


With everyone spending more time at home this year, you've likely made a few new equipment purchases for cooking in your backyard. If you went the smoker route (or have been on that path for a little while already), it's important to remember that no matter how great您的工具是,肉的切割错误会使您的效果受损。知道合适的肉类和肉类要购买是吸烟过程的重要组成部分。

We've broken down the essential cuts of meat to smoke, and how you can order them straight to your door. Each type of meat has an ideal purpose, and some are better fitted to smoking than others. Though it's doable to smoke big牛排, don't waste your best sirloin or ribeye—they're better served with the hot and fast sear they deserve from the grill. It's actually the less-expensive, tougher cuts that are better suited to a low and slow process, as they're full of fat and connective tissues that break down into the most tender meat. That collagen naturally sweetens the deal and keeps things moist, whereas a leaner or thinner cut like pork loin or beef filet will come out tough and dry.

The sweet spot for meat choices is the American barbecue trifecta:肋骨,pork shoulder, 和胸肉。这些肉是最好的起点,整只鸡也对初学者也很棒。请继续阅读所有最好的肉,烹饪方法以及充分利用吸烟者的技巧。


Though we won't get into types of smokers here, everything from charcoal smokers to stick burners will require the use of wood chips or pellets to get the best smokey flavors out of your meats. Hickory is a classic multi-use wood, and works best with pork butt and ribs. Apple, maple, and cherry wood are milder flavors that lend themselves to pork, turkey, and chicken, respectively. Mesquite wood is stronger and smokier, better for open-air or smoking darker meats. Oak is great for brisket but not ideal for poultry as it can overwhelm the meat. Cedar is best reserved for fatty fish since it has a very strong flavor.

Smoking Temperatures for Meats


The Best Cuts of Meat to Smoke


Credit: Marcus Nilsson


Where to buy:根据大小的不同,整只鸡的价格从20美元到50美元不等,但是4至5人的标准鸟不得超过25美元。计划购买12至16盎司。每人骨肉肉。订购farmfoodsmarket.com,Porterroad.com,rastellis.com, ordartagnan.com



Brisket is generally easy to find, and naturally has an excellent layer of fat that retains moisture as it cooks. You'll need about 90 minutes per pound and to keep the temperature at around 225 degrees, and ideally get the internal temperature up to 195 degrees. Use oak, hickory, or mesquite for brisket purposes. To account for generous fat rendering, plan to purchase at least one pound of meat per serving.

Where to buy:在$ 33- $ 50上找到较小的削减farmfoodsmarket.com, or go for bigger, high-quality cuts from $90-$120 atPorterroad.com或者dartagnan.com。只有Wagyu会这样做?从150美元处获取美国或日本Waygu Briketsnakeriverfarms.com或者debragga.com


图片来源:照片©Matthew Armendariz -Mattbites.com


Where to buy:Get a bone-in pork shoulder from $129 atsnakeriverfarms.com, or classic pork butt from $56 atdebragga.com,dartagnan.com, orPorterroad.com。计划每份购买一磅肉。

Pork Ribs

Sweet-and-Spicy Spareribs with Korean Barbecue Sauce
信用:©克里斯蒂娜·霍尔姆斯(Christina Holmes)

吸烟者有两种样式的肋骨。第一个是备用肋骨,也称为圣路易斯风格的肋骨,肥胖和骨头更肉。第二个是腰部的永恒流行的婴儿背肋骨,较小,更嫩。婴儿背部的烹饪速度比备用肋骨更快,但是由于婴儿的大小,养育者喂养的人更少。总体而言,肋骨是最具成本效益的肉。只需记住去除下膜以使摩擦和调味料穿透。保持吸烟者的稳定230度,预计每磅大约45分钟才能达到185度的内部温度。肋骨通过著名的“ 3-2-1”规则,该规则暗示了三个小时的吸烟,然后用液体包裹了两个小时,然后再用一个小时的小时返回在选择的烧烤酱中覆盖的架子上。橡木,山核桃和豆科灌木都是肋骨的不错选择。

Where to buy:Find baby back ribs starting at $30 atomahasteaks.com或者dartagnan.com。备用肋骨从$ 21开始Porterroad.com,farmfoodsmarket.com, ordebragga.com。为了说明骨骼和脂肪,计划每人购买1至1 1/2磅的肋骨。


Credit: Victor Protasio

我们知道您在想,这是一个狂热的烧烤者尝试尝试的经典项目熏制火鸡。Keep the smoker at 225-250 degrees, and expect 30 minutes of cooking time per pound. Make sure to bring the turkey to room temperature before cooking (about an hour outside of the fridge) to ensure it cooks evenly from the get-go. Be sure to prep with brine to keep it moist, and avoid smoking turkeys that are oversized (the interior will sit in the temperature danger zone for too long while heating up). Fully cooked it should reach 165 in the breast or 180 in the largest part of the thigh. Use hickory or mesquite wood for the best flavor.

Where to buy:从50美元的$ 50找到整个火鸡farmvwin德赢ac米兰foodmarket.com或者dartagnan.com


If you're not looking for single cuts or have a large family to feed, several places offer quarter, half, or even whole pig or cow packages. If you know you want ribs one weekend and a shoulder the next, this can be a cost-effective way to have everything on hand. You can even order全部乳猪,价格为275美元,如果您有崇高的吸烟者目标。如果适合您vwin德赢ac米兰的风格(并且有冰柜空间),则农业食品提供1/8、1/4、1/2,甚至整个猪或牛。

订单1/8猪,$ 269得到你:

  • 5磅培根
  • 5磅的地面和/或链接
  • 5磅的Roasts
  • 5磅肋骨/霍克/小腿
  • 5磅的Pork Tenderloin, Pork Chop, and/or Steaks

订单1/8 Cow for $500包括:

  • Filet Mignon / Tenderloin
  • 牛lo牛排
  • Rib Eye and/or New York Steaks
  • 烤(牛ket,臀部烤,伦敦烤,查克烤)
  • 牛排(侧面,扁铁,衣架,裙子等)和短肋 / osso bucco
  • Ground Beef / Hamburger Patties / Stew Meat / Meatballs / Salisbury Steak / Meatloaf