
我的厨房是我家的感官核心。所有噪音都从它发出:锅炉炉子的金属铿cl声,烤箱门的恒定开启和关闭,洗碗机门,龙头。所有的Aromas Waft来自它,也是:混合的气味cooking rice那constantly-boilingbones which will become broth烤鸡。My kitchen also happens to be physically situated at the heart of my house, on the second floor of my three-story townhome.



Brodie解释说,“人体工程学是另一个主要因素。我的厨房被缩放到我的身体。此外,我削减了台面杂乱,但总是展示产生的东西,以影响我烹饪的东西。我在古董秤和篮子里保持果实。我喜欢纪念品我的空间,让我想起旅行中的幸福回忆。“尤文图 德赢

厨师Michael Solomonov揭示了他最喜欢的家用厨房的一部分也缩小到他的身体。他的炉子内置在墙上“我的腰部。”他补充说,“下游通风是一个生命变化机。你可以在没有枕头的情况下像鱼市场一样弹弓。”


Street recommends design-friendly easy updates. "It's possible to completely change the look and feel without doing a total overhaul–and make it more utilitarian as well," she says. "Swapping out the 'jewelry of the kitchen' (such as light fixtures, cabinet hardware, and faucets) can immediately upgrade your look."

For Street, design is also about knowing when to stop. "My favorite kitchens combine a bit of character with modern elements mixed in, and a healthy dose of restraint so that they don't become overdesigned."

Nicole Paloux, the owner of boutique PR firm Red Balloon Communications and likely the most elegant hostess I know says, "For our kitchen in Philadelphia, which was already fabricated when we purchased the house, we transformed the look of it with really beautiful hardware, soapstone countertops, and a Georgian-era brass bridge faucet. I also love using open shelving sparingly to display plates and bowls or special ceramics."

Brian Phillips, principal architect at Interface Studio Architects, considers the kitchen to be the center of the living space. "It's a little breakfast, it's an office, it's the hearth."

Paloux agrees, "The best time of day is the brief moment when both the coffee nook and the bar nook are open for business."

