信用:威廉姆斯·索诺玛(Williams Sonoma)

几年前,当我最多只会见过两次的邻居试图侮辱我时,他添加了P.S.在Facebook消息中说:“顺便说一句,万圣节is only once a year." We've both learned and grown and buried the scythe but there's one thing I still want to get off my chest and that is: No. Y'all can go ahead and enjoy your Spooky Season but for elder-goths and baby bats and every dark soul in between, in the immortal words of Ministry's Al Jourgensen, every day is Halloween. Or at least it can be if you do all your家庭用品购物在十月份,我和我丈夫一样。

我们的周年纪念日是在10月初,我在第二个John Derian line of products为了目标阈值线可用并购买大多数作为他的礼物。(他为我的室内柑橘树拿了我的灯。)免得您觉得我很夸张,我的橙色和黑色黑板铺装的一整堵墙都被一个近五英尺高的高高的纸板beistle女巫所占据大量的锡克苏鲁(Tin cthulu)在炉子后面后面闪烁,在发现头骨,蜘蛛网或罗伯特·史密斯(Robert Smith)的头之前,您无法朝任何方向朝任何方向看。

但是仍然缺少一件事:铸铁荷兰烤箱,形状像南瓜。This isn't just something I hallucinated after too much absinthe one night. The legendary cast iron brand Staub makes this beauty in a matte black finish, dense as a dying star, and topped with a shiny gold handle that's gnarled and knobbled like its real-life counterpart. It comes in harvest orange or white finishes that are quite fetching as well (and cost a little less), but it's not like you could show up at Gollum's cave with a Tiffany box and he'd be all coolcoolcool, no more quest for me. I wants what I wants, but I can't quite let myself have it. Not gonna lie, this thing is pricey and I do in fact own its black matte,番茄形的对应物因此感觉太放纵了。即使我告诉自己西红柿是夏季哥斯,南瓜是秋天的,这是一个可以持续一生的物体。

超越。根据哥特法律,最近,在哀悼我从许多州的新父母哀悼时,我一直在花几个小时在绿木公墓的地面上徘徊。在布鲁克林日落公园中间,这是一个数百年历史的478英亩的喘息空间,具有强大而尊重的艺术计划,并对自然世界做出了深厚的承诺。在最近的散步中(耳机打开并听艺术家Gelsey Bell的华丽音频之旅)我遇到了一个好奇的事情。首先,一个非常古老的坟墓标记,像巨大的汤图林一样,寻找整个世界,呈现在石头上(我只是停下来敲打它,看看它是否是秘密的金属)。其次,一个天气预报,彩绘的石头涂鸦永恒地望着一个家庭的坟墓,看上去有些异想天开。第三,许多新鲜和老化的墓地,新装饰,适合万圣节,带有稻草人,南瓜,玉米串,花环,头骨,洋娃娃和鲜花。诚然,我的心特别糊涂了,但对我来说是如此温柔 - 无论是在节日庆祝活动中,遥远的人都欢乐地包含了这些人,以及对这些人的生活中的毫无歉意的庆祝活动。


P.S.您可以在威廉姆斯·索诺玛Wayfair($ 290),也在橙色Sur la桌子($ 200)。请给我一个拥抱。