Procrastinating will cost you.

Ah, October, that glorious time of the year when everything is pumpkin-spiced, playing dress-up is a social norm and it’s kind of okay to scare children. But if you’re like us—and miniature candy bars are a large part of your Halloween obsession (smaller means we can eat more of them, right?)—then we have some important news. If you’re buying your candy the day before Halloween, you’ve made a grave error.

Well, not really, but youarepaying a lot more than you should be. According to data recently released byIbotta, an online cash-back shopping app that has been tracking candy purchasing, if you buy your candy the day before Halloween, you’re likely payingover 40 percent morethan you would had you bought it earlier.

Ibotta’s data, which tracked 150,000 candy purchases the week before Halloween, found that Americans spent an average of $16.45 on Halloween candy a year, but that the price per unit of candy jumped up to its highest, at $2.75 per unit, the day before Halloween. Whereas four days before Halloween, the average unit price was $1.79 — coincidentally, also its lowest. Leave it to the candy-selling proverbial “they” to take advantage of our tendency to leave things like buyingHalloween candyuntil the last possible minute.

So instead of settling for whatever sad leftovers are at the bottom of the candy bin at Duane Reade the day before Halloween, just remember — not only will your choices be more limited but they will be more expensive. If candy can’t help you turn over a new leaf when it comes to procrastinating, we don’t know what will.

But it’s not all doom and gloom (though that would be appropriate because Halloween). Ibotta’s data also showed the best states to get your trick-or-treat on with the highest candy sales. We’re looking at you, Pacific Northwest.

“Oregonians spent more on Halloween candy than residents of any other state,” Ibotta explained in a press release. “An average of $40.29, with Washington, New Jersey, Utah and California rounding out the top five best states for trick-or-treaters.” Good on you Oregon. Good on you.

And then, of course, there are the more bah-humbug states when it comes to facilitating Halloween cheer via candy: “Ohio was the worst state for trick-or treating, with only $11.22 spent per person, followed by Georgia, Michigan, Alabama and Colorado,” they explained.

So if you’re thinking of bringing kids trick-or-treating, you may want to follow Ibotta’s suggestion if you live in one of the stingier Halloween candy states: “Children in those states might need to double up on houses, or squeeze in one more neighborhood block to score a candy haul this Halloween.”