The honored chefs hail from Australia, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Denmark, Germany, Norway, Peru, Spain, Turkey, the U.S, and the U.K.

学分:由圣地亚哥·阿吉拉尔(Santiago Aguilar)提供

In its third year, theBasqueCulinary World Prize has become one of the more prestigious awards in the culinary universe, and today, ten chefs were honored as finalists atEnrique Olvera'sCosmein纽约.


This year's finalists were selected based on their demonstration of "how gastronomy could become a transformational force in areas ranging from innovation to education, health, research, sustainability, social entrepreneurship and economic development," reads a release announcing the prize. The current jury is chaired by chef Joan Roca and includes Gastón Acurio, Massimo Bottura, Manu Buffara, Mauro Colagreco,Dominique Crenn, Yoshihiro Narisawa, and Enrique Olvera.

Below, the ten finalists:

Anthony Myint(USA): Co-founder of ZeroFoodprint, a non-profit that helps business reduce carbon footprint.

Caleb Zigas(USA): Executive director of San Francisco's La Cocina, a social incubator that helps low-income people become owners of their businesses.

Dieuveil Malonga(Congo/Germany):Top Chef: France明矾和厨师的创始人在非洲,支持来自非洲国家的年轻厨师。

Ebru Baybara Demir(Turkey): Leads initiatives to empower Syrian refugees, including the "Harran Gastronomy Project."

Heidi Bjerkan(Norway): Chef atCredoleading the way in sustainability.

Jock Zonfrillo(Australia/Scotland): Chef and founder at Orana Foundation, supporting indigenous communities.

Karissa Becerra(Peru): Chef-activist behind the non-profit La Revolución.

Marc Puig-Pey(Spain):El Bullialum behind Fundació Alícia in Barcelona, educating children and adults with dietary restrictions.


Virgilio Martínez(Peru):CentralMil厨师在板牙Iniciativa背后,一个生物al and social research center in Lima.

The prize is organized by the Basque Government under the Euskadi-Basque Country Strategy and the Basque Culinary Center (BCC). In 2016, María Fernanda Di Giacobbe of Venezuela won, and, in 2017, Leonor Espinosa took home the honor.

“What I appreciate about this prize, is how it gives awareness to something that, otherwise, would not be recognized," said Pia Sörensen, director of the Science and Cooking program of Harvard University. "What we have here, with these finalists, is a good representation of what is happening in gastronomy all over the world. It reflects something pretty powerful.”