
正如着名的巧克力·迈克尔·克劳蒂蒂所说,“世界上有两种不同类型的布朗尼人:蛋糕布朗尼人和fudgie brownie people." But whether they're fudgy or cake-like, warmed up with a scoop of vanilla ice cream or eaten straight from the pan, brownies rarely disappoint. That's because they're so simple. In fact, it's hard to find an easier or more forgiving dessert. Most brownie recipes come together in under 20 minutes with just a few ingredients and don't even require an electric mixer. Food & Wine's guide to brownies has the basics covered (see: your new go-to软糖布朗尼食谱tw) +巧克力蛋糕食谱ist—because while brownies don't need any additions, we never say no to bourbon, bacon or extra chocolate.

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Air Fryer Brownies
在空气炸锅的帮助下,这些粘虫露出玻璃果仁巧克力果仁饼干,并让人想起熔化的巧克力蛋糕 - 距离少于一个小时。将浓缩咖啡粉添加到面前有助于带出巧克力味道,嘎吱嘎吱的海盐在最后装饰。自己服务,或者你最喜欢的冰淇淋。更好的是,将它们与浆果,鞭打的奶油,切碎的螺母或焦糖酱一起制作一个布朗尼圣代。
These Passover-Friendly (and Gluten-Free!) Brownies Are Coconut Bliss
Coconut pulls double duty in this Passover dessert that you'll want to bake all year.
Coconut Macaroon Brownies
Rating: Unrated 7
Super-rich, fudgy brownies meet chewy, sweet macaroons in this gorgeous mash-up of two crowd-pleasing desserts. Using coconut flour instead of wheat flour, Jake Cohen created a brownie with a consistency that’s simultaneously tender and dense, while also keeping the brownies gluten-free and kosher for Passover. Then, in an homage to the canned Manischewitz macaroons he grew up eating at his own family’s Passover Seder, Cohen tops the coconut flour brownies with a layer of well-salted coconut macaroon to yield an eye-catching hybrid dessert that’s the best of all worlds: chewy, crunchy, and not too sweet. A cup of coconut oil may be used in place of butter, if you'd like to make the dessert pareve.
Cannabis-Infused Salted Caramel Fudge Brownies
Editor’s Note: This recipe has been modified from the version developed by Anya Von Bremzen to include cannabis-infused butter in addition to regular butter. You’ll find the original non-cannabis recipe这里.这些令人难以置信的果仁巧克力装满了一层粘糊糊的盐味焦糖,可以提前两周。注意:由于大麻规定继续在美国和全球范围内发展,请咨询您当地的法律。
Yes, You Should Be Pouring Caramel on Your Brownies
Salted Caramel Brownies
放下那个盒子买的混合 - 完美的窗帘,粘糊糊,强烈的巧克力布朗尼岛距离酒店仅有几步之遥。当然,在黄油盐渍焦糖酱中浸透没有伤害,但这是在这些果仁浆果内部发生的事情,这使得所有的差异。首先,我从击球手中开始融化的巧克力,这是一个潮湿和粘糊糊的布朗尼。(依赖可可粉的食谱产生更加蛋糕状的果仁饼干。)我喜欢使用不含糖果的巧克力,因为它使得更容易控制整体食谱中的糖量。糖在布朗尼斯不仅适用于甜味 - 刚度的糖量也会影响纹理,制作更柔软,更温柔的巧克力治疗。其他果仁巧克力是浓密的,而不是蛋糕,而不是蛋糕,而不是蛋糕,就是没有化学葡萄糖(i.e. baking powder), just eggs. Here’s a tip: if you want an even fudgier brownie, replace one of the eggs with two egg yolks. Regardless of how many eggs you use, be sure that the melted chocolate isn’t too hot when you add it to the whisked eggs and sugar so that you don’t scramble the eggs. You want the chocolate just warm enough to dissolve the sugar.Use the best chocolate you can since it’s the main ingredient. I like to splurge on good-quality bars such as Ghirardelli and chop them myself; chocolate chips are often coated with ingredients to keep them from sticking together, which can affect the finished texture of the brownies. The hefty amount of vanilla (a whole tablespoon!) intensifies the flavor of the chocolate.For the richest flavor, cook the caramel until it’s deep amber in color. The corn syrup in the caramel actually helps to keep the caramel from burning too quickly as it cooks. The dark caramel adds a more complex layer of sweetness, and the salt balances everything so that the caramel doesn’t overpower the brownies.Take care not to overbake these brownies; it’s OK if a few moist crumbs cling to the toothpick when you test them for doneness. In the recipe, I counsel you to let these guys cool completely before drenching them with caramel sauce, but I’m definitely guilty of cutting them while they’re still warm and covering them in caramel sauce. Trust me—they’re just as delicious, and pulling this trick out of your hat for eager guests is a move they won’t soon forget.


Skillet Brownies on the Grill
These brownies take on a deliciously smoky flavor on the grill from “baking” in a skillet set over hot coals. After you’re donegrilling dinner, prepare to make brownies on the grill by adding a few more lumps of charcoal to maintain a grill temperature of around 350°F. Pull the skillet brownies when they’re still a bit moist, but not wet, in the middle for an fudgy texture in the center and smoky brownie “bark” around the edges. (You can also make them in an oven: Preheat to 350°F, then bake for around 35 minutes.) Chef Valerie Gordon (ofValerie Confections在Los Angeles), who shared her recipe for this grill-baked dessert, likes to make it in a lavishly buttered cast-iron skillet using the ambient heat of a大绿蛋. Top them with ice cream for a showstoppingdessertfor your next cookout.
Chewy Black Licorice Chocolate Brownies
Rating: Unrated 1
Top Chef法官Gail Simmons的父亲,象征,来自南非的一个小镇。虽然他的背景是英国人和东欧,但他在一个强大的荷兰人影响的地区上升。他传递给他女儿的一个荷兰语是黑甘草的一种爱,特别是咸味,耐嚼品种。每当他们的家人访问他的家园,伊佛州储存了dubbel zout(双盐) - 盐渍黑甘草的核心约为四分之一。西蒙斯吞噬了他们,释放了咸味,盐水外部,让路到几乎甜蜜的咀嚼中心。她父亲的其他甜蜜的副本,她也继承了,是巧克力。不是白色,不是牛奶,但纯粹的苦味繁体。这是深深的巧克力果仁巧克力是她对他的致敬。它具有复杂的盐,以及来自黑甘草的糖蜜和茴香的凉爽,而且组合是一种辉煌的款式,这是不可抗拒的咀嚼而不是太甜蜜。Slideshow: 更多的布朗尼食谱
6 Simple but Excellent Twists on Basic Brownies

In a brownie recipe rut? Try one of these easy riffs for your next picnic.