If you love eggnog, you should try Cola de Mono.
Cola de Mono

如果您是Team Eggnog团队的骄傲成员,那么您的雷达应该还有另一种饮料:智利的典型圣诞节鸡尾酒,可乐de Mono。一种White Russian-esque由Aguardiente,牛奶,糖,咖啡和冬季香料(如丁香和肉桂)制成的混合物,Cola de Mono(西班牙语中的“猴子”的意思是“猴子的尾巴”)是智利人的杯子中的假期。传统上,每个智利家庭都准备在圣诞节和新年前夕准备,都有自己的特殊版本的食谱,改变了每种成分的数量,或者添加不同的香料,例如肉豆蔻,香草或肉桂。没有单一的方法来制作Cola de Mono;它只需要对您和您的(18岁的智利饮酒)家庭的味道,应该有很多事情要去。

While the standard ingredients of milk, coffee, sugar, and spices are instantly recognizable, aguardiente may not ring a bell. Popular throughout Spain, Portugal, and Latin American countries,Aguardienteis a clear, brandy-type liquor, distilled from different ingredients like sugar cane or fruits. In Chile, aguardiente is distilled from the left-over pulp, skin, and seeds of pressed wine grapes, and is generally over 45 percent ABV. If you can’t find aguardiente, you can sub in another similar spirit like vodka, brandy, or Chile’s national spirit,pisco.

Due to its strong alcohol content and sweet flavor profile, Cola de Mono is usually served in the evening during La Once, Chilean tea time, accompanied by other holiday treats like Pan de Pascua, a very dense,nutty fruitcake.

Cola de Mono的确切起源和同名尚不清楚。一个理论声称,它是在圣地亚哥最古老的餐厅Cuspiteria Torres发明的。据报道,他们将其签名解放包装在可回收的瓶子中一种nis del Mono, a Spanish liqueur with a long-tailed monkey on the label. But the most popular and widely-accepted origin story is that the Cola de Mono was invented at a high-society house party in the early 1900s. Then-President Pedro Montt was in attendance, but as he made attempts to leave, the other guests hid his prized Colt pistol to make him extend his stay. Montt agreed, but as all the wine had run out, someone added brandy to a pitcher of coffee and milk. The resulting drink was affectionately called the “Colt de Montt,” and over time, the name evolved into Cola de Mono. Montt was also sometimes referred to as “El Mono Montt” by his inner circle.

无论其起源如何,Cola de Mono现在都是智利度假文化的偶像,由于我与智利的婚姻以及我在智利生活度过的时光,它已成为我自己假期传统的一部分。


Pulling open the refrigerator door, I came face to face with bottles upon bottles of a tawny, chocolate-milk-looking liquid that had been crammed into every available nook and cranny, packaged in every kind of container possible: repurposed wine bottles, plastic measuring carafes, pitchers. “What is this?” I asked my partner.

“Mi niña, that’s Cola de Mono! Pruébalo!” my mother-in-law gushed, pouring me a cup.

The rich, creamy texture instantly reminded me of蛋酒: a welcome bit of nostalgia as eggnog isn’t common in Chile. Combined with the spices and sweetness, it tasted at once familiar yet new; a bridge between Christmases past and future, connecting my old holiday traditions and flavors with something new and different from my new family and home in Chile.

在家让可乐de Mono, combine 4 cups of whole milk with half a cup of granulated sugar, half a cup of water, three cloves, two cinnamon sticks, one teaspoon nutmeg, and two teaspoons vanilla extract in a saucepan. Bring everything up to a gentle boil and stir until the sugar dissolves. Add in two to three tablespoons of instant coffee and simmer for two to three minutes. Cool the mixture to room temperature, pluck out the whole spices, and add a cup of aguardiente or the spirit of your choosing. Mix, chill, and enjoy the holiday drink the way Chileans do. Since every Chilean household has their own interpretation, the amounts listed above are not set in stone; feel free to experiment with different spices, portions, etc. depending on your preference.