The Jeepney chef flies from Miami to NYC and back every week because she wants diners to know and love Filipino cuisine as much as she does.

妮可·庞塞卡(Nicole Ponseca)的肖像和面条的美容镜头
Credit: Marts Romero / Noah Fecks

Nicole Ponseca is hustling. Every Thursday, she boards a plane from Miami to New York. Four days later, she turns around and flies back to southern Florida. There, at吉普尼in the1-800个赛义的食物大vwin德赢ac米兰厅,她和她的团队有无数的事情要做,包括在Sprite中腌制鸡肉和猪肉,为他们的畅销串串做准备。为了减少拾取时间,他们可以搭配肉类,然后烤烤,并配上传统的香蕉番茄酱和腌制蔬菜,称为阿特萨拉(Atsara)。庞塞卡说:“这就是我长大的一切。”“味道就像家。”


As she mentions in her 2018 cookbook我是菲律宾人:这就是我们做饭的方式,那年是詹姆斯·比尔德(James Beard)奖的决赛入围者,她开设了餐馆,因为她想改变有关菲律宾美食的对话。vwin德赢ac米兰在此过程中,她还想提升菲律宾人。庞塞卡说:“我知道如果我们做对了,这将为菲律宾人提供更加自豪的基础,并可能以企业家的身份进入该领域。”“除非菲律宾人相信自己,否则不会发生。”

That mission hasn't been easy, especially given the year that was 2020. Last spring, almost immediately after lockdown was announced in New York, she and her longtime sous chef Diomedes "Dio" Rincon jumped back into Jeepney and started feeding frontline workers all over the city. In October, she launched Tita Baby's meal kits, heat-and-serve meals accompanied by booklets that included stories, historical context, even links to Spotify playlists. Ponseca composed these herself, with the goal of bringing the experience of the restaurant to people who were forced to dine at home.

"I definitely channel being a boxer," says Ponseca. "I think if I was Muhammad Ali or Tyson or any of these fighters who willingly—Willingly! Nobody's putting a gun to my brain!—get in the ring. For all intents and purposes, I could have taken that PPP money, paid off the debts and said 'I'm out.' But I'm responsible to my business. I'm responsible to the vision I set out for myself. And I want to see it through."

Now, even though more and more people are vaccinated and venturing out to restaurants again, things are still challenging. One of the biggest hurdles continues to be the labor shortage, with many restaurant workers seeking different jobs after the pandemic. Ponseca is quick to point out that despite this reality, there are still amazing people in the industry she gets to work with, such as Maita Espinosa and Julio Casilla, the local bakers atM.E的饼干who have also helped run the Jeepney stall in Miami.

其他挑战与开放在阳光下统计e have included how to procure Filipino and Asian ingredients in a new market, the smaller Filipino community in Miami as compared to New York, and the enduring perception that Filipino food seems like a totally new cuisine to so many Miamians.

对于迈阿密吉普尼的一些拉丁裔客人来说,美食实际上可能很熟悉。庞塞卡(Ponseca)与她的前排团队谈论菲律宾人如何在菲律宾的西班牙殖民地的历史和影响下,就像Primos或Cousins对拉丁美洲人一样。“人们就像,'为什么吉萨多?为什么要莱琴?'我想,“ Pero Mismo Chicharron!”“ Ponseca在这些教学时刻很开心。“我们可以稍微滚下窗户,并与普通食品大厅的体验有所不同。这很酷。”vwin德赢ac米兰

These types of exchanges are just one example of how restaurants not only enhance the value of real estate in a neighborhood, but also enhance community. Which is something Ponseca encourages consumers to think about, especially as restaurant owners try to find price points that will allow their businesses to survive in a post-pandemic world.

向前迈进,庞塞卡(Ponseca)希望找到使喧嚣更可持续的方法。她喜欢这两个她喜欢的城市之间的来回,但有计划的分享食物更广泛。vwin德赢ac米兰从7月开始吉普尼(Goldbelly)可用, where 'lumpia' is already one of the most popular search terms on the platform. She's also looking to venture into at-home products, and is excited about the possibility of people having Jeepney food delivered to their homes nationwide.
