As you might expect from a city with so many dark, cold days on the annual calendar, there’s no shortage of coffee in Portland, and we found the very best.
Credit: Tandem Coffee

缅因州波特兰玛丽艾伦林德曼和艾伦·矛赌博on, way back in 1994, was a very different city than the Portland, Maine we know today. When the duo opened their first咖啡缅因州最大城市的市中心曾经被称为色情区,在国会街的一片肮脏的国会街上购物,曾经被称为色情区,危险地接近半空,并以现已达成的40%空缺率而摇摇欲坠。没有光明的未来,没有确定的事情要指向,还没有 - 这是一个时间,您可能还记得,普通美国人根本没有做wntown, not unless absolutely necessary.

Lindemann and Spear believed, however. In Portland, in the power of coffee to grow community. A quarter of a century later, Portland is one of America’s most easily-appreciated cities of its size, and Coffee By Design is one of Portland’s most favored coffee providers. Contemplating a cup of their sparkling bright Colombian on a recent Monday, a morning when the weather outside was equally inspired, I could see why. Here was a marvelously complex thing—crisp, but also quite fruity, almost dancing on the palate, tingling the tongue with what felt like a hit of minerality, assuming the mind wasn’t playing tricks on me. This was a coffee you might like to drink by the pool on a summer afternoon, while everyone else drank their ice-cold rosé—that’s how refreshing it was.



这re are now four Coffee By Design shops in the area, which is plenty, considering Portland’s modest size, and my stop at their Diamond Street flagship, out in an industrial corner of the city’s East End, was just one of stops I would be making that day, as part of my research for the next edition of Food & Wine’s每个州最好的咖啡民意调查。



是什么使赢家?您可以在过程中阅读更多信息这里这里, but briefly: I will typically visit anonymously, preferring to experience each shop the way any consumer would. I will, however, order as many drinks as I can without attracting too much attention, in order to learn as much as possible.. Often, and this was frequently the case in Portland, these visits are mere spot checks on places I’m already quite familiar with—in some cases I’ll have visited many times before. After nine stops in one memorable and educational day, here are the four I’d recommend most highly, right now.


Credit: Tandem Coffee

One of the most fashionable roasters in New England right now, the one pretty much everybody in the coffee industry under the age of 40 will immediately reference when you talk about Maine, this labor of love from Blue Bottle grads Will and Kathleen Pratt has been a star of the Portland scene since 2012. While the vintage service station on Congress Street is far and away the most popular place for Tandem’s loyal fans—both local and visiting from elsewhere—to pay tribute, I prefer the diminutive cafe space inside Tandem’s modest, East End roasting plant. Here, underneath the big Colonial-style windows, soaking up the morning light if you’re lucky, you feel as if you’re part of the family, rather than unwitting fodder for somebody’s Instagram feed,并不是说那有什么问题. The choices on the occasion of my visit were simple, beginning with a cup of the Stoker, their “kinda dark” blend, designed as a sort of evangelistic tool, an outstretched hand to Dunkin’-obsessed New Englanders. This is a thoroughly enjoyable, very straightforward coffee, one of the most balanced I’ve tried from the new wave of dark-ish roasts, and I had plenty of time to think about how much I liked the stuff while the conscientious barista worked to dial in the day’s espresso, a Colombian from estimable producer Astrid Medina. Three tries later, I’d say both my shot and cappuccino came out fine, if still short of the mark. I’d have happily waited around for perfection, in order to experience what was clearly a spectacular coffee at its very best, but the morning rush had already begun.

咖啡by Design


如此靠近串联的东端烘焙店,您可以扔一只咖啡豆,然后又碰到一只咖啡豆,CBD的巨大钻石街旗舰店已经在星期一早上九点左右进行了活动。就商店设计而言,介入这里就像回到十年或更长时间 - 连接地板,温暖的口音墙,1990年代丰富的音调,墙壁上有丰富的当地艺术品。(发生这种情况仅在2014年开业。)然而,没有任何老式的咖啡 - 如上所述,Finca El Llano Colombian是我尝试过的最好的咖啡之一。2019年调查于三月发行。可惜的是,这是双浓缩咖啡和无褶皱的卡布奇诺咖啡几乎不值得第二眼。


自2009年以来,这很容易成为城市旧港口区的访客咖啡烘焙师和咖啡馆经营,这是绝对一切的核心。我很久以前就失去了我在这家商店里走了多少次的踪迹,并且不记得我不感到满意的时候。Today was no exception, though here, for the first time that day, espresso outshone cups of coffee (I tried two here, and while they were absolutely fine, neither were really competing with what I’d just had.) After years of experience, Bard remains one of the city’s most dependable destinations for a proper espresso drink.



Way up in a part of Portland most casual visitors do not typically encounter, at least not at first, this cheerful multi-roaster has been serving its neighborhood since 2017, working to a standard that I have not observed at any of the non-roaster shops around town. Also, this one had no qualms about looking to other cities and states for their coffee—an apparent rarity in hometown-proud Portland. There was a Sumatran of some sort on the boil, so to speak, and I said yes, I’d like to try some—out came the second absolutely epic cup of the day, something so juicy, so sweet, and special. Was that真的pineapple I was tasting? The knowledgeable barista on duty swung the bag around for my benefit, and there it was, first spot on the tasting notes:别针eapple.(I’m not that good at tasting notes, to be honest—try this coffee, and you’ll see for yourself, the flavor is awfully hard to miss.) Grown in Sumatra’s lush, volcanic Kerinci Valley, this thrilling honey process coffee (read more about that这里)将已经独特的苏门答腊咖啡带到了一个新的,完全令人愉悦的水平。事实证明,烘焙师是新兴的生动,在佛蒙特州北部。幸运的是,我的下一个目的地。