披萨+ Calzones.

Just when we thought pizza couldn't get any more popular, Americans are consuming more pizza than they ever have before. According to reports, Americans eat pizza一个月四次。If you're one of those pizza lovers who eats this popular food at least once a week, then you've come to the right place. Food & Wine has the best homemade pizza and calzone recipes, plus expert lessons from pizza masters and lists of where to get the most delicious pizza around the country.


Rating: Unrated 1
Dijon Mustard和Dranty发酵德国泡芙穿过融化的Fontina和Mozzarella的奶油丰富,而咸的开心果可以为这款阿尔萨利菜Choucroute Garnie-Inspired Pizza添加一个令人愉快的危机。“Choucroute Pie是抵达时感到明显的想法之一,”奥斯汀的福法琳娜的老板和Bufalina的所有者的2017年食品和葡萄酒侍酒师说。vwin德赢ac米兰vwin德赢ac米兰“厨房坐在一些高质量的辣妹上;它是下降的,我的思绪立即去了阿尔萨斯。我喜欢它,因为它有所有这些风味,我们喜欢传统的菜肴 - 富含雌性的富人和奶酪被自信所抵消芥末和kraut - 但它仍然相对平衡。“
Rating: Unrated 1
Pork and pineapple are a dream combination in this homemade salty-sweet pizza. Miriam Weiskind's twist on pineapple-topped pie uses Genoa salami in place of ham, and paired with creamy mozzarella and an oregano-scented uncooked tomato sauce, it is sure to convert any pineapple pizza skeptics.
Rating: Unrated 2
这款经典披萨很容易带着新鲜食材扣。Miriam Weiskind的美味面团通过仔细揉捏,然后在冰箱中慢慢上升一个,达到五天,使其成为完美的,取得的披萨基地。搭配奶油色乳酪,新鲜剪刀和未煮熟的酱汁提供大味道。
无论您是选择制作自己的面团(尼科尔罗素,创始人Last Dragon Pizza在远远胜地,皇后队,强烈推荐)或从商店购买,这个“Kiss Mi Converse”披萨注定要伟大。由Russell的牙买加家族的自创混蛋腌制,占据中心舞台,给鸡肉顶部带来丰富的味道,而黑橄榄,黄辣椒和交叉的葱坯果岭不只是美味 - 他们向牙买加国旗致敬。您将在此食谱中留下一些额外的混蛋腌料 - 这对于烟熏或烤鸡肉非常棒。

更多披萨+ calzones

One of the characters on the Netflix show described deep-dish pizza as a "quiche made of cement"
Grandma Pie Pizza
与薄的地壳Neapolitan-style派,thick, deliciously chewy crust of a classic grandma pie is easy to pull off at home. All you need is a sturdy, standard “half-sheet” rimmed baking sheet (steer clear of cookie sheets, which are smaller and less sturdy). Don’t stint on the oil for the pan—it helps create a gloriously crispy, golden crust. Spread with an oregano-spiked tomato sauce and topped with plenty of part-skim (not fresh!) mozzarella, this recipe delivers an old-school pizzeria experience at home.有关的: 更多披萨食谱