You’ll never eat Caesar salad cold again.
Credit: Victor Protasio

夏天没有任何信号像第一个烧烤of the season, but you don't have to wait for the weather to warm up before heating the炙烤。有了这些厨师的选择,您将继续夏天mode all year long—and have the grill master skills to prove it. From chicken skewers to Caesar salad, here are the best grilled recipes to add to your repertoire.

Grilled Oysters with Bacon Vinaigrette
Credit: Christopher Testani


"Growing up near the海湾,牡蛎在我的记忆中总是很普遍,而且海湾牡蛎的尺寸往往会有所不同。拿大较大的东西,将它们砍掉,然后将它们扔在热烤架上。在上面撒上大蒜黄油,上面涂有一点辣椒粉和伍斯特郡酱汁,并确保一对一方便用一对钳子来处理它们。结束烤面包屑,帕玛森奶酪和淡淡的辣酱,以便额外踢。” -Kaz Edwards, concept chefatUchi餐厅


“肉丸 - 无论是鸡肉,小牛肉,猪肉,羊肉还是您选择的任何作为碱性成分的东西 - 都是传达您喜欢的口味的一种了不起的方法。烧烤过程可在Le Rigmarole造成美妙的外壳和汁液的内饰。,我们制作一个鸡肉球,结合了深色和淡肉,软骨,panko,柠檬皮,凤尾鱼,大蒜和韭菜,但没有什么可以阻止我们添加藏红花,鱿鱼或泡菜。”-Robert Compagnon杰西卡杨, chefs and co-owners of Michelin-starredLe Rigmarole在巴黎


“这些总是很有趣,而且是一个绝对令人愉悦的人。烤架给出了烟熏培根,烧焦,酥脆的触感,您无法在烤箱中获得。它也可以从外面迅速煮熟,因此它们煮得更均匀地煮熟结尾。用您可以想象的任何东西塞满他们;我的go是Chèvre山羊奶酪,香肠香肠和意大利乳清干酪。既然它们甜而咸,请加入一些酸或热量,例如减少醋或Harissa辣椒酱。” - - “ -布拉德·基尔戈尔(Brad Kilgore), chef and restaurateur in Miami


“ Cajun Marinated Rib Eye是我们在夏天提供的客座最喜欢的牛排之一,它是Smith&Wollensky的主食牛排已有几年了。烧烤很容易在家中,因为唯一的预备是腌制的带有Cajun调味料,洋葱和一点油的牛排,长时间(提前48小时)。当charbroadile或烤时,这很棒。摩擦和腌泡汁会产生一个非常好的char和and有点热。”Matthew King,国家烹饪发展总监和公司厨师史密斯和沃伦斯基

Short Ribs

“大多数人可能会想到室外烧烤时巨大的t骨或厚肋眼。尽管我喜欢这些切割,但加尔比(Korean-style short ribs) is the perfect outdoor grilling steak—and it's a Korean classic. This is probably one of the best cuts of beef for grilling, with sweet and charred burnt tips that melt in your mouth. It requires a bit of knife work, as well as some time to marinate, but once you get it right, you will be a star of the party."-David Shim,行政总厨COTE韩国牛排餐厅在纽约和迈阿密

信用:艾比·霍克(Abby Hocking)


“多年来,我惊叹于那些可以在沙拉中吃里奇奇的人,不要因为苦味而畏缩。vwin德赢ac米兰我的世界改变了,我变成了Radicchio的狂热者。将Radicchio的头部切成四分之一或八分之八,具体取决于大小,因为您想要茎上固定的楔子。用橄榄油淋上橄榄油,然后用盐调味,然后扔掉它们在您的烧烤架上。您希望它们在拆除之前在所有方面都充满魅力。用雪利酒醋和毛毛细雨结束。-Katie Button, chef ofCúrate,食谱作者和联合创始人凯蒂纽扣餐厅


“我最喜欢的关于夏天的部分是所有美味的农产品,特别是多汁的石果,如桃子。虽然它本身很棒,烤水果却造成了美味,简单和清爽的甜点,是任何夏季烧烤的完美结局。釉面水果使糖可以焦糖,从而形成脆脆的,味道饱满的地壳。再加上鲜奶油和甜味和盐的花生,以使其具有完美的质地对比。”-斯蒂芬妮·伊扎德(Stephanie Izard),铁厨师,作家和行政总厨兼五家芝加哥餐厅的所有者,包括女孩和山羊


"This is a perfect summer dish that feeds a small party, and pairs well with any side. For the juiciest烤鸡,首先盐水,然后给它一种好的草药和香料摩擦。通过间接热量烧烤会导致一只多汁,均匀煮熟的鸡肉。” -迈克尔·贝尔特兰(Michael Beltran), chef of阿里特,Navé, 和Chug的晚餐in Miami


“我最喜欢烤的东西之一是罗马毛,并将其用作凯撒沙拉基地。它通过给它烟熏,几乎放纵的风味曲线来提高菜肴,这使它感觉令人难以置信的令人满意。轻轻地将romaine心脏切成一半,将其切成一半。并烤面侧向下烤1到3分钟,直到叶子略微烧焦。顶上所有您喜欢的凯撒沙拉装饰,橄榄油,柠檬和许多黑胡椒。”-Danny Grant, chef and partner at如果辛迪加该怎么办

学分:Greg Dupree / Forie Cox / Clvwin德赢ac米兰aire Spollen的Prop Styleling摄影


"Everybody should know how to cook kebabs, but the technique for skewering them is just as important. Our favorite is the Lebanese classic shish taouk, marinated chicken cooked on a skewer. The common technique is to skewer relatively large chunks of meat, but we found that slicing the meat a little thinner and threading it back and forth across the skewer is the way to go. Slicing the meat against the grain before you skewer makes the chicken more tender, and results in more surface area being exposed to the marinade, so it penetrates deeper and gives a lot more flavor."-Michael Costa,何塞·安德烈斯(JoséAndrés)的概念厨师Zaytinyain Washington, D.C.


"Swordfish can be prepared in a number of ways, but in my opinion, previously marinated and wrapped in grape leaves and grilled on burning coal remains the most charismatic and tempting. The grape leaves in this dish are an ideal pocket in which to steam the delicious swordfish to perfection on the grill without it drying out too much."-Nino La Spina,厨师de Cuisine atFlorie's在四个季节度假村棕榈滩


“您会发现的经典方式之一octopus在墨西哥is octopus al ajillo (sautéed octopus in garlic), but I like to grill instead of making it in the griddle because it enriches the flavor. I love it as an appetizer on skewers, and it's great served with a mezcal cocktail, since the smoky flavor pairs really well." —Diego Moles,厨师de Cuisine at英亩Baja在墨西哥

Pulpo A La Gallega(用土豆烤章鱼)
Credit: Christopher Testani


"Every time I invite friends for a BBQ, we have meat or fish, but the dish we enjoy most before the food is ready is grilled feta cheese. Take some nonstick baking paper and place it inside aluminum foil to create a double envelope. Put a thick slice of feta inside, along with cherry tomatoes cut in half, two thin slices of onion, sweet red pepper, olive oil, fresh thyme, and a basil leaf. Close it tight and grill it from the veggies side of the grill for 10 minutes. Don't forget to grill your bread, too." —Marios Salmatanis,所有者兼厨师Thalassamou在希腊的帕罗斯


“烤洋葱是炸玉米饼文化中的主食,无论馅料如何,都会为任何炸玉米饼增添深度的风味和质地。这可以转化为许多应用,就像伴随烤蛋白质或更具创造性的基础一样去沙拉调味料。”-Jesus "Chuy" Cervantes,厨师de Cuisine at达米安在洛杉矶



“七月四日可能是那些喜欢烤烤的人的超级碗汉堡是那天的代名词。您永远不会把汉堡作为盛放烤架上的菜肴,但是很容易被弄乱并变得过度煮熟和干燥。您可以使用经典的馅饼和面包,或者添加更多物品,例如培根,美国奶酪(末端融化在馅饼上),而洋葱或辣椒(如果您感到坦率),则可以在The上烧焦烧烤也。” -Akshay Bhardwaj,行政总厨朱恩在纽约