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如果您突然感觉到戴着恐惧的汤灰尘的感觉,请拉起椅子并安顿下来。我们可能会在这里待一会儿。经过一年以上的焦虑,不确定性,损失和牺牲,在我们生活的每个部门中,好像 - 名人越过了 - 我们共同使这种大流行的人变得更好。也许我们已经开始出现,皱巴巴和眨眼,即使不是我们的旧现实,至少是一个可靠的封面版本,我们都可以随身携带,尽管它是在另一个钥匙中。准备好在主机支架上展示疫苗接种,前额用于温度枪,针对QR码的相机应用程序。当您需要时,您会很快习惯于事情。

但是随后,针头以三角洲,Omicron和其他各种冠状病毒突变的形式出现,这些突变比以前的化身更快地传播,并引起突破性的感染(though with fewer hospitalizations)在完全接种疫苗的人中,甚至在一些收到助推器的人中。在最初的冠状病毒浪潮中,许多餐馆痛苦不堪,永远无法保持开放,并永远关闭。去年禁止使用室内餐饮或容量封顶的许多餐馆通过维持强大的户外座位安排来度过风暴,现在发现了必要的寒冷天气,例如丙烷和热灯,以短或过于昂贵的供应。同样稀缺的餐馆工人。在过去的一年半中,许多人离开了行业,厌倦或根本无法度过几十年来一直是行业标准的高压力,低薪,永恒的工作条件,现在这一角色使该角色更加复杂必须向经常敌对的公众执行共同协议。

If the industry was hanging on by a thread before, it's now down to a single strand. Right at the moment that workers were counting on holiday bookings to help them recover from the year's shortfall, the spread of the new variants is causing countless restaurants to stop service and shutter for days if a single employee tests positive. The dining public—already beleaguered by, you know, everything—is undoubtedly weary of hearing this tune on endless repeat, but here we go once more with feeling: If you want your favorite restaurants to survive, you have to help. Here's how.


"Remember how often you ate out before the pandemic hit, and if you have the financial ability to do so—even if you're not going to dine in the restaurant—order from those same restaurants. Do that as often as you would have pre-pandemic. Find a way to bring it home and have that experience, because稳定的客户群可能是您可以提供任何餐厅或酒吧的最佳礼物

And yes,你应该提小费。当您订购食物去吃时,那个厨房里仍然有很多劳动vwin德赢ac米兰正在发生,甚至更多地收拾好东西,以便您实际上可以把它带回家并完好无损。我的个人规则是,如果我有财务能力,那么我将在大流行中提小费是我之前的两倍,因为这些人正冒着生命的危险我一顿饭。” - 联合创始人兼执行董事埃里卡·波尔玛(Erika Polmar)独立餐厅联盟


"Have patience with us and be open to understanding how this ongoing pandemic specifically affects our individual businesses on a day-to-day basis. From more stringent regulations and ever-changing protocols coming down on us, to the rising price of food which forces us to raise prices in the middle of a pandemic where a record number of people are unemployed—not to mention, the difficulty filling positions at an affordable cost—我们当中有些人仍然真的被这件事殴打。在试图在这种不确定性中进行操作时,很难平衡所有这些障碍。尤其是当我们要做的就是为您服务,并使您快乐。

We don't want to raise prices and don't necessarily want to enforce masks and distancing and all of these things, but we have to if we want to stay open. Sometimes the wait times are long, sometimes we don't get things right. But we are trying and so just being patient and kind and understanding is a wonderful way of supporting. People want to come out, and we want them to come out, so只是和我们一起工作to make sure we are able to provide a safe and enjoyable experience." — Charles Martin, chef-owner of正确的选择餐饮公司


“您要在餐厅花费的任何钱都会有所帮助。如果您最喜欢的餐厅出售T恤,头巾或手提袋或礼品卡,请购买。礼品卡很棘手。最好的方式可以支持餐厅要购买礼品卡并燃烧。无论您卖什么餐厅,都买。If your neighborhood restaurant has a GoFundMe and you can afford to donate, donate. Whatever you can do to keep the people that make you food and make you feel good when you visit them afloat is really important." — Erika Polmar, co-founder and executive director of the Independent Restaurant Coalition



一个例子是最近与一名妇女的相遇,该妇女由于我们的掩盖和疫苗接种卡政策而对我的一名工作人员大喊大叫。尖叫“纳粹,绵羊,白痴等”之类的东西我们的顾客实际上支持我们,并帮助收集了她的行为证据。长时间后,这是我们需要的最后一件事,看到我们的惊人社区站在我们身后确实给了我们希望。” - 卡洛·拉马纳(Carlo Lamagna)麦格纳·库西娜(Magna Kusina)vwin德赢ac米兰食品和美酒vwin德赢ac米兰Best New Chef 2021

Share grace.

“像您一样压力很大,制作和服务食物的人都具有指数的程度。即使您真的有一个糟糕的一天,您对切断的驾驶员大喊大叫,也可以找到一种方vwin德赢ac米兰法呼吸并记住,这个人实际上已经使自己的生命处于危险之中,并确保您有一个愉快的时刻可以逃脱。恩典和感激之情是,当您给予时,它会恢复您以一种放大的方式。take a breath and speak with kindness and gratitude, you will find that it is amplified and mirrored in a way that you're nourished beyond the food that you're eating." — Erika Polmar, co-founder and executive director of the Independent Restaurant Coalition

Be thankful.

“当我出去吃饭时,我要记住的事情,并有一个客人的观点:对整个体验更加耐心,但也要感谢您在餐厅里充分利用它。不是说花费大量的钱,而是分享您的积极快乐与您一起吃的人,照顾您的员工和以您认为合适的方式说“谢谢”。这些天出去真是一种享受。为什么不让所有人感到愉悦呢?” - 巴黎普赖尔,服务和葡萄酒总监vwin德赢ac米兰Francie



A lot of folks don't realize how important their voice is in government. If you remember Schoolhouse Rock, a small group of people went to their congressman and said, 'We need to do X, Y and Z.' The congressman said, 'You're right. There ought to be a law.' And they voted on a bill. Somehow we've forgotten that, as the government has seemed further and further away..

餐厅食客总是很发声。他们是第一个写评论的人。他们是第一个为食物拍照的人。vwin德赢ac米兰当您拍摄美食的照片时,请将其发布并标记您的国会议员,然后说:“非常感谢您支持餐厅振兴基金”,或者,“舒默参议员,谢谢您的支持餐馆”,您需要餐馆仍然存在。很容易。这是我们食客已经做的事情。我们只是添加一些额外的一点确保您的政府知道您有多爱您的餐馆。” - 独立餐厅联盟的联合创始人兼执行董事Erika Polmar


The hospitality industry is fueled equally by business and artistry. Supporting your favorite restaurant means supporting both of those sources or energy. The business part is easy: go often if you can, order direct if you can't visit, andintroduce your friends through group dinners and gift cards at the holidays。Supporting the artistry is more nuanced and is rooted in respect. Show up on time, be understanding of gaps in service, engage in the details of the menu, and comment on aspects of the experience you particularly like, even simple things like the soundtrack or the lightning. — Bo Peabody, co-founder of座位