A longtime Food & Wine Test Kitchen pro spills the tea on cleaning stubborn cooking stains, from baked-on roasting pan crud to scuffed-up cookie sheets. Plus, the most bizarre, ridiculous, and effective cleaning solution he has ever encountered.

I really love to cook. I really love to eat. I真的hate to clean. But many years ago, I realized that if I intended to continue my love affair with the first two, I needed to come to peace with the third. For a few decades, I was the Test Kitchen assistant atFood & Wine而且,如果您认为自己在厨房里弄得一团糟,请想象一下四个厨师测试和开发食谱连续八个小时,每周五天。

我得出了一些关于如何在厨房清洁的结论,即如果可能的话,请立即清理,以便没有时间固定污渍,而Gunk没有时间融合您的烹饪表面 - 但,对于那些不在卡片中的时候,这里有一些事后解决方案。

学分:Pedro Nekoi的插图

Discolored Enamel

Enameled cast iron is a great kitchen workhorse but after a lot of hard usage, the interior can stain. This won't affect the cooking itself, but it looks "dirty." Soaking in hot, soapy water before a vigorous scrub with the rougher side of a sponge will often solve the problem. If not, half fill the pot with water, add a few tablespoons of baking soda, heat the water and simmer gently for 6-10 minutes, then wash. If you're still not happy, add a solution of one teaspoon bleach to every pint of water, and let that sit for three hours, then wash. And keep some Bar Keepers Friend on hand. It cleans a lot more than your bar, and it's safe on enameled cast iron.

Crusted Cast Iron

一个适当的调味式铸铁盘将释放大多数残留物,只不过是热水,并用海绵快速旋转。但是有时候,尤其是涉及糖和肉,您应该打破所有铸铁规则中最神话,并使用热水,海绵洗涤器以及 - 天堂帮助我们 - 肥皂。是的,您可以将铸铁锅的内部浸泡以软化被卡住的东西。一个小时左右应该解决问题。如果更糟糕的是,您必须像疯了一样擦洗,那就重新恢复季节,很快就会再次成为您的首选。


If there is a race for the worst, and least frequently done cleaning job in the kitchen, I nominate the microwave. It can not only stain, it can smell to, as my mother used to say, "high heaven." Water and baking soda paste works if you scrub stubbornly dirty areas and then wipe clean. To attack both stains and smells, partially fill a bowl with either vinegar or lemon juice and water, let it boil for a minute or so, then leave the door closed for about five minutes. Wipe away that acidulated steam with a damp sponge, and don't forget the roof.

Stained Surfaces

Granite and marble need special care if you're going after stubborn stains. Baking soda and water paste can gently be rubbed in, rinsed off, and dried thoroughly, and a bit of peroxide can be used on light-colors. As for quartz, if dishwashing liquid and water doesn't do enough, you can try a glass cleaner, but avoid anything containing lemon, ammonia, or bleach. Because of that, most general purpose household cleaners are not a good idea. (I can get a new mug easily. Not so much a new countertop.)

洗碗肥皂和水,或者经常佤邦ter will do the trick for stainless steel, as will a commercial glass or stainless steel cleaner—but they may leave your stainless steel surfaces dull, and that's not the look you paid for. After a good wipedown with either dish soap and water or vinegar and water, wipe off any residue with a damp cloth, then dip another clean cloth in a tiny bit of olive oil or baby oil and shine away. Wipe off any residue, and your stainless steel will look like new.



能够use a stainless steel scrubber, but it will scratch the surface. This does not interfere with the roasting pan's ability to do its job, but I try not to scratch things unless there is no other option.


Sheet pansare every cook's best friend, and usually the dirtiest piece of equipment in the kitchen. The usual suspects work here: hard scrubbing with a paste of baking soda and vinegar, or water, or peroxide, or my old standby, Bar Keepers Friend. If you have the time and the sink space, soak the sheet pan in a sink with water to cover, and any of the above ingredients for an hour or more, and then scrub.
