Credit: © Carey Shaw / Stocksy United

Once upon a time, sweet was good, bitter was bad and the line twixt love and hate was clear. Lovers were sweethearts and children were sweeties. When the waitress asked, “Want some sugar, sugar?” with her coffee pot in one hand and a sugar caddy in the other, the benediction was double and the answer always yes.

But these are not fairy tale times. As Gary Taubes persuasively argues in the new book反对糖的情况,没有比糖的更愉悦的愉悦感。他写道,糖是“慢性疾病的主要原因,最有可能杀死我们,或者至少在二十一世纪加速我们的灭亡。”他继续说,糖在很大程度上被归咎于“所有成年人中有三分之一是肥胖,三分之二的超重,几乎七分之一是糖尿病患者,四到五分之一将死于癌症。”If you are like me, by the time you’ve digested his arguments in their entirety, you’ll fling open the pantry doors, shouting at the canned food stuffs and boxes of pasta as you ransack the ingredient list looking for high fructose corn syrup, cane sugar and glucose, crying “Et tu, Sucré?”


If sugar goes the way of Big Tobacco, as it almost certainly will, what will become of all those sweet nothings we whisper to each other? Will sweetie and sugarpie become outdated, outmoded and unfashionable terms of endearment like bawcock and mopsy? Will we only call each other sugar in the depths of discord, using it to mean manipulative and toxic? Or will the association endure despite sucrose’s stunning fall from grace?

According to the linguist and author David Crystal, there is at least some precedent for a term of endearment going over to the dark side. In Shakespeare’s time, he says, the word bully (from the Middle DutchBoele)是指“情人”。在莎士比亚时代,这是一个爱情的术语。但是直到17世纪,它逐渐积累了愤怒的底色,这意味着今天的工作。


巧合的是,或者是有原因地,造币of sugar coincides with a marketing push by the newly formed Sugar Institute—the sugar industry’s trade organization—to sell sugar as a health food. In the 1930s, the Sugar Institute spent thousands marketing sugar “as a means to build up the immune system and fight off colds.”

陶伯斯写道:“在夏天,糖被宣传为增强了使我们凉爽的冰饮料。在秋天,糖是解决午后疲劳的解决方案:“最近的科学研究证明,吃甜蛋糕,几块糖果,冰淇淋或饮用甜饮料的食用 - 甚至一杯用糖加甜的水会以惊人的方式复活。”

With the selling of sugar as sweet sweet panacea, it makes sense that the disembodied pleasurability of sweetness crystallized into a concrete synonym for “loved one.” . Since then, says professor Susanne Højlund Pedersen, an anthropologist at Aarhus university, the association between sugar and goodness has been deepened in myriad ways. “We use sugar as a metaphor for many parts of our lives,” she says. “There’s a big industry of films and writings that play on the concepts of sugar, from Fellini’sLa Dolce VitaChocolat。”
