passover, market, food
学分:©Seth Joel/Corbis/VCG

经过八百年的不屈传统,变化已经发生了vwin德赢ac米兰食物现在许多犹太人可以在逾越节中吃饭。在13世纪,有争议的统治(even at the time)被放置在适当的地方,禁止阿什肯纳兹犹太人(东欧血统的犹太人)吃米饭,豆类和其他“ kitniyot”(玉米和花生等豆类)。但是本月初,犹太教的保守运动宣布,现在可以吃所有这些东西。不过,这并不是每个人都首先遵守这一规则。Sephardic犹太人- those of Spanish, Middle Eastern, Portuguese or North African descent - have always pretty much eaten rice and beans on Passover due to the fact it was (and still is) a large part of the diet and banning it would put an unnecessary burden on those already struggling to eat. Either way, the rule change has opened the door to a more eclectic Passover seder (寿司,任何人?)

逾越节烹饪传统的这种地震转变使我们思考 - 实际上我们不知道还有其他事情吗?

Here’s a list of five other items that have recently been declared or made specifically to be kosher for Passover:

1. Marijuana

犹太教的租户是,圣经法律除外,与健康有关的事情。在这种情况下,以色列的超正统拉比最近宣布medicinal marijuana can be kosher for Passover只要它在拉比的监督下就生长。这不是犹太大麻首次进入新闻。在十二月,纽约Vireo Health宣布,在北美的监督下,他们已成为世界上第一个犹太医用大麻供应商东正教联盟

So, in short, yes, you can get “Chai” on Passover.


在《摩西五经》中,可以明确谈论可以喂狗的东西。根据myjewishlearning.com,,,,Exodus says that dogs (and cats, hamsters and whatever other pets one may have) are allowed to eat non-kosher meat, but cannot have milk and meat together (much like their human counterparts). In terms of Passover, since humans aren’t supposed to derive any pleasure from “chametz,” (food made from wheat, barley, oats or rye) feeding one’s furry friend any chametz is also forbidden. So, under this logic, there’s逾越狗和猫食的犹太洁食vwin德赢ac米兰。Also,猫垃圾需要逾越节犹太

3. Coachella

组织者在此添加了新的传统annual hipster rite of spring:逾越节。由...赞助南加州大学希勒尔分校的拉比·尤纳书本,,,,一系列快速的十分钟塞德斯took place on Friday night for those hoping to “kosh their ‘chella.” The seders were mc’d by rapperKosha Dillz与所有人一起使用Matzo和Manischewitz葡萄vwin德赢ac米兰酒。尽管尚未宣布Coachella的约会日期,但在逾越节期间,它可能会再次落下。因此,明年将有机会在沙漠中塞满它。


McDonald’s isthe largest fast food chain in Israeland in order to keep the dollar bills coming in a country where a大部分人口保持逾越节,,,,the golden arches have taken to improvising. Instead of wheat-based buns,McDonald’s uses potato starch buns在他们的大多数以色列地点,在八天的假期中。尽管有创造性的思维,但在今年剩余时间里,逾越节面包最终很少会取代常规面包。根据一位餐馆“包子还有一点需要改进。”

5. Cigarettes and Cigars

虽然烟草本身肯定被认为是逾越节的犹太洁食,但关于逾越节的香烟的问题是一个健康问题:是否会根据犹太法律对自己有害的事物进行侵害?2013年,几家以色列的香烟公司被视为犹太洁食Israel’s chief rabbinateopposed this decree by saying, "Poison is not kosher. For all days of the year, not just Passover." Nonetheless, cigar companies are also getting into the生产雪茄的犹太犹太洁食不仅在犹太人的监督下,而且仅在用水处理并使用基于树汁的胶水滚动,而不是从谷物谷物中得出的更常见的胶水。


特朗普Vodka is NOT kosher for Passover, no matter what its label says

尽管共和党总统候选人的伏特加酒未能在美国开展足够的业务,但它在以色列的货架上享有第二人生,作为逾越节伏特加酒的犹太人。但是,本月初,它被发现the Jerusalem Post that the vodka is, in fact, not kosher for Passover.In order for a vodka to be deemed acceptable for the holiday, it needs to be distilled from something other than grains. This typically means the vodka comes from土豆,,,,甜菜orsugarcane。It is not clear how this mistake was made, butCBS News’ attempts to reach Trump’s campaign为了评论没有退还。