North Carolina's storied state fruit will sting your lips and sweeten your soul.


For two centuries, tobacco was king in the Carolinas. Alongside textiles, it ruled the agricultural industry, but as the production of these items slowly moved overseas or was reduced significantly, growing fields lay bare. New industry rose and the big-little grape that could, did.Scuppernongis a funny word to say, and it comes with a fun and varied history. Every state in the union has a vineyard or a winery, but only six species of grapes are indigenous to North America and the muscadine is one of them. That's where we get scuppernongs.

“ Scuppernong”这个名字植根于Algonquian单词“ Askuponong”的意思是“甜湾树的位置”,它与Scuppernong河共享,该河经过Tyrrell和Washington县,将其空入北卡罗来纳州沿海的Albemarle声音。一条小腿的皮肤上斑有棕色的斑点,淡淡的淡淡淡淡的淡褐色,如白色的葡萄。这种皮肤又厚又苦,但是如果您咬住茎端,它会分裂并轻松从纸浆上脱落。Scuppernongs的果汁含糊其甜美,比最甜的甜茶更甜,与液体糖果不同。即使在发酵和装瓶之后,布里斯水平仍然很高,我相信这确实只是成年人的葡萄汁。

在7月下旬至10月的季节中,可以在美国东南部找到Scuppernongs,但北卡罗来纳州是他们的真实住所。Scuppernong是美国第一个种植的葡萄,是北卡罗来纳州的官方果实 - 与该地区的身份相关,以至于它是该地区的一部分官方国家吐司.

400多年的ScuppernongMother Vinelives in Manteo on Roanoke Island and is the oldest known cultivated grape vine in the country, and one of the oldest in the world. This is the vine from which all scuppernongs originally come. Part folklore and part history, it's said that this vine was one that Sir Walter Raleigh's first expedition to the New World encountered. On a reconnaissance of the North American coast from their native England in 1584, his servants Captain Philip Amadas and Master Arthur Barlowe wrote that the land was "so full of grapes as the very beating and surge of the seas overflowed them."

The progeny of this vine live on in every scuppernong ever consumed, will be consumed or used in agricultural products. The most senior winery in North Carolina, Duplin, is only 46 years old but it leads the state in production of muscadine and scuppernong-based wine.


The grapes themselves look otherworldly with their thick skins, bringing to mind the way lizards and amphibians have been able to survive for centuries. After you get through the vegetal exoskeleton, the grape looks similar to the aqueous humour of an eyeball. Large, bitter seeds rest inside.

scuppernong grapes on the vine
信贷:乔hn Harding / Getty Images


We couldn't eat or give away the grapes fast enough, so to use up the season's bounty, my grandma would make scuppernong wine. Special guests of drinking age would be offered a sip or two of wine after dinner. It was very potent; I could smell it from across the room. Honored guests and family members were allowed to take small jars home as parting gifts. More often than not, the grapes intended for wine would turn into vinegar. That vinegar would be used to dress collard greens or be poured down the drain in the kitchen sink in order to try again. My grandmother would keep glass decanters and jars of it on top of our china cabinet in the dining room. Once I got brave and took a step stool to try to get up high enough to grab a bottle to taste it. The fear of getting in trouble outweighed my curiosity, so I never tried it.

我对果实的经历在于记忆犹新的记忆,那就是在扭曲的藤蔓上伸出手,看着祖母从花园走到房子时,葡萄弹跳在我祖母的臀部上。作为一个年轻的成年人,我避开了古老的葡萄,以获得更瘦的,时尚和无种子的品种,这些品种需要更少的工作才能吃,坦率地说,在小吃时间之前不需要洗礼仪式。现在我年纪大了,我陶醉于苏彭顿历史的唤起。我寻找葡萄酒,用胃和Beurrvwin德赢ac米兰e Blancs打扮果汁。我没有升级到家庭酿酒状态,但是那天即将到来。vwin德赢ac米兰葡萄将持续到我准备好之前。