle croissant, flaky and layered with thin slices of black truffles made in-house as an homage to Lutece, the French restaurant helmed by chef André Soltner that wasoften regarded as the best in New York City during its 43-year run,肯定会在菜单上,但必须在获得绿灯之前通过MAR的口味测试。她撕裂了它,并在咀嚼时认为这是一定的。

Soltner占据着特殊的地位作为一个导师Mar。He told Mar that during his time at Lutece he wanted to cook food that he believed in and was interested in, and that he hoped people would understand it. And if they didn't? So be it, he would keep cooking it anyway. "I identify with him in that aspect," Mar says. Her menu at Les Trois Chevaux is a nod to restaurants from New York City's fine-dining past like Le Cirque and Lutece, spurred by her deep research into old French cookbooks and a dedication to doing whatshewants to do now. But today, the truffle croissant gets disparaging remarks, signaling to the crew that the recipe still needs tweaking. "It's not insane yet," she says.

Les Trois Chevaux kitchen
Credit: Andre L Perry

Mar's deep reverence for French cooking is evident in everything she cooks. Chef Jacques Pepin remembers his first time eating at the Beatrice Inn, a dinner with his daughter Claudine. Mar presented them a tin of caviar and a bottle of Champagne, but the dish that made him understand her soul as a cook was a perfect, flavorful country-style paté. "Her food has personality, very strong character and personality," he says. "And like the best cooks, she's very generous. That passion and fortitude plus proper technique and talent makes her cooking exceptional." Pepin also helped out a little with decorating the new space: He gifted her one of his paintings to hang in the dining room.

InButcher + BeastMar写道:“无论您认为一块食物是好是坏,对创造者的过程比您的意见更有意义。”vwin德赢ac米兰从表面上看,这似乎是一个拒绝迎接批评家的勇气,但是在这一评论之下,一个人对下一步行动和他们想说的话有漫长而艰苦的思考,并在与世界分享他们的工作之前,将他们自己掌握在潜在的反馈意见上。在这本书的另一部分中,她谈论了一位作家,或者正如她所说的“食物博客作者变成批评家”,她为她的威士忌时光牛排订阅了1%的牛排而被黑名单。vwin德赢ac米兰尽管她说她的厨师座右铭是"zero fucks given,"对我来说,这轶事和她的新餐馆所示that Mar is an artist who in fact cares about a lot of things, including how people react to her food.

"The first time I met Angie, I'd read the stories, and the wordbadasscame up a lot, and a lot of the press was very much like, 'woman make steak?'," remembers Jamie Feldmar, food writer and co-author ofButcher + Beast。“但是一个不太关心且不那么敏感的人不会在他们烹饪的食物中投入太多。”vwin德赢ac米兰

Angie Mar in the kitchen at Les Trois Chevaux
Credit: Andre L Perry

And probably no dish on the new menu shows that more than the crown of lamb. Flambéed and carved tableside, it's seemingly just a delicious cut of meat served in grand form, which has become part of Mar's signature. But the dish is actually in honor of her father, who passed in 2018 as she was working on her cookbook and whose absence feels like it fills in the spaces in the story she's trying to tell in those pages. He cooked simple broiled lamb chops with black pepper and marmalade for her and her siblings when she was growing up, and in the quiet of 2020, with New York City and its restaurants closed, she found herself longing for those meals. "I'm actually quite antisocial and like to eat by myself because it's my time to reflect," she told me during our first meeting. At the time, it struck me as an admission of being impacted by others so intensely that solitude feels like safety.

When I say as much to her, she sits back and sighs. "I think we've all learned a lot about ourselves during this time," she says. "I felt pigeonholed for a long time, and this whole past year has really just reinforced that I'm ready for change and growth." Les Trois Chevaux is about embracing those quieter instincts or, as she puts it, putting away "the black nail polish."

I left the kitchen of the new space that day and thanked the crew for letting me hang out, but it was clear there was still much work to be done.

我上次与Mar见面时,她正在穿过Les Trois Chevaux的餐厅和厨房,因为空间正处于放在一起的最后阶段。五月下旬,西村似乎正在如火如荼地进行,汽车播放响亮的音乐,朋友在早午餐上沿着人行道桌子笑,以及一名制作人员拍摄了一集The Marvelous Mrs. Maiselat the end of the street. Mar seemed to be in better spirits too, buoyed by the energy of the neighborhood and the buzz of putting finishing touches on the kitchen and dining space. In true Mar fashion, not just any creative team will do, she has to have the best. She assembled a top-tier team to help realize her vision for the restaurant, including the award-winning architectural firm BWArchitects for the décor, Raul Avila for flowers, and Christian Siriano for her team's attire. "I'm so excited to open," she told me over high tea at Tea & Sympathy.

If chanterelle mushrooms are out of season, porcini, hedgehog, or trumpet mushrooms will make a good substitute as they are floral, but there is no mistaking chanterelles for this recipe. You may choose to strain the puréed mushrooms through a fine mesh sieve if you'd prefer a smooth cream. Angie likes the depth and dimension of the purée in the finished product and prefers to leave it as is.

Credit: Photo by Caitlin Bensel / Food Styling by Chelsea Zimmer / Prop Styling by Audrey Davis

She also had some news. "I'm not going to have steak on the menu," she said, unflinchingly. Despite what people expect of her, the opening menu at Les Trois Chevaux won't have a beef steak. Instead, she's opting for what's inspiring to her right now, like calves' brain quenelles with aerated bechamel and truffles. The point is not to be contrarian, but to leave the door open to cook whatever she wants in the future. "I'm sure that'll change as time goes on and I'm inspired by new things," she said. She's also been looking to Chinatown to support local businesses and working with local, family-run seafood purveyors. She uses words likeold school,chic, 和fantasywhen describing how Les Trois Chevaux will feel.

In her book, she writes, "New York has welcomed me, embraced my oddities, fed my neuroses, and nurtured my creativity." With Les Trois Chevaux, she'll be putting her current obsessions and point of view on a platter to be consumed, on her terms. "The new place is like a clean slate, and she doesn't have a heritage to live up to there," Feldmar says. "This is really going to be Angie Mar in her element, just Angie completely like a thousand percent herself."

And it seems a newly reopened New York City may be once again ready for Ms. Mar, who is just as energized and ready to host a different kind of party. "This is the direction that New York needs to go," she says. "Someone has to do it."