
Smoking cooks, flavors and preserves food by exposing it to smoke, usually from burning wood. Meats, fish and cheeses are the most commonly smoked foods because of the preservative quality of smoking, but smoking techniques can add great depth of flavor to all kinds of recipes. One of our favorite shortcuts to smoky flavor is to use Lapsang Souchong tea leaves, which are pinewood-smoked and give these牛肉排骨incredible flavor—and none of the smoke. Our guide to smoking has all of the tips and recipes you need, including atutorialon turning your wok into a smoker.

Most Recent

How to Smoke a Turkey on the Grill
Harness the power of your kettle grill to make a perfect Thanksgiving turkey.
Wood-Smoked Turkey
Rating: Unrated 1613
Josh Vogel’s smoker allows him to start cooking the bird as low as 130°, and then finish smoking at 180°, but other smokers can be almost impossible to keep that cool. This adapted recipe calls for a constant temperature of about 200°. Since times will vary based on smoker temperature, the only reliable way to judge doneness is by cooking the turkey until its inner thigh registers 165°. Make sure to have plenty of hardwood charcoal or wood on hand.Slideshow: More Smoked Food Recipes
Tea-Smoked Roast Chickens
Rating: Unrated 1173
"This recipe looks like a doozy, but it really delivers," saysAndrea Reusing. "Thechickensare just so reliably juicy, even when they're cooked longer than they should be." Smoking the birds quickly over anise-scented tea makes them wonderfully fragrant. If you prefer to cook one chicken instead of two, smoke it in a wok or a pot rather than a roasting pan.Michael Schwartz: How to Keep Chicken Juicy More Great Chicken Recipes

More Smoking

Smoked and Cured Salmon with Orange Zest
冷-smokingsalmonusually requires an elaborate setup. Jason Alley's brilliant trick of quickly smoking the fish, then curing it like gravlax, is a great option for the home cook.Plus:F&W's Appetizers Cooking Guide More Quick Appetizers
Smoked Foods
Smoked to perfection, these recipes include tea-smoked roast chickens and sweet-and-savory almond brittle.