
Nothing is more comforting on a cold day than a warm, hearty bowl of stew. Stews are part of almost every cuisine, from classic French beef bourguignon, to Brazilian moqueca, to the endless varieties of Moroccan tagines. Not only are stews delicious, they're also a great way to make use of what's around—which in the winter months may not be much. Stews transform tougher, less expensive cuts of meat like lamb shoulder or flatiron steak; simply simmer the protein with seasonal vegetables and a flavorful broth and you've got a satisfying, one-pot meal. Food & Wine's guide to stew includes inspired dishes from around the globe plus favorite recipes from Jacques Pepin, Gail Simmons and more of the F&W family. Winter: we're ready for you.


Grace Parisi's Feijoada
My old Brazilian nanny, feeling displaced and perpetually homesick (Brazilians call itsaudade),当我制作巴西的国家菜时,只会笑容笑容雪田, which, for the sake of my family's happiness, turned out to be a weekly occurrence. It's a hearty stew made with black beans, pork shoulder,Carne Seca.(像牛肉一样干牛肉),LinguiçaCalabresa.(像Kielbasa这样的猪肉香肠)和板坯培根的火腿。这是一个完整的项目 - 我周末预订。但saudadedoesn't differentiate between weekday and weekend, so I found myself making a fast version. I like to use canned beans, serrano ham, prosciutto orbresaola(意大利风干牛肉)因为它最近似Carne Seca.'s略带游戏,肉味。
Daube de Boeuf(牛肉和红酒炖)vwin德赢ac米兰
Rating: Unrated 1
这款版本的经典法国地中海红酒炖煮的牛肉浓度依赖于三种不同的牛肉,用于坚硬,柄,为其柔滑的质地和结缔组织,以vwin德赢ac米兰及脂肪和深味的短肋骨。传统上,Daube在一个叫做Daubière的球形泥罐中煮熟,但也可以用紧密密封的荷兰烤箱制成。羊肉,公猪,鹿肉和章鱼是广泛使用的替代品。结构化的麸皮葡萄酒是这种美味炖的完美配对 - vwin德赢ac米兰既可以烹饪,又喝。
Tomatillo鸡肉炖与sauvignon blanc
This deliciously tangy salsa verde-stewed chicken gets served over sweet strands of spaghetti squash, a vitamin-rich and lower-calorie alternative to the usual rice or tortilla. A citrusy New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc has enough mouthwatering acidity to pair with the bright salsa and is a great match for the green flavors in the dish.
Jambalaya with Andouille Sausage, Chicken, and Shrimp
Rating: Unrated 1
Beef-and-Fonio Meatballs with Sweet Potato Stew
Rating: Unrated 3.
Cooked until fluffy and dry like couscous, fonio, a West African staple grain, keeps the meatballs tender while imparting a mildly nutty, earthy flavor. These meatballs are on the delicate side—let them chill before cooking, and sear them on all sides to help them hold together during the final simmer in the sauce.


Rating: Unrated 2
In this一个经典帕西菜的家庭食谱, lamb shoulder is slowly tenderized into a rich braise, thickened with pigeon pea dal, and deeply flavored with vibrant green chutney, tangy tomato achaar, and dhansak masala. Use leftover kachumber on fish tacos or grilled pork chops.
Rating: Unrated 7.
在塞内加尔在Keur Moussa修道院,典型的饭菜包括PouletMafé,鸡肉,根蔬菜和卷心菜的厚厚的花生酱,在米饭,Fonio或小米上蒸丸子。对于厨师Pierre Thiam,PouletMafé是终极舒适的美食。vwin德赢ac米兰他的建议:“在烹饪Mafé时耐心等待。让炖煮慢慢煮沸直到石油升到表面。“奶油花生酱增加了这款咸味的鸡肉盘,平衡了芳香姜,大蒜和番茄酱。Thiam的版本使用鱼酱来带来一个微妙的umami,为炖菜增添了复杂性。
Shellfish Stew
