劳拉·李(Lara Lee)在本周分期付厨师在家
珀尔克德尔·贾贡(Perkedel Jagung)
信用:路易丝·哈格(Louise Hagger)

After Justin Chapple made a奶油,简单的玉米蘸酱earlier this week on疯狂的天才, this week's episode of厨师在家也有玉米盘珀尔克德尔·贾贡(Perkedel Jagung)。厨师和食谱作者拉拉·李加入我们制作印尼玉米油条,她说的味道“就像单一咬人的印度尼西亚所有最好的口味一样。”她还准备了两种不同种类的sambal-番茄桑巴andSambal Matah-也Balinese Sticky Glazed Pork Ribs,她形容为“完美”。通过关注下面的视频来了解如何制作所有四个食谱。德赢尤文图斯

番茄桑巴and Sambal Matah

首先,Lee准备了两个淋浴,说调味品是“在印尼餐食中每顿饭都可以吃的热智利。”对于番茄桑巴尔,加入大蒜,新鲜的生姜,香蕉葱(您也可以使用小泰式葱),樱桃番茄和长红辣椒(例如荷兰或弗雷斯诺)中的食物加工机,旋转直至半精细的糊状形式vwin德赢ac米兰。您也可以使用研钵和研杵to make the paste, and feel free to seed the peppers if you want a little less heat.


李说,对于“巴厘岛最具标志性的桑巴尔”的桑巴尔·马塔(Sambal Matah)说 - 开始撒上切成薄片的葱,然后撒上犹太盐,然后让它们静置15分钟,以帮助融化其原始风味。之后,将它们加入一个准备好的柠檬草,长红辣椒,姜,大蒜,makrut酸橙叶,makrut柠檬油和果汁,犹太盐,最后是椰子糖或红糖的碗中。淋上中性油,折腾和调味的味道 - 只需几分钟,您就制作了Sambal Matah。


Get the Recipe: Tomato Sambal 获取食谱:Sambal Matah

珀尔克德尔·贾贡(Perkedel Jagung)(Indonesian Corn Fritters)

现在,您已经制作了Sambals,可以将它们与Lee准备的接下来的两道菜配对。首先是珀尔克德尔·贾贡(Perkedel Jagung),这是印尼玉米粉碎机,是李最喜欢的童年小吃之一。她准备了一个家庭食谱,该食谱始于植物油中的姜,大蒜,长红辣椒和香蕉葱,然后将混合物转移到食物加工机中,与葱和makrut lime叶一起脉冲。vwin德赢ac米兰一旦形成中等糊状的糊状物,将其与新鲜的玉米仁,鸡蛋,香菜,小茴香,盐和胡椒粉混合在一起,再加上玉米淀粉,将其固定在一起。


"Crunchy, full of flavor,所以芳香,它被炸了,所以当然,您会喜欢它。”李在尝试一个后说道。

Get the Recipe: Perkedel Jagung

Balinese Sticky Glazed Pork Ribs

Last up are the Balinese Sticky Glazed Pork Ribs, which bake in the oven at 325°F for two hours and then get a final blast of heat under the broiler.

"On the Hindu island of Bali, pork is eaten everywhere, and you'll often find these street food vendors or restaurant owners glazing these pork ribs outside of their restaurants," Lee says. "And the entire street fills with the aroma of the spice paste, and the marinade, and the fragrance of smoke, and it is absolutely delicious."

First, make the sauce, combining red chiles, garlic cloves, ginger, banana shallots, palm sugar (or brown sugar), water, flaky sea salt, rice vinegar, and kecap manis. Pulse the sauce together in a food processor and then pour half of it over the ribs in an aluminum foil-lined roasting pan, massaging it into the meat with your hands (wear gloves here if you'd like). Cover the ribs with the overhanging aluminum foil and bake them in the oven for two hours until the meat is falling off the bone. Meanwhile, reduce the other half of the sauce on the stove and then use it to glaze the ribs when they come out of the oven. Brush the glaze on, give them a few minutes (three to seven) under the broiler on high, and then serve them with the sambals and remaining glaze.


请继续关注我们的下一集厨师在家featuring Derrick Westbrook.