学分:诺亚·菲克斯(Noah Fecks)的照片 /食物风格vwin德赢ac米兰,Drew Aichele / Prop Styleling撰写的Ethan Lunkenheimer/ Set Construction by Johnny Figueroa / Floral Design by Chelsea Olayos

这个假期,食品和葡萄酒将在我们的系列中脱颖vwin德赢ac米兰而出。vwin德赢ac米兰给我谢谢,但要额外"—a celebration of all things opulent, glittering, rich, delicious, and joyful.

I don't mean to tell you how to live your life, but you need a gravy fountain. Scratch that—youdeservea gravy fountain. I'm not saying it needs to be flowing 24/7, but then again, who am I to dictate how you live your gravy life? We've been living in an era of scarcity and uncertainty for what feels like a century now, and I can think of no better affirmation of OK-ness, no better rejection of the soul-eroding malaise of the eternal Blursdays, than to be able to hold forth your drumstick, biscuit, mashed potato mound or housecat to be warmly enrobed in an endless font of咸肉汁

But what's a gravy fountain? My bad! I should have explained that it's a fountain that you fill up with gravy. Not, like, a yard fountain—though you should absolutely live that truth if you have the means to do so—but rather one of those electric tabletop fountains that you may have encountered at weddings, parties, and Golden Corral. Customarily, they're filled with punch, chocolate, or (if you're especially fortunate) queso, but there are not to my knowledge any fountain police currently employed at the city, state, or federal level. Even if there were, we live in seemingly lawless times, and it is within your power to manifest your dreams. Fill that sucker up with your favorite gravy—with a few caveats.

感恩节肉汁喷泉Hors d'œuvres
学分:诺亚·菲克斯(Noah Fecks)的照片 /食物风格vwin德赢ac米兰,Drew Aichele / Prop Styleling撰写的Ethan Lunkenheimer

If your gravy recipe contains herbs, mushrooms, or other delicious chunkage, like our与苹果白兰地的蘑菇和肉汁,固体将需要筋疲力尽,以免加油。锯木厂或香肠肉汁and sure, that's a heartbreaker, but you could always reserve those tasty nuggs to add back into the dish. Or employ them as as a garnish, like porky little ice cream sprinkles! Recipe developer John Somerall created a光荣的肉汁食谱,专门适用于肉汁喷泉, so start there.

如果您的肉汁偏好趋向于频谱的厚端,那么这可能不是对您的理想分散方法,尽管它实际上让我很痛苦。但是,如果您愿意尝试一下,可以用额外的液体将肉汁稀释。不是普通的旧水 - heavens no!这是一个为风味添加一些体型的机会。加热一些汤汤,牛奶,酒,陶器或任何适合您食谱的味道,vwin德赢ac米兰然后将其慢慢搅拌到温暖的肉汁中,直到它很容易从勺子上滴落为止。您会知道什么时候是对的。你会在骨头中知道。(另外,要拉出任何骨骼。)

肉汁永远不想伤害您,但是正如Somerall指出的那样:“虽然将肉汁喷泉运行几个小时是完全安全的,但肉汁温度确实徘徊在105-110°F左右;比被认为是食物的凉爽一点vwin德赢ac米兰- 安全温度,因此请保持不到两个小时的流动。”


但是从那里可以从那里弹簧这个神奇的肉汁字体弹簧?是的,您可以租用一个,但是这样的设备可能是一个铁杆专业模型,老实说,这不需要那么多的马力。以低于租金的价格,您可以获得有效而彻底的迷人home chocolate fountainto deploy whenever the mood strikes. I want this life for you.

哦,!您可能会并且应该在傍晚时发现自己陷入肉汁昏昏欲睡状态,但不要离开清洁喷泉直到早晨的任务。即使您必须在蔓越莓酱中擦自己Memento- 风格,让其他菜肴溃烂,请记住要彻底冲洗喷泉,并确保将所有残留物擦掉,以便下次为您做好准备。知道下次会有吗?那是顶部的肉汁。

