
糕点come in many forms, from番石榴奶油奶酪pastelitos to glazed柠檬酱烤饼。它们仅受典型的烘焙食材(例如面粉,水,牛奶和黄油)的限制。这些令人满意的零食可以塑造换档,以适合您需要的任何课程。当晚,选择丹麦水果的丹麦早餐,然后为您的晚餐客人提供甜点盘的甜点盘覆盖的Éclairs。vwin德赢avwin德赢ac米兰c米兰Food&Wine指南有很多糕点食谱,可让您度过各种情况。


Sweet Potato Cheesecake Empanadas
Rating: Unrated 1
Puerto Rico and the American South intersect deliciously in this unique dessert empanada from Boricua Soul in Durham, North Carolina, which combines the flavors of marshmallow-topped sweet potato casserole with spiced pumpkin cheesecake, encasing it all in caramel-drizzled, crisp pastry. Thanks to the smart use of store-bought shortcuts like empanada wrappers and canned sweet potatoes, the creamy filling comes together in minutes.
Rating: Unrated 1
从将S'mores吊在她的一个烤豆弹出窗口中,到为Hot NYC Spot Kimika创建糕点到参加流行的烹饪表演,糕点厨师Clarice Lam从来没有一个沉闷的时刻。她的法国框架用经典的choux面团制成,同样充满个性,带有松脆的外壳,通风的中心以及五颜六色的覆盆子和软糖。将巧克力框架浸入温暖的软糖釉中,使干燥的覆盆子粘在甜食的馅料上,既美味又美味。
Bimuelos with Cranberry Curd and Cardamom Honey
Rating: Unrated 2
Golden orbs of fried dough often dusted with sugar or drizzled with sweet syrup, bimuelos are a popular dessert across many cultures and are a favorite on many Hanukkah tables. In Adeena Sussman's version, the orange-scented dough fries up perfectly golden crisp and holds its crunch even when doused with the cardamom-laced honey. Festively pink, the make-ahead cranberry curd provides the perfect tart-creamy balance.
厨师Paola维的baba au rhum层补充道s of dark rum and fresh fruit flavor to homemade brioche. With almost a cup of top-shelf dark rum between the cinnamon-spiked rum soak and the strawberry-peach Rum Punch Coulis, this opulent dessert is only for adults. Serve warm or at room temperature with scoops of vanilla ice cream to round out the sweet spice notes in the rum.
If chanterelle mushrooms are out of season, porcini, hedgehog, or trumpet mushrooms will make a good substitute as they are floral, but there is no mistaking chanterelles for this recipe. You may choose to strain the puréed mushrooms through a fine mesh sieve if you'd prefer a smooth cream. Angie likes the depth and dimension of the purée in the finished product and prefers to leave it as is.

More Pastries

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Los Angeles bakery Porto's is shipping their famous strudels and potato balls nationwide—and they're wildly cheap.
Spiced Pavlova with Roasted Pears and Grapes
我一直是蛋白酥皮的忠实粉丝一个派或蛋糕,酥脆的酥皮饼干,或者(也许是有史以来最迷人的秀场甜点)。轻轻烘烤,直到外面酥脆,在内部蓬松的毛病,帕夫洛娃(Pavlova)提供了可爱的质地,更不用说甜美的棉花糖般的味道了。我经常想到春季或夏季的场合,选择用浆果和奶油顶。但是帕夫洛娃(Pavlova)也可以很好地借鉴水果和温暖的香料,使其成为假日桌子上的奇妙(且令人惊讶的)。在此食谱中,我将豆蔻添加到蛋清中,以获得深层香气和温暖而甜美的香气。我喜欢这种香料 - 与更传统的秋季香料(如肉桂,肉豆蔻或五香粉)相反,因为它更明亮,更芳香。它只是使这个帕夫洛娃感到更加特别。Grapes, pears, and pomegranate arils are the fall fruit trifecta for the topping, each offering its own shade of muted burgundy that feels just right for this time of year.If you’ve never made a pavlova, you’ll be surprised by how easy it is. It doesn’t require any special culinary skill, but it does require time—about 4 1/2 hours in the oven, minimum. You can get a little bit of a head start if you need: Bake the pavlova earlier in the day, and hold it at room temperature for a few hours in an airtight environment (wrap it in plastic wrap or, if you have a container large enough, in an airtight container). Make the whipped cream topping earlier in the day, too, and hold it in the fridge. And roast the fruit a few hours ahead and keep it at room temperature. Then assemble your gorgeous creation just before serving.One quick tip as you’re working with the egg whites. This was something I learned from a former colleague at烹饪灯,Deb Wise (aka the Dessert Goddess). She was beating egg whites one day in the test kitchen, and I commented that they were amazingly voluminous. She revealed why: You must be patient and take your time when beating the egg whites. Start at medium speed, work your way up to medium-high, and finally end at high. If you go in right away at high speed, your egg whites will not reach their full volume potential. So if you’re like me, tamp down your desire to speed things up—it won’t serve you well in the long run.

Pastry genius Dominique Ansel improves on the ethereal cream puff with a crunchy coating of chocolaty panko and a salted caramel filling. When it’s fried, it looks like a golden falafel.幻灯片French Pastries