
信用:奥斯卡·黄 /盖蒂图像

戴夫Beran正在weird about it, but he's staring across the dining room at your empty water glass and probably wishing he could fill it with his mind. So many things—cosmic, personal, and every shade in between—have been knocked askew by the pandemic, but this one is just scratching at his soul. Beran (F&W Best New Chef '14) 拥有在餐馆工作从十几岁开始when he was "toast boy" at a diner,通过在诸如时尚关节的行政总厨之后的任期Alinea下一个, and now his own restaurant帕斯乔利在洛杉矶,某些事情只是他的肌肉记忆。您就是这样切成汤的洋葱。您将鸭子盘倒在毫米上。您进行优雅的交谈,弄清楚实际上想在葡萄酒上花费多少。vwin德赢ac米兰而且,也许是他的热情好客愿景的最核心,您可以使客人的水杯充满。


不断变化是贝兰烹饪精神的核心。就像大多数与季节合适的厨师一样,他和Pasjoli的团队自2019年9月餐厅开业以“高架社区小酒馆”开业以来一直处于菜单评估和调整状态,但他一直认为他一直接受极端。作为芝加哥的下一个行政总厨,贝兰的任务是每个季节的概念完全重塑餐厅的概念,从“童年”的主题转变为埃尔布利的食物到西西里人,然后在一个日历年中转移了凯兹基美食。vwin德赢ac米兰在对话中,他最近在圣莫尼卡(Santa Monica),贝兰(Beran)和团队(Team)的近期座位的18个座位的米其林星级独奏,受到渴望不断询问他们对美食的所有事物的愿望,并保持与自然的无休止对话(大概是赏金的供应商)。但是,这一切都是根据选择而变化的,主动重新发明为实践,每个新元素都考虑,重新考虑和永恒评估。这并不意味着他想在一年半的时间内关闭并重新打开Pasjoli三次,但他接受了它所提出的机会。

“We always try to look at the positive side of everything, because it's easy to look at all the negative stuff. But it's almost like in being forced to rethink and open the restaurant three times, the restaurant gets substantially better each time," Beran says. "You have all these ideas of what your restaurant wants to be. But usually when you go into a restaurant the first time, it's in its infancy. It takes two or three years for a restaurant to really understand what it wants to be. I wanted everyone to order their own food, and not share. I wanted to branch away from the idea that we're going to get all this for the table, and we need this and that. Obviously within a month, I realized it didn't matter how hard I fought, it was never going to change. I feel like the best version of a restaurant is towards the end of its second year, when you have the confidence to just be what you want it to be without feeling like you have to uphold these obligations to your diners."




He took the note, and as COVID-19 regulations came into play, Pasjoli adapted to be the restaurant the neighborhood needed. "Once we had the patio and moved the host stand outside—with dog treats in the host stand—all the neighbors got to know us. We started opening for lunch on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday at a much lower price point. Now we have regulars who come twice a week for lunch that live down the street who never would've come for dinner, or never would've come had we not been outside."


他用停顿来扎根,环顾四周。这家餐厅在加利福尼亚,而不是芝加哥或普罗旺斯,他需要从农产品开始就接受它。“在第二次重新开放我喜欢的法国食物和一些我最喜欢的法国厨师之前,我有整个顿悟。vwin德赢ac米兰甚至是阿兰·帕萨德(Alain Passard)的Instagram。vwin德赢ac米兰



Beran closed his other restaurant, Dialogue—a plan already in the works—brought everyone who wanted to over to Pasjoli, and with the full input of the team, developed a compensation model that allows more hours and greater pay for everyone on staff (minus himself). "I've pretty much been working six days a week since the pandemic started. Because as an owner, you have to start looking at things and saying 'I'm almost like free labor,'" he says.

“We've really prioritized the employees in giving more hours. We collectively as a team opted to shift our labor a certain way, so rather than hiring more people, the management, as a collective decision, opted to work a little more. I'm the only one who works six days. Everyone else is still five days," Beran says. "If you could hire 12 people, and give them all three days a week, inevitably they're going to look somewhere else for two to three days a week. Or if you can look at all of them and say, 'I can give you five days a week with eight to nine hour shifts, so you can a little bit of overtime,' then you have a full time job with healthcare that you can always come to, and you don't have to split your time." It's better for their mental health, he says, because they have a sole job they can rely on without having to worry about stitching together hours, possibly at a place where they're reliant on tips, or in a non-tipped position.






他没有为法国洋葱汤(French Onion Soup)提供75磅重的洋葱,这需要两个小时的小组,而是看着Robo Coupe上的一个附件。“它削减了他们的努力,并做得65%至70%。那种精美的就餐心态,我变得懒惰。”伯兰说。“现在我的评估是同样的评估,我从本质上释放了六个小时的劳动。那六个小时的劳动还能做什么?”

So while it's driving him up a wall to see a bottle on the table, or a semi-filled glass, Beran knows that he doesn't have any say over the matter, that there are perhaps are more pressing tasks at hand (he notes that previously, there was a person in each section whose time was primarily taken up with pouring water), and that he has to just deal with it. The diners are given a list of regulations when they make their reservation, and honestly, as long as he doesn't point out the elephant in the room, they may not even notice.
