厨师Yehuda Sichel在这里可以帮助您制作超级美味的沙拉。


“当我做沙拉时,我喜欢讲一个故事,” Yehuda Sichel最近告诉我,当我们坐在外面哈达, his new fast casual spot in Center City,费城。长期以来的客户弹出我们的桌子打招呼只有几分钟,并告诉我,没有提示,关于Sichel如何创造最好的saladsin the city. Back when he was the sous chef at扎哈夫她说,他将使用他们手头上的任何新鲜食材混合使用孟菜的版本。他是一个沙拉天才。

在扎哈夫(Zahav)和十年来为安倍·费舍尔(Abe Fisher)的厨房带来厨房之后,这座著名的餐厅强调了当代犹太美食,西舍尔(Sichel)于2020年9月开业。,“它必须具有凝聚力。”

Credit: Eva Kolenko

Huda因其紧密的三明治而引起人们的注意 -烤箭鱼带有泡菜牙垢酱和纳帕卷心菜的色拉,酥脆的麦片蘑菇配瓦哈卡奶酪和鳄梨,受到墨西哥玉米饼的启发,他每天早晨都将其新鲜制作成蓬松的牛奶面包。但是他的沙拉同样体贴。整个夏天,温暖的鸡肉上烤了甜烧烤酱,腌制的桃子,烤夏南瓜和玉米玉米就像在碗里野餐。Fall的沙拉配备了婴儿羽衣甘蓝,配以烤腰果,五香,当地农场的烤南瓜和自制的绿色女神敷料。

Each dish at Huda tells a story in a way that maybe you'd expect from an upscale restaurant, but feels surprising and delightful at a place you'd pop in for a quick weekday lunch. "The goal is to have food that's executed on a really high level, but make it a little more accessible," Sichel says.

在huda吃沙拉的确会使升高的食物感觉容易获得 - 就像您可以在不预订的情况下,坐在vwin德赢ac米兰10道菜的品尝菜单上,甚至不得不穿着拉链的裤子。而且,如果厨师可以用快速休闲午餐来做到这一点,也许他可以帮助我让自己的沙拉更加令人兴奋。请继续阅读Sichel的五个最佳技巧,以讲述一个故事的沙拉。


If your salad is telling a story, says Sichel, make sure it's a succinct one. (There's a reason Sweetgreen keeps its signature salads to a handful of ingredients. It's also why, when you stray from that menu and lean into your own frenetic creation, it never tastes quite as good.) Whether you tap your local farmers' market for in-season ingredients or forage for leftovers in your fridge, pick a theme and stick with it. A handful of great ingredients can make a salad that's way more than the sum of its parts.

Don't overdress it

既容易又经济做自己的调味料, and the flavor options are endless. But add too much and the dressing will overpower the salad with flavor and texture, making it feel like you're tucking into a pile of wet fall leaves. "It's okay to leave your dressing on the side," says the chef, but if you opt to add it in, just add a drizzle or a spritz. If you pick the right ingredients, too, you'll get most of your flavor from those and won't need much dressing.


升级沙拉的最快方法之一是添加一些撕裂的草药,例如罗勒,香菜,薄荷或莳萝。Sichel建议将新鲜草药混合到生菜中,或将切碎的草药掺入您的敷料中。他还提高了烤蔬菜和自制面包丁with spices, which will add another layer of flavor.


Speaking of homemade croutons—while they can add texture and seasoning, so can fried shallots, roasted chickpeas or edamame, and so much more. "Pumpkin seeds,葵花籽和芥末豌豆就是这样。”他说。


根据西舍的说法,在最终细节中,从美好到美好的沙拉是从好处到优质的。“想想,'我如何提升这种成分?'厨师说:“再加上一个小步骤可以增加不同的风味元素。”而不是使用生核桃,山核桃或杏仁,而是花几分钟的时间来烤您喜欢的坚果。快速微波技巧烤坚果在佛罗里达州sh.) Instead of just slicing up raw vegetables and fruit, try seasoning and roasting zucchini, pumpkins, or squash on high heat to caramelize and coax out the natural sweetness.

超出pickled cucumbersand try pickling green beans, carrots, and even peaches, like the ones on Huda's BBQ chicken salad. The tart acidity gives mild greens a little punch, and takes your salad to the next level.