In this four-part video series, Senior Food Editor Mary-Frances Heck checks in with four Birmingham, Alabama, businesses as they navigate their new reality.
Birmingham Restaurants During Coronavirus
图片来源:玛丽·弗朗西斯(Mary-Frances Heck)

Thecoronavirus pandemichasshutteredrestaurants, bars, and food businesses all across the country, causing mass layoffs in the industry and forcing owners to makepainful choices。有些人不得不完全关闭,而另一些人则试图找到方法pivotthrough take-out and送货。(The coronavirus stimulus package was also recently passed—readour guideto find out what that means for small businesses and former service industry employees.)

Food & WineSenior Food Editor Mary-Frances Heck visited four food and beverage businesses in Birmingham, Alabama, earlier this month to see how they’ve adapted. The bar Queen’s Park has been offering fully mixed virgin cocktails in sealed containers, with optional mini bottles of liquor to be added at home; Evans Meats & Seafood has changed its operation from wholesale to direct-to-public. Watch our videos with each business below.


玛丽·弗朗西斯(Mary-Frances)停下来皇后公园, a cocktail bar located in the city’s downtown Loft District, to talk to co-owner and celebrated bartender Laura Newman about the steps she’s taken to keep the business running. They started selling to-go cocktails in sealed containers; however, since filming, theAlabama ABC Boardhas clarified that all liquor must be sold in its original packaging. So the team has pivoted to selling fully mixed virgin cocktails with optional mini bottles of liquor to be added at home.

皇后公园的共同所有人和纽曼的未婚夫拉里·“穆德”·汤利(Larry“ Mudd” Townley)说:“我们要做的就是确保每个人都开心,并且同时安全。”“希望我们能为两者找到一个不错的共同点。适应,克服并保持健康。”


自动海鲜和牡蛎vwin德赢ac米兰has figured out how to pivot to a curbside and takeout model. Mary-Frances talks to the executive chef and owner, Adam Evans, as well as owner and project designer Suzanne Humphries—they’re working to use what they have on hand and figuring out ways to preserve the seafood, too. For example, Evans talked about shucking oysters and preserving them in oil, as well as drying out excess snapper.

“We’re redoing [the menu] every day,” Humphries said. “We would do that anyway, but now it’s not, what is the farm, who’s caught what, or what have they grown? It’s what do we have? What has the shortest shelf life? What do we need to use today, versus what can we wait and use for two days?”

Rodney Scott’s Whole Hog BBQ

Mary-Frances heads over toRodney Scott’s Whole Hog BBQ, where she talks with Culinary DirectorRoscoe Hall。Rodney Scott’s has also pivoted to curbside service—it's offering almost the full menu, along with affordably priced family meals that feed six to 12. Hall says the majority of their clientele has been first responders, and they’ve been giving them a 50 percent off discount.


Evans Meats&Seafovwin德赢ac米兰od,Inc。

Mary-Frances visits Addam Evans, owner ofEvans Meats & Seafood。Previously, 90 percent of the company’s revenue came from restaurant sales—bulk orders like whole sides of fish and whole pieces of beef. Now, the team is breaking them down into single servings so they can sell directly to the public.

“This is a small way for us to try to keep some revenue in, keep employees hired,” Evans said.