Whether you savor it over banana leaves in a chop bar in Accra or at home in your own kitchen, waakye is an infinitely layered feast.

坏男孩,坏男孩,Waakye会这样做吗?好吧,如果您是阿克拉的街头小贩,您将在凌晨2点起床,开始制作您的Shito和Waakye(发音为“ Wah-chay”),以繁华的通勤者队列排队,以准备他们的五道菜早餐。


Waakye truly is, in my opinion, the meanest street food alive.

Credit: Photo by Antonis Achilleos / Prop Styling by Christina Daley / Food Styling by Margaret Monroe Dickey

Waakye(也称为Awaakye)不止一件事。首先,是米饭和豆类。“ Waakye”一词来自Hausa语言,是全名“ Shinkafa Da Wake”的合同形式,意为大米和豆类。这种解释得到了与豪萨社区一起放置在加纳北部的菜肴的起源,豪萨群落的主食是米饭和豆类。因此,Waakye只是“米饭和豆类”。它是由香米斯米饭或茉莉米饭和豆类(通常是黑眼豌豆或牛豆)制成的,与Waakye叶(高粱叶或茎)一起煮熟,它们将其粉红色的棕色棕色色调添加到米饭上。通常会添加石灰石或小苏打,以散发出叶子的微妙风味并加深着色。叶子通常在食用前被去除,但是由于美学原因,我始终保留茎戳出的戏剧性建筑边缘。谁说天蝎座是戏剧性的?

但是,如果没有Waayke炖菜的圣杯,那些米饭和豆类对加纳人来说并不意味着什么,这是他们的主要伴奏。炖山羊或羊肉的肩膀,在加纳(Ghana)中含有各种香料和调味料,包括塞利姆(Selim)的胡椒谷物,充满活力的新鲜姜和烟熏小龙虾粉。但这不是全部。Waakye以最真实的形式是所有这些东西,还有一盒技巧 - 完整的米饭和豆类的菜肴都带有各个区域各不相同的杂物,根据文化偏好,供应商到供应商。伴奏的“技巧”可以包括Wele(牛皮炖菜),煮鸡蛋,Gari(精细磨碎和空气干木薯),Shito(一种使用烟熏虾和/或小龙虾制成的传统热胡子调味品),原始的鸡蛋。蔬菜沙拉,切成薄片的鳄梨,番茄和白洋葱片,意大利面条(加纳称为“塔利亚”)和/或渡渡鸟(成熟的炸肉草)。

If this sounds like an epic meal-it is! Imagine eating all that for breakfast at 6 a.m. on your way to work? An affordable feast, it is usually served in banana or plantain leaves at Chop Bars (roadside eateries) and restaurants. But for me, there is an added fervor and excitement when waakye is purchased in the less aesthetically and environmentally pleasing clear polyethylene bag from innumerable bustling street food vendors, at half the price and double the deliciousness. As a caterer who has spent 10 years in the street food and festival arena, I have always marveled at the street vendors for the stamina and ambition of this food service.

众所周知和称赞jollofrice is still viewed as a laborious preparation, hence its special-occasion status as a celebratory rice dish for Sundays, weddings, and parties (though that narrative is changing as easier shortcuts for preparation are popularized and Western franchises such as Pizza Hut, KFC and Burger King add jollof to their menus to woo the new burgeoning middle classes of Ghana's growing urban populations).

Waakye, on the other hand, can be eaten at any time of the day, either for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. My family and I can attest that it is undoubtedly one of Ghana's favorite breakfast foods. My Uncle Francis would dash across the red dusty road at dawn with the cock crowing a fanfare to hustle for his breakfast waakye. Excuse me, his "pre-breakfast." I endured up to three breakfasts before 9 a.m. at my grandmother's house in Kaneshie, by which time it was too hot and I was too fat to move.

Once a delicacy peculiar to the Northern regions, Waakye has become, contrary to popular Western belief, much more of a national treasure and every day staple in Ghanaian homes than jollof despite the hype jollof gets. The dish has certainly captured the imaginations of all Ghanaians with a high visibility in street food from Kumasi to Accra and Cape Coast. Cultures across the country are adopting and adapting the dish with a range of accompaniments. Some prefer more beans to rice, while others love more protein and spicier shito, so each dish of waakye has its own unique characteristics, thanks to the many different accompaniments it's served with. The combinations are simply endless. You can get a "simple" waakye with spaghetti or you can go large by adding a boiled egg, meat, and/or fish, finished with shito and stew.

我最后一次去阿克拉,2018, I lamented the absence of a contemporary waakye bar in the midst of so many new Western food offerings in town. I still have this latent desire to open my own waayke bar in New York, however my friend Jay Agebei has taken up the mantle and you should definitely go visitAnandwo Waakye下次您在阿克拉获得美丽的Waayke体验时。

It shouldn't surprise anyone that variations of waayke came about due to the Trans-Atlantic slave trade. Like an "authentic" waakye, Trinidadian rice and peas are made with black-eyed peas or cowpeas.Jamaican rice and peas(实际上是肾结豆)用百里香,苏格兰式帽子,洋葱和椰奶煮熟,可以被视为其版本的Waakye,而圭亚那也用米饭和豆类制成的“煮饭”,与蛋白质,新鲜的草药和新鲜草药和新鲜的草药和新鲜的草药和香料。但是,喀麦隆人更喜欢在混合并与蔬菜和炖菜一起装饰之前分别准备大米和豆类。“ O arrozcomfeijão”或“粉底”是巴西菜的版本 - 大米和豆类是肉类和蔬菜的主食。

Check out我的Waayke食谱给自己一个感官的盛宴。在下面的播放列表上打磨,将您运送到加纳,调高厨房的热量,并冥想Waakye的仪式和历史以及我们的西非祖先如何在世界范围内塑造美食。
