Here are local and nationwide resources that we hope can provide some relief for laid-off restaurant workers.
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一个cross the country, restaurants and bars areincreasingly closing按照政府的规定,如纽约和内华达州或自愿,随着社会距离变得至关重要扁平曲线。这se closures are obviously brutal not only forrestaurant operators and owners,,,,but for the workforce, both front and back of the house, who will be laid off indefinitely.

为了应对危机,从基层努力到政府救济的一系列计划,赠款和资源,以及定期更新的酒店行业联盟开始成形新冠肺炎Facebook group。再次查看,随着更多资源可用,此故事将继续更新。


On Monday, March 16, One Fair Wage launched an emergency fund to support tipped workers and service workers affected by the coronavirus and the economic downturn. The organization is raising funds to provide free紧急现金援助to restaurant workers, delivery drivers, and other tipped and service workers impacted by the crisis.

这organization hopes to be able to give each worker $213, an amount that nods to $2.13, the federal minimum wage for tipped workers. The organization is also calling on Americans to demand the federal government and every state end the sub-minimum wage and adopt One Fair Wage—not just in this crisis, but permanently.

Eligible workers will be screened in phone interviews with One Fair Wage staff, and any additional unused funds will be spent on tipped-worker organizing and advocacy. The One Fair Wage campaign is a fiscally sponsored project of the Seattle-based Alliance for a Just Society, which is administering the tax-deductible 501(c)3 donations.

反思是Hiring and Giving $40K Grants

Rethink,,,,a New York City-based non-profit working to recover nutritious excess food to provide low or no-cost meals to New York City families in need, has shifted gears to focus on the coronavirus crisis.

Its newly launched重新考虑餐厅响应计划offers operators and restaurant workers two creative and financially supportive options for help.

First, it is雇用房屋员工-烹饪团队成员,,,,facilities team membersandvwin德赢ac米兰食品分销伙伴-to join its Brooklyn Navy Yard-based culinary center and begin cooking and preparing meals for New Yorkers that will be distributed to its partners like God’s Love and City Harvest, and also at the Rethink Cafe in Fort Greene and at its partner restaurants across the city.

这些合作餐厅是Rethink与危机的经济影响作斗争的第二种方式。鼓励全市受到大流行影响的餐馆apply to become a Rethink partner。每家合作伙伴餐厅将获得40,000美元的赠款,用于维持生计,以支付员工或租金。如果选择赠款,则该餐厅将成为Rethink制造的食品配送中心。vwin德赢ac米兰Rethink的餐点可免费提供给任何纽约客,或建议3美元的建议捐款,并将用于送货或抢购。执行董事梅格·萨维奇(Meg Savage)解释说:“从本质上讲,餐馆将成为Rethink的分配臂。”

NYC Hospitality Alliance: Policy and Programs

In New York City, whereallrestaurants and bars must stop serving dine-in guests at 8 p.m. on March 16, and only offer delivery and grab and go, the NYC Hospitality Alliance is keeping restaurants updated on resources. Executive director Andrew Rigie’s regular newsletter includes information on all many of resources and programs including information on Unemployment Insurance Benefits. New York State waived the seven-day waiting period for Unemployment Insurance benefits for people out of work due to coronavirus closures or quarantine.

It has also established a12-point policy and mitigation planfor restaurants and will continue to propose policy ideas to address the massive issues this will create. It is also pointing operators to the City of New York's small business agency which is offering services and information to businesses. “We are in this together,” Rigie says.

Restaurant Workers’ Community Foundation

这Restaurant Worker’s Community Foundation已经形成了新冠肺炎Crisis Relief Fundfor restaurant workers. The organization will focus on supporting “an industry in crisis,” including both workers and small-business owners. The Fund will provide aid by direct money to those organizations that are doing on-the-ground work, use its impact investing budget to provide zero-interest loans so restaurants can maintain payroll or reopen, and provide relief for individuals facing economic hardship or a health crisis due to coronavirus. The RWCF is also creating a资源列表related to the coronavirus crisis and plans to collect data from workers and restaurant owners who have been affected.

Bartender Relief

这USBG National Charity Foundation, a nonprofit dedicated to advancing the stability and wellbeing of service industry professionals through education and charity, has launched a酒保紧急援助计划available to any bartender or the spouse or child of a bartender. Applications are being taken now.

Reducing Food Waste

Many ad-hoc groups are also forming to ensure food is diverted to families in need.


这Restaurant Closures Community Activation Group主任由萨曼莎·昂格尔Katz,美军陆军nity Engagement for the New York Distilling Company, has launched an online survey to find the best ways to help our communities. “While we know that this is an incredibly challenging and uncertain time, we hope to turn some of our fear and frustration into helping those in need by minimizing food waste and feeding the hungry,” said Unger Katz, who asks that any restaurant planning to suspend operations fill out the form so that food can be salvaged for donation.


在#MeToo运动之后成立的酒店联合妇女开始编译list of COVID-related resources以及该领域的个人故事,反映了整个行业的困难。


这国家餐厅协会has aCOVID-19页在其网站上,将餐馆定向到小型企业管理局,该管理局宣布将与州政府合作,向受疫情严重影响的小型企业提供针对性的低息灾难恢复贷款。您可以找到有关这些贷款以及如何获得这些贷款的更多信息here

这Greg Hill Foundation and Samuel Adams

这Greg Hill Foundation and Samuel Adams have teamed up to support Massachusetts restaurant industry workers through the Restaurant Strong Fund, which will provide grants to full-time restaurant workers in Massachusetts. Boston-area chefs Ming Tsai, Ken Oringer, and Chris Coombs have been brought on to partner and advise on the campaign. Sam Adams kicked off the fund with a $100,000 donation, and will be matching donations through March 31 up to an additional $100,000, according to the announcement. The goal is to provide “$1,000 grants to as many qualifying grantees as possible.”

To qualify for a grant, workers must meet the following qualifications: be a full-time tipped compensated employee (minimum of 30 hours total per week, can be multiple restaurants), employed for three months or longer at the same location, and have worked in a restaurant, bar, cafe, or nightclub in Massachusetts. They must also submit a completed application form and the last two pay stubs received. The application can be accessed on the Greg Hill foundation’s网站

Grassroots Efforts Around the Country


In Brooklyn, the owners of一个女孩饼干,,,,Bien Cuit, andStinkyare combining forces to work out the logistics of a delivery program that is coordinated between all of their businesses.

Ramona,,,,makers of sparkling wine, will be donating $3,734.40, the average monthly salary of a server in New York City, to the Restaurant Worker's COVID-19 Crisis Relief Fund. “As a small business with our roots in NYC, we feel it’s more important now than ever to support our local hospitality community,” Jordan Salcito, CEO and Founder of Ramona. “We encourage anyone who is able to join us in this effort to consider contributing to this fund.”

在芝加哥,Stock Mfg.andLeisure Activitieshave launchedChicago Hospitality United,,,,a line of t-shirts to raise funds for Chicago’s food and beverage community. All of the net proceeds from Chicago Hospitality United’s shirts will go directly towards financial relief for hourly employees affected by the necessary precautions Governor Pritzker and Mayor Lightfoot have implemented.

Tees are priced at $25 each with the option to “leave a tip” for those inclined to give more. Sales will be split evenly amongst participating establishments who will then disseminate directly to their hourly employees.

Participating bars and restaurants include All Together Now, Birrieria Zaragoza, Elske, Scofflaw,Young American and more.

这City of Chicago is offering an紧急租赁援助计划,,,,which helps people who have lost their job, had a home fire, or an illness. They provide a one-time grant up to $900 to help cover one month's rental payment.

在亚特兰大,这Giving Kitchen正在为诊断为Covid-19的餐厅工作人员提供支持。捐赠厨房提供financial assistanceto those in crisis due to COVID-19. Food service workers in Georgia who have been diagnosed with COVID-19 and/or those who are under doctor’s orders for a mandatory quarantine shouldask for help。Food service workers experiencing hardship who do not meet these criteria may still be eligible for resource referrals through the Giving Kitchen’sStability Network

Based in Houston, Texas, theSouthern Smoke Emergency Relief Fundis fundraising for restaurant relief donations and distributing them to restaurant workers in need.

Next Gen Chef这是一个总部位于旧金山的烹饪平台,允许食品企业家与顾问建立联系,并可以免费访问其社区,以便人们可以联系,协作vwin德赢ac米兰和创新。“We’re hoping that by providing access to our community, food entrepreneurs will access mentors, resources and community members to support each other in this time of uncertainty,” said Justine Reichman, Founder and CEO, who adds that they will also be launching online classes for everyone, forums and will continue offering virtual mentor office hours.

这D.C. Virtual Tip Jaris a running list of service workers in the city and their Venmo accounts where generous people can donate extra cash.

Chef Edward Lee is partnering with Makers Mark to create theRestaurant Workers Relief Program。一个s he wrote in anInstagram postabout the initiative, “we will turn 610 Magnolia into a relief center for any restaurant worker who has been laid off.”

Gig Workers Collectivehas a robust list of helpful state-by-state resources.


这restaurant reservation platform Seated has launched热线餐厅经营者可以从行业专业人士团队那里获得建议。酒店业领先的财务和会计顾问Cohnreznick以及酒店业的领先律师事务所Golenbock Eisman Assor Assor Bell&Peskoe正在提供服务。需要建议的餐厅运营商可以参观seatedhotline.com并提交问题。从那里开始,他们的问题将引导到公司的顾问。

Dining Bonds

一群餐馆行业专业人士已设置a national initiative即使暂时关闭了餐馆,也可以将资金移交给餐馆手中。一个Dining Bondworks like a savings bond, where you can purchase a "bond" at a value rate to be redeemed for face value (for example, a $100 bond for $75) at a future date.

一个ctivist Groups

新冠肺炎Hospitality Task Force:


Innovations in Hospitality// COVID-19:

More Resources

Feeding America (find your local food bank):

This story is evolving. Check back for more updates.