



For many across the country, autumn marks the beginning of a season filled with Thanksgiving turkeys and glazed hams, but for Vasavada and her family, Diwali—often referred to as the festival of lights—is the focal point. The holiday, which takes place on November 14 this year (the date is based on the Hindu lunar calendar), represents a triumph of good over evil in Hindu mythology and is celebrated throughout South Asia and its global diaspora. And though there are many customs surrounding Diwali (such as creatingrangoli.多彩艺术用砂或米粉等材料制作,以及瓦斯瓦多,烟花,它始终意味着家庭和食品 - 特别是糖果。vwin德赢ac米兰

Underneath the purple-and-white ombré tapestry of sweetened coconut, a cloud- like layer of Swiss meringue buttercream binds this tall layer cake. But the best part is the chewy coconut filling, inspired by burfi, a type of fudge-like, milk-based Indian sweet. Coconut milk helps keep the crumb incredibly moist and tender.

得到配方:Ombré Coconut Burfi Cake

Credit: Andria Lo

Though masala chai is more commonly made with just black tea, the addition of green tea adds a nice earthiness to the drink. Sourcing the proper tea is important for the best results; look for Wagh Bakri brand or Typhoo Tea at your local South Asian grocer or online. Simmering the dry tea in a small amount of water allows it to fully infuse the scalded milk, which has subtle caramel notes.

Credit: Andria Lo


装饰着可食用的花瓣和金箔,这些令人惊叹的三明治曲奇饼是自己的庆祝活动。商店买了Dulce de Leche丰富了由Peda的填充,这是一种奶油印度奶粉,与豆蔻传统风味。

Credit: Andria Lo

然而,所有这一切都只是主要活动的热身。屠瓦,为瓦斯瓦达,总是在一个大家庭盛宴中,有足够的食物来喂养一个小镇。vwin德赢ac米兰“每年都有一百多个我们在堂兄的家里,”她解释道。房子会越大声谈话,厨房会与传统的古吉拉蒂乡间烹饪越来越多:普里山脉,一个心爱的深炸的炸薯条;Undhiyu的托盘是由几个蔬菜制成的地区的特色与香料和大量的石油一起煮熟;碗chana masala,或五香鹰嘴豆;太多了米饭;一个大罐中的印度泡菜(“家庭成员在印度挑选出来或从划痕做到这一点”);管道热的大桶达尔; Indian-style fruit salad; and, perhaps the most important part of the spread, an impressive assortment of sweets, made by family members leading up to the day. Dinner was never eaten off the best china, but instead from Styrofoam plates with separate compartments for each dish.

diwali spread
Credit: Andria Lo


Vasavada现在住在3000英里之外,距离旧金山以南,与女儿和丈夫一起。由于她搬到了西海岸的八年内,她并没有能够回到新泽西州 - 这是一个重视她的重要事实。“我记得我在这里出去的第一个排灯节,我仔细观看了我的妈妈,只是睡了两个小时。”她在加利福尼亚没有大家庭。“这只是我们三个人,”Vasavada说。“这让我难过,Elara并没有与我所拥有的排灯节成长。”



Credit: Andria Lo


Chhundo, a sweet and tangy marmalade- like pickled condiment with light heat and fragrance from Kashmiri chile powder, tops these crostini. Green mangoes are essential for this recipe—seek out large mangoes with light green skin and crisp white flesh.

Credit: Andria Lo

And while there is no longer a hundred-person annual feast, Vasavada started hosting Diwali dinners with her friends nearby. "They are not all Indian, but they appease me and come anyway," she muses. She still dresses up in a new outfit each year, but the meals are simpler. For dinner, it might be pav bhaji—richly spiced mashed vegetables with buttery toasted bread—plus a crunchy Indian snack, like哈希棕色chaat., or two. The dessert table, however, isn't any less full. "Everyone brings dessert," she explains. Vasavada, for her part, bakes up quite a few treats that honor her dual-culture approach. This year, she is going for a椰子burfi蛋糕,这是Kopra Pak的颂歌,基本上是椰子乳脂,这是一个印度甜蜜的她的爸爸可以制作。还有易碎的豆蔻脆饼饼干that are filled with a dulce de leche–esque take on peda, a dessert made from boiling down milk. But perhaps the star of the table will be herpistachio burfi bark-a厚厚的开心果软糖涂有适量的白色巧克力,装饰着欢乐可食用的花朵和金箔的爆发。

开心果和芬芳的豆蔻闪耀在这种丰富和坚果甜点的灵感来自Burfi,这是一种类似的印度甜蜜。为获得最佳结果,请使用来自供应商的新鲜香料Diaspora Co.或者Burlap & Barrel. For sources for gold leaf and rose petals, see "Hetal's Metals & Petals," below.

得到配方:Pista Burfi Bark.

Credit: Andria Lo

Vasavada意识到她在她的旅程中并不孤单,以维持和发展新的排灯节传统,就像她一样跨越两个世界。今年夏天,她推出了一个online bakery,也称为牛奶&豆蔻,让她可以帮助将这些甜点 - 就像她的Burfi吠声一样,古兰巴春Bundt蛋糕 - 在全国各地的更多桌子,特别是排灯节季节。“这是我甜点到达更多人的一种方式,与此同时,它让我成为很多家庭传统的一部分。”

Hetal Vasavada Diwali
Credit: Andria Lo

Hetal's Metals & Petals

食用金银箔是装饰南亚文化的甜食的热门方式。它们必须是24-Karat金或纯银来充分安全。它们可以从SLO食物集团购买vwin德赢ac米兰(松散的叶片可食用金床单,25张42美元;松散的叶片食用银箔,25张16美元;slofoodgroup.com). Vasavada uses dried organic rose petals sourced from Morocco from Rose Dose(1盎司10美元,Rasedose.com)on many of her desserts. She turns to Jacobs Farm del Cabo in Santa Cruz, California, for most of her other flowers, like calendulas and pansies, and notes that fresh petals from Whole Foods or other retailers will work as long as they are marked as "edible."