岩石面包,咖喱鸡肉,Mac和奶酪,米饭,肉汁的投手 - 厨师,侍酒师和作家说,如果没有这些菜肴,那不是一个假期。

你闻到它在你看到之前,一波又一波的comfort and joy washes over you because you know the holidays are here. We've all got that dish hardwired into our psyche—an aunt's special baked good (and don't even try asking for the recipe), mom's mac 'n' cheese, a beloved neighbor's gravy—that if it weren't on the table, things just wouldn't feel properly festive. At the inauguralFamily Reunionhosted by chefkwame onwuachi和企业家希拉·约翰逊在八月的萨拉曼德度假村(Salamander Resort),我们询问了一些我们最喜欢的厨师,侍酒师,作家和食谱作者来填补空白:“这不是我桌子上没有______的假期。”这就是他们不得不说的。

Padma Lakshmi
Credit: NBCU Photo Bank via Getty Images

Padma Lakshmi, author and TV host: turkey pot pie


Nina Oduro, Dine Diaspora co-founder: jollof rice

"Jollof rice is a family staple, it's a country staple, and I know that it's made with so much love, and that's why we present it for holidays, and special family events too. My mother taught me how to make jollof rice at an early age, and then I grew up with it. As I've grown up I have also added my own flavors and touch and renditions as well."


Maame Boakye, Dine Diaspora co-founder: rock buns and fruit salad

"In my family, one of my aunts went to catering school and used to teach catering back in Ghana. She did two dishes all the time for us for the holidays. One was her rock buns. She would bake them every holiday, and just come and bring them. The other one was this水果沙拉that she would make with condensed milk, and it was a really beautiful dessert. All these years, honestly, they're not hard recipes, but no one attempts to make it. It's hers, and we don't even think about making it. She's taught many people, but we still leave it to her."

Vallery Lomas,食谱作者:晚餐卷

"Definitely my Aunt Hester's dinner rolls. I think I called them in the book, 'very old school dinner rolls' or 'old school dinner rolls.' It is not a family holiday or celebration without those on the table. This recipe has literally been in my family for over a century. They're just so good. And that's the thing I love about bread. Baking, you get all of the good feelings and vibes of baking, but bread meets this special intersection. In我的书, it was really important that I had a chapter devoted to bread. I talk about working with yeast, and I think I have a sidebar that's called 'Yeast isn't scary, I promise.' Because we need that. I don't want people to be scared of yeast."


Priya Krishna, food writer and cookbook author: kaddu

"It's not the holidays without my mom's kaddu, which is like sweet and sour butternut squash. She likes to do butternut squash with tons of fenugreek, which has this really mapley flavor and brown sugar and tomatoes and cilantro and ginger. And it's kind of mashed and kind of not; you can eat it with rice."


"Yeah, the whole suckling pig. I love Puerto Rico. It's the best people, the best music and the best pork. They just have so many variations, but just a really slow, slow-roasted pig. Pork with the crackly skin, the crunchy skin."

Charles Martin, caterer: salmon


Pierre Thiam, chef and cookbook author: whole roasted animal


Papa Assane Mbengue, chef: lamb and fresh-baked bread

"Fresh-baked bread. Smelling the cinnamon, the spices in the house that make me feel like holidays are happening. Pierre and I come from the same background. Tabaski is the day we kill the lamb and it's a really big deal because in Senegal we even say the lamb tastes different that day. It's so special. We eat every part of it, and we cook it differently. It's pretty remarkable."

有关的:Our Best Lamb Recipes

Alexander Smalls,食谱作者:Mac和奶酪

Alexander Smalls in his living room
小斯坐在他客厅的沙发上。中央绘画是由小斯的长期朋友,艺术家斯坦利·卡塞尔曼(Stanley Casselman)组成的。斯莫斯说:“客人总是对它的独特作品着迷。”“它创造了一个非常特殊的氛围,并温暖地沐浴房间,使人有亲密的感觉。”
|信用:凯利·马歇尔(Kelly Marshall)


Alicia Kidd, sommelier: barbecue

“我爱烧烤。对不起。烧烤一年四到五次,所以当然有一些很棒的肋骨。我的家人制作了令人惊叹的肋骨,链接,我喜欢将其与我的投资组合中的惊人的红葡萄酒配对。vwin德赢ac米兰vwin德赢ac米兰我携带的葡萄酒来自黑人妇女制造的南非。卡门·史蒂文斯(Carmen Stevens)makes really good Pinotages—sparkling, as well as the traditional red Pinotage. AlsoFLO wines by Marcus Johnson。He's from the DMV area, so he makes a red blend, Chardonnay and a Moscato. And I have so many others just on my website,coconoirvwin德赢ac米兰wine.com。"

Rashida Holmes,厨师:咖喱鸡

“我已经玩和我的混蛋latel很多y. I've done some jerk fried chicken. I've done some jerk turkey. I've been trying to jerk other things in different ways. So any time I want to make anybody feel good, I'm dipping into my little jerk bag and playing around with that. I'm doing a jerk pork belly for a dinner soon too. It's good. It's the warming spices. That's the key to jerk. It's that savory, and then it takes you to like, 'Why does this remind me of Christmas?' I don't really know. That's what it is. In our house the holidays meant curry chicken. I was born in Brooklyn. I lived in Texas for a while, and then I went to high school in the Baltimore area. So I'm a little bit of a nomad kid, which has actually influenced my food a ton. When we were in Texas, I was getting the barbecue culture and the Southern soul food. And then in Maryland, the crab and the Chesapeake, all those influences that played into the chef I've grown into. So I'm glad for my nomad background. That brings the jerk to the table at the holiday, which is a lovely thing."

埃里克·威廉姆斯, chef: dressing and gravy

"The one dish that has to be on my holiday table is dressing and gravy. I could just eat dressing and gravy without turkey or without ham or all the other fixings. That's really my jam. There are two versions of玉米面包我在餐厅服务的那家糖。人们倾向于喜欢甜玉米面包。为了穿衣,永远不要有糖。它杀死了肉汁。”

Bryan Furman, pitmaster and 2019 Food & Wine Best New Chef: yams

“山药。”[Editor's note: he left it at that, because what more do you need to say?]