这碗面条和面包的面包变成了Iliana Regan的母亲的舒适,伴侣和最好的朋友。
Food Becomes Love
学分:Caitlin-Marie Miner Ong

My mom is a great cook. She comes by it naturally, and she is obsessed with it. My mom will be the first to tell you she has an eating disorder—then she will say it’s just like how her daughter (me) is an alcoholic. So much for anonymity.

At a very young age, she found comfort in food. Her mother was cold, her father was an alcoholic, and mostly she was left alone. Some parents tell stories about walking miles to school in the cold. In 1949, at five years old, in her dirty little dress and no shoes, my mom was put on a bicycle. Her mother said, “School is that way.” To hear her tell it, she never had a birthday party until she was old enough to give herself one.

Occasionally she would go to her grandfather’s house, where her uncle Frank still lived. Frank cleaned my mom’s face and hands, put her in fresher clothes, and brought her into the kitchen. She sat on a curved bench by a window with the small kitchen table in front of her. Frank stood on the other side of the table, a pile of flour between them.

They spent the afternoons mixing dough; my mother helped roll it out. She pinched it closed before placing it in the long loaf pan, which she had smeared with butter. After Frank put it on top of the stove, she didn’t move for two hours, until it was ready to bake. She readArchie漫画,她等待着。她每隔几分钟looked up to see the level of the loaf, because she knew that when it peeked from the top like a cloud, it was ready. Frank gave her mittens to wear while she put it in the oven. The hiss and crackle of the logs from inside the stove were the perfect accompaniment when rain began to fall. When he opened the oven, the Champagne-like smell of yeast and caramelized butter permeated the room, so thick you could feel it on your skin. The sweet smell stuck in your hair for days.

“Can we cut it?” she asked every time a loaf came out.

“No,” Frank said. “We have to wait.”





Frank would make my mom a grenadine “cocktail” with a cherry, and she’d sit at the bar. Frank would put a bowl of beef and noodles in front of her, and she’d devour it.




“I got you something,” Frank told her once.

He began to unwrap what looked like a hunk of meat in butcher paper, tied up pretty with twine. When he turned around, he was holding a shiny new pair of shoes.

My mother gasped. “Those are for me?”

“Yes,” he said and slipped them on her feet. She wiggled her toes inside them.






弗兰克(Frank)充分发挥了一切作用 - 没有捷径,没有窍门。弗兰克(Frank)从头开始制作了一切,铣削面粉,搅拌黄油。


Frank created a mound of flour in the center of the table. The white dust spilled out and up into the air. It was beautiful, my mom thought, like a mini avalanche. He formed a well and had my mom crack a dozen eggs into it. Frank made his own crème fraîche by leaving cream in a jar on top of his icebox with a dash of apple cider vinegar. He placed two large spoonfuls in the center of the well.


“Perfect,” he exclaimed. He wrapped it snug with a kitchen towel and set it in a cool, dark corner on the kitchen counter.

Several hours and many crossword puzzles later, Frank began to roll out the dough with a large rolling pin. He tossed the sheets to my mom. With steady concentration, she cut them the size of chewing gum sticks.

When Frank pulled off the Dutch oven lid, my mom felt what girls at school said they felt about boys they liked: Her stomach felt full of butterflies, and her heart felt like it was beating all the way up into her throat. The beef was brown and juicy; the muscle pieces began to splinter away, held by a web of milky white fat. Frank explained that you should always cook with beef that has a good amount of fat between its muscles, and cook it until it falls apart—but not too long. Just until it’s perfect.

He pulled the meat from the pan, into which he added more water, some bay leaves, and a splash of red wine. With two forks he gently broke the meat into pieces.

锅里的内容回到沸腾,他表演ed my mom how to cook the noodles, right in the same pan. The flour from the noodles thickened the pan drippings, water, and wine into a gravy. Once the noodles were floating in the gurgling gravy mess, Frank added the meat back in and stirred. He used a big wooden ladle to heap the contents into a china bowl and placed the dish before her.


Reprinted with permission fromBurn the Placeby Iliana Regan, Agate Midway, July 2019.