一家美国酿酒厂正在用纳帕山谷(Napa Valley)抢救的烟熏葡萄酒制作picon。vwin德赢ac米兰

It started with a mistake, as good ideas often do.

罗伯特·卡塞尔(Robert Cass尤文图 德赢ell)从Paris见一个科涅克白兰地在博恩(Beaune)的蒸馏器,但他对火车时间表的错误计算使他有几个小时杀死巴黎中央火车站之一的加尔·诺德(Gare du Nord)。费城的联合创始人New Liberty Distilleryand the Connacht Whiskey Company in Ireland did what any curious distiller would do: he grabbed a seat in one of the station's cafes, and zeroed in on an unfamiliar menu offering.


He was served a beer. Or what he thought was a beer. After a few sips and a cursory Google search, Cassell understood what he was drinking. And he was intrigued. "Everybody refers to it as Picon, but it's the modifier of the beer. You're basically just getting this light ale, and you add in the aperitif."


但是他并没有停止思考自己的火车站啤酒和皮肯,这是卡塞尔(Cassell)的一位名为“巴黎全市”的饮料,指的是Philly的标志性射击和啤酒特别节目,起源于备受喜爱的Dive Bar Bob&Barbara's。几年后,他有机会制作自己的版本法国开胃酒在兄弟之爱的城市。

French distiller Gaétan Picon first created his eponymous aperitif in the early 19th century, using Gentian liqueurs and Quinquina, an aromatized wine made with Cinchona. (The latter contains quinine, which is used to treat Malaria—Picon's own diagnosis was his impetus for first creating the drink.) Though what's now called Amer Picon is a staple in French cafés, it's nearly impossible to procure stateside since it's not exported to the U.S.

保罗·麦克唐纳(Paul MacDonald),调酒师首长at Philadelphia's星期五星期六星期天,说他只有在这里和那里的盗版瓶上握住他的手。他说:“我与阿米尔·皮肯(Amer Picon)合作不多,只是因为它在宾夕法尼亚州从未可靠地使用。”但是,当他偶尔获得布鲁克林鸡尾酒的命令时,他呼吁黑麦,苦艾酒,马拉斯诺·利口酒(Maraschino Liqueur)和四分之一盎司的picon,他利用自己的混合物来近似法国开胃酒的风味。

他说:“我最喜欢的方式是tempus fugit Gran Classico的挑剔混合物,用于苦味的Ramazzotti(以及较深的口味)和Pierre Ferrand DryCuraçao,可提供橙色的风味。”麦当劳说,这种难以发现的精神就在他的小巷上,他可能有机会很快就有当地版本。

在2004年共同创立了费城蒸馏并在此之前在Victory Brewing工作之后,大师酿酒师罗伯特·卡塞尔(Robert Cassell)于2014年推出了新的Liberty。总部位于南肯辛顿的酿酒厂专门从事工艺威士忌,包括波士比尔(Bourbon),黑麦(Rye)和荷兰麦芽(Dutch Malt)当地的鹿溪麦芽酒店。But they're also constantly experimenting with new creations, making white rum, liqueurs like sour cherry and Creme de Violette, and a Zinfandel cask-finished whiskey. It was his relationship with Chateau Montelena, a Napa Valley-based vineyard where he procured the casks, that propelled him to make American Picon.

去年夏天,当他听说野火穿越纳帕(Napa)狂暴时,卡塞尔(Cassell)在蒙特雷娜(Chateau Montelena)的联系中检查了他的联系。工作人员很安全,但他们担心烟雾会对葡萄造成的伤害。葡萄园收获了少量,他们将其制成葡萄酒,但分析揭示了少量的烟雾,还不够vwin德赢ac米兰reallytaste it, but enough that they wouldn't make their usual vintage.


While the master distiller was brainstorming uses for the potentially smoke-tainted wine, he recalled his train station Picon, thus kicking off the process of making his own. There was a lot of trial and error. "There's not a huge amount of info on what the traditional way was to make Picon," he says.

For Cassell's version, they steep cinchona bark in a distilled spirit for a short time (it can get too bitter quickly, he says.) After straining out the bark, they combine the bitter spirit with the red wine, and that mixture sits for a month or two before it's added to a third mixture—a distilled spirit that's been steeped with bitter orange peels. After testing batch after batch, using different ratios and steeping times, Cassell finally nailed his American Picon. The finished version is orange-forward, bitter with a hint of sweetness thanks to the fruit, and clocking in at about 30 percent ABV. "This is a really interesting aperitif," he says.

语气Keutzer雅各鲁尼,蒸馏的一部分ery's team, have created cocktails using their new aperitif, including a classic Picon Punch, made with grenadine and the distillery's apple brandy. They'll sling them from their new patio bar this summer, garnished with sprigs of mint from their on-site garden. The American Picon will also be mixed with a beer from local craft brewery Love City—a French citywide—during a Philly Beer Week event at modern French restaurant Forsythia this June.

卡塞尔尚未在蒙特雷娜城堡(Chateau Montelena)派遣团队,以示他的美国picon样本,但他说他会的。而且他已经在考虑下一个混合物。“明年我将使用其余的红酒来制作朝鲜蓟利口酒。”vwin德赢ac米兰