From shorter menus to outdoor dining, here's what the hospitality industry looked like this year.

illustration of a restaurant closing up for the night

Reservation Apps Began Checking Vaccinations

在八月,OpenTableannounced a verification tag for restaurants checking customers' proof of vaccination. As of press time, over 650 restaurants on the network were requiring proof of vaccination, while thousands were using OpenTable's new "Verified for Entry" tag to help streamline entry for repeat diners.resAmerican Express与之合作清除to provide Clear Health Pass to restaurants, allowing operators to track employees' vaccination and COVID-19 test results. Meanwhile,Yelpadded a feature allowing businesses to share whether proof of vaccination is required for guests and if staff is fully vaccinated.

Seated Dining Is down ...

OpenTableshared that the average percentage of seated diners in the U.S. is down roughly 25% compared to pre-pandemic levels. New York state saw the largest drop in the percentage of seated diners: The number dropped 51% compared to pre-pandemic levels.

... but Guests Stepped Up

According to anAmerican Express调查,将近一半的消费者愿意在独特的用餐体验上花费比大流行之前的独特食品体验。平均而言,客人愿意支付其总支票的30%,以在一家餐厅保留最佳时间。

Menus Got Shorter (and More Expensive) ...

A January 2021 study by theNational Restaurant Association发现在接受调查的精美餐厅中,现在有63%的菜单选项更少。纽约杂志上的一份报告指出,进餐价格也在上涨 - 在过去三年中,一份品尝菜单从60美元上升到105美元 - 一些餐馆增加了与共同相关的附加费,以反映不断上涨的食品成本。vwin德赢ac米兰


Over 400 new restaurants joinedGoldbellyto offer bagels, cakes, burgers, pizza, and more to nearly 1 million new customers around the country.

There Were Fewer Restaurants and Jobs ...

New data from theNational Restaurant Association显示自大流行以来,有90,000多家餐馆和酒吧已经关闭。为了将其置于市场研究公司进行的一项研究NPD Groupfound that about 11,000 independent restaurants closed in 2017. While early summer 2021 was defined by a burst of optimism, at the time this issue went to press, the number of restaurant jobs was still down 966,300 below its pre-pandemic levels.

... And Hospitality Workers Wanted More from those Jobs

One poll earlier this year found that half of hospitality workers had no plans to return to their old jobs. While some restaurants are offering higher wages or sign-on bonuses to entice folks to come back, many workers are skeptical that this is a lasting measure or a seismic enough change.

F&W Pro的2021年最读的作品

"The Customer Is Not Always Right" 
由Khushbu Shah撰写

"In its current iteration, hospitality feels like a one-way street, where customers are emboldened to make impossible demands and engage in behavior that can be disrespectful."

"My Restaurant, My Rules, and Yes, That Includes Proof of Vaccination" 
By Ari Miller

"Currently, ourarsenal includesthe vaccine, andas chefs andrestaurateurs, we can also exercise our freedom to adhere to using this arsenal in order to keep our guests,我们的网络,自己是安全的as possible."

"The Real Reason There's a Restaurant Worker Shortage"
By Jane Brendlinger

"It seems like two things are happening: Either employees aren't returning, or they're coming back with a greater sense of worth."