
今年,来自全国各地的厨师和餐厅老板实际上召集了美国运通贸易计划的餐厅小组,以反思过去18个月的挑战和奖励,这是为了招待的。在对话中主持vwin德赢ac米兰食品和美酒vwin德赢ac米兰编辑Kat Kinsman和Khushbu Shah,以及AC餐厅的Ashley Christensen,行业专业人士在餐馆集体历史上最具创伤时期的核心收获。这只是其中10堂课。


Restaurants are about more than food

“这大流行已经证明,你可以煮或贝克e at home –– most everyone has a kitchen. But you can't create a sense of occasion. Restaurants have never been about caloric sustenance, they've been about gathering and community." –– Sang Yoon, Chef/Owner of Father's Office and Lukshon, Los Angeles

The flashiest pivots don't always pay off

我们的直通汉堡架是一种公关感。我们拥有为汉堡提供服务的国际新闻报道,而且我们没有正常的情况。但它流血钱。这是一场金融灾难,这确实使我们的邻居生气了,因为我们在四向十字路口排队一千辆车。没有人能离开家。我们不得不雇用一家交通公司,每天花几千美元用于减轻交通。” - 西雅图Canlis的厨师/所有者Brian Canlis

It's now easier to throw out the rulebook

“The pandemic gave us permission to rewrite rules and to allow our customers to say 'Ok, we're on board'. We're a 71-year old restaurant and we reopened with a new executive chef and menu. If we had done that two years ago, people would have revolted and burned down the building. It's fun that we now have permission from customers to think outside the box." — Brian Canlis


“我们使用电子邮件新闻通讯和社交媒体与客人交流我们的护栏和安全预防措施。我们指出要保持热情和同情心,知道我们必须在此期间为我们制定计划,并坚信这一点。“- 伯灵顿VT的蓝鸟酒店的创始人/总裁苏·贝特(Sue Bette)


“总的来说,[从Trick Dog到快速狗的枢轴,一个流行出生的外卖概念]是一种经济损失。在我们的情况下,PPP贷款被PPP贷款所抵消,我们很幸运能够将该资本作为安全网我们可以使用。但是我们一直将这种损失视为探索快速狗的机会成本。如果我们刚刚关闭,我们将损失更少的钱,但是有一些不可量化的好处。即使这是我们训练有素的餐馆老板,即使这一切也是如此。”- 旧金山Bon Vivants Hospitality创始人Josh Harris

Seize the opportunity to shake up paychecks

“我知道我是否想改变薪资结构,现在是时候了。- 凯蒂·巴顿(Katie Button),首席执行官/联合创始人,北卡罗来纳州阿什维尔(Asheville


“For us it's been about imagining "What's in it for them?" rather than "What's in it for us?" and looking at things from an employee's position. We have a flat front-of-house and back-of-house model, there are no levels like a lead bartender or host, everyone did everything from the day we opened our doors. That helped a lot, because we created a sense of balance instead of hierarchy. People want to feel on equal footing and it allows for opportunities for cross-training. — Kendra Anderson, co-founder, Modern Queens Consulting Group, Denver


“For us, dining in is still king. You can't sell someone another beer through takeout, so if you're a bar owner, the takeout model is really just a bandaid and not part of the business model unfortunately. We really rely on guests who want to come in the door and socialize for a few hours. That's not replaceable through an app. Dining in is here to stay." –– Sang Yoon

Fewer staff means fewer tables.

“Our rule is simple: if we don't have enough people, we take tables out. It's not about that one $20 transaction, we want to create a relationship with you. It's not about getting you a hot taco, it's about having a good time. Our sales will have to scale with our staff––we can't expect to do the same sales when half our staff is out." –– Scott Lawton, CEO + co-founder, bartaco


“一个慷慨的病假福利确实很有帮助。上班的病人没有人获胜。如果人们知道他们可以在家生病,那真的很大。我们很大程度上支持召集病假,那是一件英勇的事情。”- 布莱恩·卡利斯(Brian Canlis)