Lafitte's Blacksmith

When darkness falls across the land, its best to have a drink in hand. As the nights get longer andHalloweenapproaches, you may find yourself wanting to have a good stiff cocktail to ward off the cold and the creeps. Here are nine of the scariest bars around the world where the bravest among us candrink spirits充满灵魂:

Ye Olde Man and Scythe

图片来源:Tupungato/Getty Images

酒吧开在博尔顿的一个十字路口,兰开夏郡sometime around the year 1251. It didn’t get its resident ghost until some 400 years later, though, when James Stanley, the seventh Earl of Derby, was executed outside the pub for his role in a massacre. His ghost issaid to hauntthe Ye Olde Man and Scythe, the pub that stands there today. While there’s a chance that the pub’s famous ghost was “stolen” by a Chinese artist to use in an installation piece, the only way to know for sure is to have a pint at the pub, which is the fourth oldest in all of Britain.
Ye Olde Man and Scythe,6-8 Churchgate,Bolton BL1 1HL,英国;+44 1204 559060


Credit: Jen Boyadjian of Boyadjian Consulting

没有人在温哥华军团大厅里死了,所以相信椅子的三到四个鬼魂,在空房间里踩在地板上,阴影中的织机很简单真正喜欢气氛的人在比利,作为Billy Bishop/Kerrisdale分支RCL#176is known. It’s hard to argue with the spirits, as the two-story building has a cozy bar on the ground floor that is lined in red banquettes around a brick fireplace. There’s also a banquet hall and event space upstairs, which is where the ghosts supposedly linger making strange noises in the dark night. The Billy is open to non-members, so grab a drink or stop by one of their Friday night dinners for a good meal with a side of the supernatural, just be sure to leave before it gets dark.
Billy Bishop/Kerrisdale分支RCL#176,1407 Laburnum St,加拿大温哥华;+1-604-568-4130

Lafitte’s Blacksmith Shop

Lafitte's Blacksmith

没有人怀疑拉菲特的黑暗历史,but it’s present is pretty scary, too—and not just because of the bar’s potent daiquiris. Sometime before 1772, Jean and Pierre Lafitte built this blacksmith shop-turned-bar as a cover for their illegal privateer activities, but there were rumors that they were also involved in the slave trade. While Jean Lafitte was pardoned for his crimes by President Andrew Jackson after they fought in the Battle of New Orleans together, it’s rumored that his restless spirit stillhaunts the bar,,,,which is the oldest on Bourbon Street. He has good company, though: The bar is home to许多鬼他们在法国区被流离失所,当时他们在1788年和1794年的大火中烧毁了地面。
Lafitte’s Blacksmith Shop,,,,941 Bourbon St, New Orleans, LA;504-593-9761

Ear Inn

Ear Inn
图片来源:丹·赫里克(Dan Herrick)/盖蒂图片

在啤酒柜台上送达啤酒之前,詹姆斯·布朗(James Brown)是詹姆斯·布朗(James Brown)的家,詹姆斯·布朗(James Brown)于1817年搬进了曼哈顿哈德逊河(Hudson River)的一座小砖砌建筑,在革命战争中进行了战斗。几年后,托马斯(Thomas)克洛克(Cloake)买了这座建筑物,并在底楼开了一个酒吧,迎合了在附近码头工作的水手。在禁止禁令之后,酒吧通过以餐厅的身份将其送走了,它被更名为绿门,直到1977年才它成为耳朵旅馆。Soon patrons started to report mysterious events like unexplained noises, mysterious apparitions, and things that went bump in the night. They are blamed on sailors who never left the inn, drowning victims who lost their lives in the river, or long-time patrons who still want to quench their thirst in the afterlife.
Ear Inn,,,,326 Spring St. New York, NY;212-226-9060


如果您不是超自然的粉丝,请不要在旧的太平间里放一个酒吧。西雅图凯尔斯爱尔兰餐厅(Kells Irish Restaurant)后面的人们。凯尔斯(Kells)建在一个旧的太平间内,坐在西雅图著名的派克广场市场上方的邮政小巷中,有传言说通往酒吧的门是他们带来尸体的地方。尽管葬礼的气氛让位于欢乐的氛围,但据说有许多幽灵在关节内部挥之不去。寻找小红头吉尔l并向一个名叫查理的幽灵抚养一品脱,他喜欢在吉尼斯镜子里露面。酒吧是如此困扰,甚至来自Ghost Adventures当他们停下来时被吓到了电影一集
Kell’s Irish Restaurant,,,,1916 Post Alley, Seattle, WA;206-728-1916

McCarthy’s Pub


没有鬼魂困扰着McCarthy’s Pub,,,,because the owner wouldn’t leave a body lying around long enough for its spirit to leave a trace. You see, the bar is owned by a local undertaker and he promises to make quick work of anyone who drops dead at his pub. The bar’s full-service operation has the slogan, “We wine you, dine you, and bury you,” which is truly multi-tasking at its finest. In addition to its undertaker services, which range from preparing the body for viewing to arranging for a hearse, McCarthy’s also has whatThe Guardian称为upmarket restaurant”这服务于当代爱尔兰票价。麦卡锡(McCarthy)的所有服务都安装在一栋建筑物中,该建筑物的历史可以追溯到1850年代,上面有木衬里的墙壁,彩色玻璃以及一个鬼屋的所有陷阱,都减去了鬼魂。
McCarthy’s Pub,,,,M爱尔兰蒂珀雷里(Fethard)的艾因·圣斯皮塔菲尔德(Ain St. Spitalfield);+353-52-613-1149

Earnestine and Hazel’s

Earnestine & Hazel's
Credit: Courtesy of Earnestine & Hazel's

有传言说,在Earnestine和Hazel的酒吧度过时间时,有13人去世了。建于19世纪后期,最初打算作为教会自1930年代以来,它一直在服务。在60年代和70年代,它成为了Stax唱片团队中持续的派对,并在深夜里充满了快乐制造者。他们说是造成的the jukebox to start playingJames Brown’s “I Feel Good” on the day he died, even though no one put a dime in, but no one knows for sure who is behind the floating orbs, the flickering lights, the mysterious voices, or the piano that plays itself. It’s worth putting up with the supernatural for one of the institution’s famed Soul Burgers, though.
Earnestine and Hazel’s,,,,531 S Main St. Memphis, TN;901-523-9754

The Banshee Labyrinth

Don’t leave your pint unattended at this Edinburgh watering hole or it’s liable to be thrown at the wall or knocked to the floor by an unseen hand. While many businesses try to pretend they don’t have a ghost problem (see: the hotel scene in the originalGhostbusters),女妖迷宫吹捧其闹鬼的历史,自豪地声称自己是苏格兰最闹鬼的酒吧。毫无意义地否认这一点,因为这个地方感到彻头彻尾的怪异,因为它建在该市的一些地下保险库中,并且有一个居民的banshee已知建筑工人的哀号。There are a few perks, though: if you accidentally drop your pint, you can always blame the ghost and ask for a free replacement.
The Banshee Labyrinth,,,,29-35 Niddry St. Edinburgh EH1 1LG, UK;+44-131-558-8209


The Moon River Brewery hasn’t been around long enough to earn a haunted past, but the building it’s in has been around since 1821, which is more than enough time to collect a few ghosts. The building originally housed the City Hotel, which saw at least one murder and a near lynching darken its halls. The building managed to survive the Civil War and担任换档医院在萨凡纳(Savannah)的黄热病爆发中,造成了许多孩子的生活。这座建筑在酿造公司搬进来之前已有多年了。从那时起,员工和客户抱怨被隐形的手,像孩子一样的精神,看不见的力量,触动它们的势力,以及“托比”的幽灵般的人物众所周知大约。
月河酿造公司,,,,21 W. Bay St. Savannah, GA;912-447-0943