SBA Administrator Isabella Casillas Guzman spoke withFood & Wine关于餐厅老板从Covid-19救济计划中可以期望的。

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自大流行开始以来的一年多了,美国申请中成千上万的独立餐厅和小型食品企业周一开放,终于可以看到真正的救济。vwin德赢ac米兰Restaurant Revitalization Fund,总统在三月份签署了286亿美元的努力,这是他更大的Covid救济法案的一部分。

该基金由小型企业管理局(SBA)管理,该机构级联邦机构是美国小型企业的资源:“我们很高兴能够提供这些赠款(而不是贷款),并且在签署美国救援计划后,我们能够迅速扭转这件事。” SBA管理员Isabella Casillas Guzman在周四接受接受Food & Wine

While the amount of targeted aid—$28.6 billion—is sizable, it's a fraction of the $120 billion in aid initially requested in last year's RESTAURANTS act, the proposed legislation upon which the Restaurant Revitalization Fund was based.

"We know that demand is going to exceed $28.6 billion. We encourage everybody to apply to try to access those funds as well as demonstrate the demand and need," Administrator Guzman said, adding that any additional aid would need to be authorized by Congress.

This means that all eligible businesses should apply as soon as possible. Restaurants, food stands, food trucks, bakeries, caterers, bars, breweries, tasting rooms, wineries, and other food businesses can apply for grants based annual revenue lost during the pandemic. Restaurants that opened in 2020 and early 2021 are eligible to receive grants, too.


As of Friday, April 30 at 9 a.m. ET, business owners can pre-register to apply for grants at restaurants It's a quick sign-up process that requires an email address and two-factor authentication. Actual grant applications open at noon ET on Monday, May 3. The application should take about 25 minutes to complete, Guzman said, assuming a business has all required information and documents ready. Sample applications and a list of required documents are available。实时应用程序将首次提供英语和西班牙语。




Businesses that fall outside of those groups are still encouraged to apply immediately; those applications will be processed on a first-come, first-served basis at the end of the priority period.

Guzman stressed the importance of equitable access not only to the program itself, but to information about the program. The outreach is just as important as the program design, she said, and the SBA partnered with national organizations, ethnic chambers of commerce, and various advocacy groups to distribute information, and leveraged other partners to do additional outreach in underserved communities. A sample application has been translated into 17 languages. And for those who need additional assistance, a customer service line is open from 8 a.m. through 8 p.m. ET Monday through Friday at (844) 279-8898.


Guzman said the SBA is "expediting as quickly as possible because we know that these funds are needed," but did not commit to a specific timeframe.

"When we say that small businesses are the backbone of our economy, it is because they create two thirds of net new jobs, they employ half the private workforce. But they also define our neighborhoods. They give us a sense of community. They build wealth in communities," Guzman said. "I always say that we want small businesses to feel like the giants that they are in our economy. And that means our job as their voice is to really provide programs that are easily accessible, and that make sense for them and how they're doing business, especially today since we know so many of them have transformed during Covid."