
How Not To Be A Toxic Chef
Credit: Thomas Barwick / Getty Images

Given a choice, most people will not consciously decide to create a toxic work environment and yet we see it happen all the time. Maybe we've worked in those places. We ourselves may have been part of the problem. But as in the parable about all people having two wolves inside them—one evil and one good—the wolf who gets fed wins. A restaurant or other workplace isn't born toxic. It's made that way, and we have the power to break the cycle.

根据Keri Higgins-Bigelow,Living HR的首席执行官,专门从事公司培养公司培养的咨询公司,毒性诞生于无所作为,未能解决这一业务潜在的潜在问题而太长。

Outside of restaurants, most degree programs' core competencies curriculum focuses on business management. In culinary programs, the notion of people management as anything more than a cost center is regularly given short shrift, despite how important it is to a business. Rudderless employees climb career ladders, lacking formal leadership training, and try to figure the crucial aspects of team building out as they go. How a workplace does or does not become toxic is an indirect path. Good or bad, a boss's vision and behaviors are the sum total of their experiences and beliefs—and how they choose to apply them.


Levon Wallace, a chef known for his work at Grey & Dudley and Cochon Butcher in Nashville, as well as Proof on Main in Louisville, remembers his formative years with a blend of distaste and accomplishment. Wallace describes one early chef as being "an alcoholic narcissist."

“我努力从混蛋中得到承认,”他回忆道。像许多厨房的时间一样,努力工作是获得在该环境中赞美和避免惩罚的唯一手段。在工作日期间,体罚是负面强化 - 例如胸部的任意拳,当然是在工作日 - 是司空见惯的。华莱士表示,消极情绪也可以更加策划和贬低,并生动地记得厨师,他们要求他在一夜间舔他的鞋子。赞美,如它,大多数都缺乏虐待。

Michael Gulotta, chef-partner of Maypop, Mopho, and Rum and the Lash in New Orleans and a2016年BNC.,回忆起类似的Mindsets,在他的早期治疗不同。他说,“他说,”他播下了混乱。如果服务顺利运行,他会在厨房里重新排列董事会的订单,只要看看我们是否可以处理猴子扳手。“

How Not To Be A Toxic Chef
Credit: Maskot / Getty Images


Like most work environments, the best performers in a restaurant receive consideration for leadership roles. That is not to say that they possess leadership qualities, merely that they are better at performing the job tasks at hand than the rest of the team and therefore command a bit of the team's respect. Armed with only their chef's examples for motivating and disciplining, they usually mimic those behaviors, no matter how healthy or destructive.

主要运行时他的厨房当我“紧”t came to appropriate behavior and speech in the workplace for the late '00s, Gulotta admits to engaging in what he calls "emotional terrorism" when disciplining his team. He recalls asking a cook who was unprepared for service, "Is this how you want to live your life?" without regard to the ferocity or lasting effects of his words.



所有这些厨师中的一个共同主题是新的领导职位带来了意外或低估的压力,导致了非预期的负面行为。“我从来没有想成为某人噩梦的原因,”墨西哥湾回忆起在餐馆所有权的新现实之后留下了他缺乏员工的愿景。2015年,当他被认为是善良的肋骨时,他发现自己在争议的中心。将事件描述为“Cook Shaming”,一个关于他的厨师表现之一的公共社交媒体帖子遇到了愤怒的反应,而不是共享的笑盖。

Heard found himself unable to let go of controlling the minutiae of restaurant operations, and destroyed morale in his restaurant. By not trusting anyone fully to perform their jobs, he left staff questioning their status, and even their reason for being employed there.


These are three stories of good intentions, three significant missteps, and three opportunities to correct the course or not. Often, the path to building a healthy work culture more resembles a balance sheet weighing positive and negative events, than a pastoral landscape. Mistakes happen, but acknowledging the error and combining it with liberal introspection and reflection can shape better workplaces.




Heard, similarly, has considered how he conducts himself in dealing with his staff. Opting for a more humanistic approach, he makes sure to recognize each team member's strengths and puts them in a position to succeed. "You can't slight someone for not being able to catch a ball when their strength is throwing the ball," he says. Heard also admits that his milder personality does not lend itself to being the group's authoritarian and has passed off that role to others.

