
制作龙舌兰酒是一个漫长的过程,通常需要五到八年的时间,并且需要大量法规。生产商必须使用蓝色龙舌兰植物(墨西哥的200种品种之一),并且只能在某些州(无论是墨西哥jal)生产龙舌兰酒。但是,制作龙舌兰酒过程中的所有辛勤工作和关怀都以最终的精神出现。优质的龙舌兰酒应该是丰富而光滑的,在酒精后面,辣,复杂的口味。F&W的指南探讨了令人耳目一新的方法来享受这一点spiritand tips about the best brands to try.


This Is the Rock's Favorite Way To Drink Tequila
自从Dwayne Johnson推出他的龙舌兰酒品牌Teremana以来,他已经学到了很多东西,包括与之搭配的最佳食物。vwin德赢ac米兰
这种新鲜的鸡尾酒平衡了轻柑橘和草药的香气注入糖浆with bubbly club soda and smooth blanco tequila. Substitute gin for a more prominent botanical flavor.
红宝石红paplemousse paloma
Giffard Pamplemousse甜酒玫瑰酒有一个concentrated grapefruit flavor, with a gentle bitterness from the pith and plenty of citrus sweetness from the fruit. It adds complexity to this paloma-esque cocktail, rounding out the fresh juices with enough sweetness to balance each drink.
以最好的方式,八月是最懒惰的月份。它的移动似乎比一年中的其他几个月慢一点 - 从理论上讲,由于热量,实际上是因为很多人正在休假。这很迟钝,甚至懒洋洋,但总是欢迎。(After all, it’s far more fun to be lazy with friends.) All of that makes August, in my mind, the best month for leisurely dinners outside, for grilling in the backyard or by the beach or the lake, for cooking unfussy food. This means, of course, that it’s also prime frozen cocktail season.My most recent slushy obsession is a tequila, cucumber, and coconut water creation, blended up with cilantro and lime and rimmed with a mix of chili powder, sumac, and salt. It’s an ode to my favorite Mexican street snack: fruta con chile y limón, little bags of sliced mango, cucumber, and jicama usually sprinkled with Tajín, a spicy and sour snack seasoning. I make the icy concoction in big batches, and it never lasts very long, but a little advance prep and direction empowers my guests to blend more themselves without disturbing my valuable chill time. I peel and chop several cucumbers in advance, portion them out, and freeze them before guests arrive; squeeze lots of lime into a bowl; and chop an extra-big bunch of herbs on the side. The chili-salt mixture sits on a plate on the counter for people to sprinkle and rim as they please. And any extra doubles as seasoning for crunchy veggies, grilled corn on the cob, or a platter of watermelon. It’s August at its best.


Top 10 Blanco Tequilas
If you blithely follow the interwebs, you may have come to the conclusion that tequila is a miracle drink. In the past year, stories have bounced around about the wonders of Mexico’s most famous spirit: It’ll help you lose weight, improve the bacteria in your gut, lower blood sugar levels, fight cholesterol and even reduce your chances of developing dementia. Most of these claims, unfortunately, are boneheaded. And, honestly, declaring any 80-proof liquor to be “good for you” is mighty suspect in the first place.However, there is a tiny shred of truth to the idea that tequila won’t damage you as cavalierly as some other spirits might. One hundred percent blue agave blanco tequilas—which, unlike reposados or añejos, aren’t aged in wood—are low in congeners, the chemical impurities that are hard for your system to process and can exacerbate hangovers. Also, since these tequilas are made solely from a succulent plant and not a grain, the gluten-averse among us can relax. But will tequila make you thinner? Well...it has no fewer calories than any other spirit of equal strength. But if you drink it straight, at least you’re not adding any calories. And our favorite bottles, featured here, all taste fantastic in a glass by themselves, with a rock or without. —Ray Isle
Essential Blanco Tequilas to Stock in Your Liquor Cabinet
Vital for margaritas, for palomas, and for the occasional shot, blanco tequila is a workhorse; your liquor cabinet isn’t complete without it. So for National Tequila Day, we’re bringing you our favorites. Lightly aged reposado and long-aged añejo are entirely different animals, but for the moment, we’ll concentrate on the best unaged tequila. Here are twelve of the best. —Carey Jones
Rating: 2 stars

gochujang(韩国智利糊)和gochugaru(韩国智利粉)的边缘在这种蛋art和辣的玛格丽塔酒中产生了温暖的热量。您可以在线订购Gochujang和Gochugaru,也可以在当地的亚洲杂货店找到它们。Slideshow:More Margarita Recipes