Pizza Rustica
Credit: Bridget Hallinan

随着世界措施的社会疏散,以防止蔓延coronavirus, holidays look a little different. People hosted theirPassover seders在缩放中,削减他们的大盛宴,养活三个,两个甚至一,这个复活节星期天,我的家人将在同一条船上。我们并不是那么宗教,但Easter dinner是我们一直参加的传统,无论是我们托管我们的托管还是访问法律。堆在桌子周围,亲戚,我的爸爸,我吃太多开胃菜,因为我的小表兄弟跑来跑去玩他们的秘密游戏。每次,我们都发现笑的新理由。


不要与比萨饼披萨糊涂的比萨饼店,披萨·鲁西塔实际上是一个巨型的意大利馅饼,两层糕点面团,一个在底部和另一个毯子上面的毯子上面。介于两者之间是鸡蛋,奶酪等的混合物。很多。肉。那里有很多变化;有些只是使用萨拉米,如此recipe我们有vwin德赢ac米兰食品和葡萄酒vwin德赢ac米兰和其他人一样,这样Real Simple版本,拨打五(五!)不同的肉类。在十几岁时,我们一直在制作披萨鲁西卡,我们一直依靠McCall的烹饪学校的同一个复古食谱,这只是需要甜美的意大利香肠和熏火腿。

The page has a few notes scrawled on it—we use olive oil instead of the requisite salad oil, switch homemade pastry dough for pre-made, and add salami because the one thing Italian meat pie could always use more of is meat. (And, yeah, we skip the decorative dough leaves on top, too.) Even with the shortcuts, what comes out of the oven is so marvelously, consistently delicious that I can’t imagine making it any other way.

If you cut out the dough-making steps and buy store-bought, the ingredient list is pretty short: olive oil, sweet Italian sausages, eggs (some raw, some hard-boiled), ricotta cheese, grated mozzarella cheese, grated帕尔马干酪cheese, salami, prosciutto, parsley, black pepper, and a little bit of water. Our version starts by browning crumbled sausages in a skillet and setting them aside, and then, beating eggs in a bowl. Next, you pile in all three cheeses, the sausage, parsley, black pepper, and deli meats, which should be coarsely chopped.

当然,如果你能消除职责,那就更快。一个烹饪香肠,一个人主持煮沸的鸡蛋,也许是另一种切片熏火腿和萨拉米香肠。最初几年,我的妈妈自己制作了馅饼,我记得在我之前看着她经过动作,也加入了装配线。我很高兴我做了 - 除了想要帮助她,它创造了一套很好的回忆,以及每年期待的新的回忆:冥想的斩波,香肠烹饪的气味,迷你舞蹈休息。这是一种温暖的感觉,与你爱的人一起创造出一些东西。

pizza rustica filling Easter
Credit: Bridget Hallinan


35 to 40 minutes later, the glorious, golden pizza rustica emerges. It’s tempting to cut into it as soon as it’s cool enough to eat, and some recipes do call for serving it warm, including our own. But we like to prepare it the day beforehand and then eat cold slices forEaster breakfast关于让食材在冰箱中融合在一起的情况下的丝绸真正增强了味道。咸味香肠,熏火腿和萨拉米香肠;来自欧芹的亮度;来自外壳的蝴蝶。一声丰厚的切片绝对足以让你进入下午,你也非常保证有一些剩菜。那些往往是我最喜欢的部分 - 当我年轻的时候,我会喝一块馅饼,并自豪地在午餐时乘坐Tupperware上学。

Middle school turned to high school, high school turned to college—my parents would graciously bring pre-made pie with them for Easter visits—and college turned to work, where yes, I’ve still packed leftover pie for lunch the past few years. It’s a tradition I look forward to as much asmaking cookiesfor Christmas and fresh pesto for summer. And in these uncertain times, it’s a comforting and familiar routine to fall back on. I won’t be packing leftovers to go anywhere this year, of course. But I’ll be enjoying them with my family, and for that, I’m incredibly thankful.