Roy Shvartzapel的掌握传统的圣诞面包是一个远离商店货架上的陈旧的东西。

Pastry Chef Roy Shvartzapel已经吃了很多美味的东西。他从来没有把节日糕点—the sweet, fruit-studded bread that's typically eaten around Christmas—in that category, but then he tried a version that changed his mind.皮埃尔赫梅克尔, the famed French pâtissier, made a panettone that was flaky and light, nothing like the cheap, stale ones crowding grocery store aisles during the holidays. "I had never tasted anything like it," Shvartzapel said.

虽然他当时不知道它,但Hermé的Panettone在完善自己的乐园工艺的旅程中套装Shvartzapel。在巴黎的Hermé工作后,Shvartzapel在FerranAdrià上演El Bulli.在西班牙加泰罗尼亚。虽然在那里,他品尝了另一个世界着名的糕点厨师的另一个生命变化的意大利面条,Paco Torreblanca。在学习Hermé和托雷布兰卡学会了从名叫的男人那里制作意大利面条Iginio Massari.,所谓的“Panettone低语”,Shvartzapel向米兰做了同样的事情。尤文图 德赢

Credit: Photo by Justin Walker / Food Styling by Ali Ramee / Prop Styling by Lydia Pursell

Panettone被认为是米兰15世纪,或者更准确地,在伦巴第,米兰是首都的意大利北部地区。然后,Panettone最有可能由小麦粉和没有蜜饯的果实制成,使得它更加密集 - 比我们今天所知的那个甜味龙更少。烘焙师在19世纪周到,开始掺入糖,黄油,鸡蛋和葡萄干等成分,将煎塔厂变成更可识别的形式。与此同时,意大利人涌入到南美洲,并开始在传统食谱上放置当地的旋转,并添加像干木瓜或巧克力。这几天,乐园必须用16%的黄油制成,至少有20%的糖果果实在意大利法律下被认为是真实的。


到1930年,一位名叫angelo Motta的米兰贝克探讨了如何通过在他面包店内部创建传送带来推出工业化。与此同时,由于两位意大利企业家:Antonio D'Onofrio.,世卫组织在秘鲁建造了一个Panettone帝国Carlo Bauducco.,谁在巴西做了一样。今天,这两个品牌都在南美洲和国外的批量生产乐园。

Shvartzapel's panettone is the polar opposite of mass produced; it's made by hand in small batches. After learning the basics from Massari in Milan, whose panettone takes 62 hours to make, Shvartzapel returned to the US. He started selling panettone of his own, and in December 2015, he founded his company,From Roy


虽然Shvartzapel说:“潘妮塔世界的世界变得无稳定,”他的乐园非常完美。假日季节是优质的季节,但Shvartzapel在全年营业中,提供了一个无尽的口号,从薄荷芯片到Gianduja Lemon,加上奶油蛋卷和榛子巧克力的较新产品。

"I like to tell people I'm a gift company," Shvartzapel says. "No one wakes up saying, 'I'm hungry, let me order panettone.' It's either a gift for someone or you're indulging in a gift for yourself." So this holiday season, treat yourself or your loved ones to panettone like you've never had it before.

Our favorite mail-order panettone:

Panettone Biasetto.(60美元)