Tim Ma, Kevin Tien, Shirley Chung, and more Asian American chefs are leading initiatives to fight racism and raise money for AAPI communities.
蒂姆·马(左)和凯文·蒂恩(Kevin Tien)。
|学分:由蒂姆·马 /由凯文·蒂恩提供

Chef Tim Ma was maybe three or four on the night somebody threw a brick through the window of the bedroom he and his sister shared in their rural Arkansas home. They were too stunned to do anything except lie as still as possible, and they were too young to realize that they should wake up their parents, who didn't find out what had happened until the next morning.


This was one of several racist incidents that Ma says his Chinese American family experienced after his parents made the front page of the local newspaper for becoming naturalized citizens in a town where there weren't many Asians.

Like so many Asian Americans, Ma has had a complicated relationship with his heritage throughout his life. But now, after a year in whichanti-Asian hate crimeshave surged around the country, Ma knows it's time to be proudly Asian American and to do something for the AAPI community.

马萨诸塞州华盛顿特区的厨师,其投资组合包括美国儿子餐厅和Lucky Danger外卖概念,是厨师停止ping AAPI Hate。这个联盟将在华盛顿特区举行的外卖晚餐系列,该系列于周四晚上开始,每周由40多个厨师创作,并贯穿AAPI Heritage Month在五月。在将厨师每份拨款10美元的食物中偿还10美元之后,将向非营利组织捐款,包括vwin德赢ac米兰停止AAPI仇恨崛起正义实验室。

在发布前三场晚餐的门票(以150美元的价格为两人喂食)后,停止AAPI Hate的厨师已经增加了近20,000美元的销售额。此外,华盛顿特区市长办公室已承诺为这一事业支付10,000美元。

除了筹款之外,马萨诸塞州和同伴厨师停止了AAPI Hate Hate联合创始人凯文天山are ready to share their personal stories to help raise awareness about anti-Asian racism.

蒂恩说:“我们必须发声才能看到,被视为美国人,甚至有时只是被视为人类。”2018Food & Wine最好的新厨师谁现在跑步月球兔子。“如果我们想能够让我们的祖父母和我们的孩子继续生活而不必担心受到攻击,就不再有隐形了。”越南美国厨师记得一个童年时代,在邻居大喊种族诽谤之后,他停止在加利福尼亚的河边玩耍,问他和他的妹妹是否吃了狗。

Tien and Ma are part of a movement of Asian American chefs who are mobilizing around the country. They've spoken to chefs in New York, Philadelphia, Boston, Pittsburgh, New Orleans, Los Angeles, Austin, and other cities about organizing Chefs Stopping AAPI Hate events, which they plan to announce in the coming weeks.

在亚特兰大枪击事件发生后,杀死了六名亚洲血统的妇女Seoulju和L.A.'s汉奇已经将其一些收入捐赠给#Stopasianhate运动。这AAPI Love Taste Bud T恤在美国列出了100多家AAPI拥有的餐厅,也正在为这一事业筹集资金。这个星期天在洛杉矶,茶店陡峭的洛杉矶将托管a慈善活动来自当地亚洲餐厅和弹出窗口的物品,包括RiceBox,Hayato,Ototo, 和金卡, among many others. Every dollar from this event will be donated. ChefsEunjo公园和Max Ng of the Momofuku restaurant group will have a虚拟3月31日烹饪课to bring in donations.

Pop Off LAis a series of chef collaborations around Los Angeles that will raise money for the AAPI community on May 16-23. This is a spinoff of the洛杉矶vwin德赢ac米兰食品帮虚拟筹款活动本月初,在会所上筹集了近60,000美元。(作为一位亚裔美国人作家,他花了多年的时间讲述了AAPI拥有的餐厅的故事,我也被迫加入这一运动,我帮助洛杉矶爆发了。)

Leo and Lydia Lee and Shirley Chung
从左到右:Leo Lee,Lydia Lee和Shirley Chung。
|信用:由雪莉·钟(Shirley Chung)提供的稻箱 /礼貌

这Pop Off LA lineup will be announced in a couple weeks, featuring collaborations likebo炸玉米饼1986RiceBoxBridgetown Roti.

“我从来没有为成为亚裔美国厨师而感到自豪,我们的盟友站在我们身边。”雪莉·钟(Shirley Chung),one of Pop Off LA's other co-founders. "We will not stay silent anymore. We are done with the 'model minority' stereotype."

Instead of Asian Americans retreating in the face of racism, the #StopAsianHate movement has been built around the power of unity. Chung's restaurant, Ms. Chi, had an incident last weekend where somebody walked in, stole a bag of takeout, and then yelled racial slurs at the chef's husband, Jimmy. Chung knows it's more important than ever to speak up against hate.

Ricebox的厨师Leo Lee也可以将他遇到的种族主义内化。他回想起进入他餐厅的客人,只是朝他和他的妻子莉迪亚(Lydia)的方向咳嗽。在大流行之前,水稻是Yelp评论的主题,暗示餐厅正在烹饪猫。

"Lydia and I were bothered by the Yelp review for a couple of days," he said. "We kept asking ourselves if we upset a guest. We truly thought it was our fault. At the end, we knew it was simply because we were Chinese."

In Washington, D.C., both Tien and Ma remember how their parents wanted their children to be assimilated into American culture. Both chefs grew up eating a lot of American food, like hot dogs and burgers. Ma points out that he and his sister never learned to speak Chinese, and also that he doesn't even know how to cook traditional Chinese food. He has a restaurant named American Son because he remembers his parents introducing him to people as "their American son, Timmy." He understands that a lot of his childhood was about trying to erase everything about his heritage "except for his looks."


"We're born here," Ma said. "There's this vocalization of standing up for who we are and how we are here in America."

Ma remembers talking to his family on January 6, the day the U.S. Capitol was stormed. "My parents told me to run if there was trouble," he said. "Whereas my sister was, 'No, stand and fight. This is your moment to fight.' I think that spells out the generational difference."