信用:弗朗兹·朗(Franz Lang)


Remember last fall, whenkitchen burnoutsnuck up on us? Without unfettered access—to cafes where we grab breakfast and bistros where we sit at the bar with a burger when we're just too tired to cook—we learned每天养活自己有多困难。什么时候restaurants reopened,有一段时间,似乎有一种集体,明显的欣赏感。但是,随着这种欣赏的减弱,即使大流行还没有,厨师和运营商也敦促食客保持耐心。

餐馆面临着劳动力的全面短缺,这是Gabriella valls的说法小马in New York City, "puts pressure on current employees to carry longer hours and to do tasks they have not received proper training for." As a result, service might look different than it did in the past.

Also contributing to this new reality: Ever-changing COVID-19 protocols that make Andre Fowles of莉莉小姐在纽约,他觉得他“每周开设一家新餐厅”。再加上供应链的细分,从一盒手套到新的制冷单元,更加困难(又昂贵),甚至是餐厅不断变化的物理空间。CédricVongerichten,所有者Wayan在纽约,他们说,他们在户外增加了座位,以补偿在室内较少的座位,但新设置使服务速度较慢。他说:“当我们设计餐厅时,我们并没有真正考虑在户外再有30至40个座位。”小事 - 就像缺乏服务器站,服务器无法使用额外的银器,以及从外面厨房获得的额外时间 - 意味着将食物交付到桌子上需要更长的时间。vwin德赢ac米兰厨师说:“这使得提供相同的经验变得更加困难。”

It doesn't mean restaurants aren't trying, though, and it's on diners to be more patient. "All we want is to give our customers the best experience possible," says Amanda Cohen of New York's Dirt Candy andLekka汉堡。“But we can't do that if their expectations are from 2019."

Below, chefs and restaurant owners explain why the industry could use continued patience.


“The hospitality industry is facing a multitude of challenges, the first being staffing shortages which have forced restaurants to limit days and hours of service. It affects everything from the host stand to the kitchen. Be patient with blips and communicate in a nice way with the restaurant if you are having challenges in your experience. Don't use Yelp or Instagram but actively be part of the solution when you are in the restaurant."—Amy Brandwein, chef ofCentrolina, 华盛顿特区。

“我们正在遇到严重的劳动力短缺,没有明确的视线。再次加入我们的工作人员很可能会更长的班次工作,并且比以往任何时候都提供更多的桌子和客人。”—Vincent Lesage, area director of culinary experiences atMeritage Resort&Spa,纳帕,加利福尼亚

“我知道去您最喜欢的邻里餐厅之一的感觉,只是意识到您所爱的菜不再在菜单上,或者您以前习惯的细心和及时的服务现在缺乏。图片,重要的是要了解,所有者和员工都会在门开放之前每天都对这些担忧感到强调。劳动力短缺对等待人员和厨房也造成了压力。”- Andre Fowles,厨师兼烹饪总监莉莉小姐,纽约市

And as a result, staff is new

“I think it's less about patience and more about empathy and understanding. More and more, our staff is green and newer to the industry, which may result in more trainees working on a Friday or Saturday evening—something we would normally try to reserve for slower service nights.- Rose Noel,行政总厨Maialino母马, 华盛顿特区。

They're still experiencing supply chain problems

“我不想支付150美元一盒手套anymore. If I lose a refrigeration unit, I have to wait three months for [a new one.] There's a supply issue, whether it's humans, or stainless steel, or gloves. … We're going through something. And just because we were fortunate enough to catch a breath, doesn't mean that it's over. The pandemic is not over by a longshot."- Cheetie Kumar,厨师兼所有者Garland,罗利,北卡罗来纳州

The pandemic seems to have ended from a customer perspective, but the restaurant is still in the fallout period. The ingredient and labor price is abnormally high and restaurants are struggling to balance the business. That struggle will reflect in the experience with the restaurant such as long wait to be served, smaller menu etc."- Zhao,联合创始人兼首席执行官Junzi厨房andNice Day,纽约市and New Haven, Connecticut


我认为食客应该更多的理解,而不是耐心。…现在,现在有许多新规则/法规在Covid-19阵线上不断变化和发展。还有太多其他变量在运算符的控制中。工作人员获得了19日,供应商不提供食物/饮料等。”vwin德赢ac米兰—Kerem Bozer, owner ofTacos Güey,纽约市

“All of us have spent the past 18 months longing for a return to normal but it's becoming clear that we aren't out of the woods yet and nowhere is that more obvious than in restaurants. Shut downs, mask mandates, and social distancing are all burdens that we've had to shoulder for the last year and being the mask police for diners who are anxious to get back to normal has been exhausting. On top of that we've had to reopen and close our restaurants numerous times, and played musical chairs with occupancy limits all while trying to find staff. It hasn't helped that the city and state make things harder by shutting down alcohol delivery with 24 hour notice. None of this has been easy for anyone and a little bit of patience would go a long way.—Amanda Cohen, chef of越野糖and chef/co-founder ofLekka汉堡,纽约市

“There's never been a more important time for diners to put themselves in the shoes of the restaurant operators and chefs of places they love and want to see survive. We opened Veranda during the pandemic and finding qualified, hard-working front-of-house and back-of-house staff has been extremely challenging. Consequently, many nights both the kitchen and the floor are understaffed and overworked. Everyone in the industry is trying their hardest to provide old-school hospitality but they are taxed to the max, so if you love a place now's the time to root for it and support it."—David Rabin, partner atVeranda,纽约市

Everyone is more stressed

“总的来说,大多数进入热情好客的人之所以这样做,是因为他们真的很喜欢让人们快乐。在Covid-19中让人们开心变得越来越困难,因为人们压力很大并且仍然处于生存模式。我也相信一般。公众没有意识到大流行对在餐厅工作的含义有多大的影响,以及在任何一天的努力。我们将继续适应和努力变得更好,更热情好客,我只是希望所有我们进来的客人将努力善良和耐心。”—Kevin O'Donnell, chef and owner of朱斯托, Newport, Rhode Island

“虽然我们继续调整迅疾protocols and mandates, it's more important than ever for those dining with us to show understanding and empathy. Even under 'normal' circumstances the restaurant experience is a collaboration between guests and staff, and it's paramount as we approach the end of this challenging stretch. It's a demanding industry and burnout is prevalent even in the best of times, so given the added pressures we're all facing—like labor shortages leading to overworking—it's important to remember to treat each other with humanity. You never know what someone is going through or what someone has safriced to serve you so be kind and patient, and tip well even if the service isn't to your standards."- Mary Attea,厨师的厨师步枪室,纽约市

“There's definitely been a high demand for reservations and with more people than ever before enjoying dining out, both staff and guests are learning how to maneuver in this new environment. Whether it's being patient with the pace of service or being timely so that we can accommodate every reservation, it's all a part of the new dining experience. This is also the perfect time for us to get even more connected with our guests and to receive direct feedback about what we're doing right and what could be improved."—Gabriel Woo, executive chef and partner of酒吧塞西尔, Palm Springs, California