Give your unwanted truffles a second act.

Valentine's Day Chocolates
Credit: Sarah Crowder

Every year, loads ofValentine’s Daychocolate meets the same fate. You get a大盒子夜晚的松露,里面充满了甘纳果,果仁糖和果味,您迫不及待地想潜入。但是到第三天或第四天,糖果是您要吃的最后一件事。因此,他们日复一日地坐在您的柜台上,在您不知不觉中,它是中间的March和the box still hasn’t been finished.

That’s where we come in. We consulted ourtest kitchen为了重新利用剩余巧克力的最佳技巧。有些想法是显而易见的,例如将切割额外的碎屑扔到布朗尼蛋糕中,但是您也可以使用巧克力来升级爆米花,奶昔等。继续阅读以了解如何将其拉开。

1. Cookies

Cherry-Nut Mudslides

One of the easiest ways to use up chocolate is adding them to cookies. We have severalrecipesthat would work, fromcandy cookies—made with bittersweet chocolate, white chocolate, mini peanut butter cups, and Mounds bars, so you can easily swap in truffles—tochocolate-mint thumbprints。雅克·托雷斯(Jacques Torres)樱桃-nut泥石流如果您戴着黑巧克力,也可能是一个不错的选择。

2. Brownies

Chewy Black Licorice Chocolate Brownies
Top Chef盖尔·西蒙斯(Gail Simmons)法官的父亲伊沃(Ivor)来自南非一个小镇。尽管他的背景是英语和东欧,但他在一个具有强烈影响力的地区长大。他传给女儿的一种荷兰热情是对黑人甘草的热爱,特别是咸味,耐嚼的品种。每当他们的家人访问他的家园时,艾弗都库存dubbel zout(double salt)—coins of salted black licorice about the size of a quarter. Simmons devoured them, relishing the savory, saline exterior that gave way to the barely sweet, chewy center. Her father’s other sweet vice, which she also inherited, is chocolate. Not white, not milk, but the pure bittersweet kind. This deeply dark-chocolaty brownie is her homage to him. It has a sophisticated touch of salt, plus notes of molasses and anise from black licorice, and the combo makes a brilliant treat that is irresistibly chewy and not too sweet.
|Credit: John Kernick

Brownies将是不费吹灰之力的。您可以像在这些中一样将巧克力切碎耐嚼的黑色甘草巧克力布朗尼(如上所述),或为我们融化它们fudgy brownies。Adding flavored truffles to the latter would be a fun way to mix up a classic.

3. Milkshakes

Credit: Lauri Patterson/Getty Images

If you’re a Dairy Queen Blizzard fan, this is for you. Grab your favorite ice cream, chop up yourchocolate, and throw it into the blender with some milk. It saves you a car ridemoney.

4. Popcorn

Endless Caramel Corn

Instead of buying美食爆米花, leftover chocolate is a great excuse to make your own at home. Melt it—either in the microwave, or over a double boiler—and drizzle it on top in ribbons. Add in nuts for even more texture and flavor.

5. Decorations

Mom’s Chocolate Cake
Longtime F&W Test Kitchen Supervisor Marcia Kiesel was credited for this very moist, very chocolaty, easy-to-make layer cake, but the recipe originated with a waitress at the Beekman Arms in Rhinebeck, New York, who got it from her mother. The secret is unsweetened chocolate in the batter, which lends the cake a rich, deep chocolate flavor. The thick, creamy frosting hits just the right balance, but Kiesel says, “the original was served right out of the pan, no frosting at all, and that’s my favorite way to eat it.”
|学分:©Greg Dupree

If all else fails, cut up any chocolates or truffles that you have and use them as a decoration. You can arrange them in a crescent moon shape on top of a cake for texture—like thisclassic chocolate one,上面显示的纸杯蛋糕