对于费城厨师Kiki Aranita来说,流血持续了很长时间。

学分:Kiki Aranita

When you apply pressure to stop bleeding, it is not an active decision. Decisions are made about how to proceed. Run and grab the closest rag? Fashion a tourniquet? The need to stop bleeding is presented the moment skin is broken. What happens next are reactions. For my Philadelphia restaurantpoi狗对我来说,大流行是伤口。关闭餐厅是一种反应。

Dismantling and unraveling years of perfecting an operation, accumulating items, and gathering a loyal staff can be as complicated as opening.

Back when my business partner Chris Vacca and I were opening Poi Dog, we handed over lump sums in exchange for refrigerators, stoves, sinks and leases from people who simply walked away. To open our business, we had to first dispose of strangers' trash bags stuffed with faded receipts and unpaid bills, clean out forgotten food in the walk-in, scrub away layers of black mold.


我没想到会在大流行中关闭餐厅。像我这样的小型企业有足够的钱节省了几天的临时关闭。有些人很幸运地获得了一定的援助,这将我们的安全垫从几天到几周或几个月里扩展。Poi Dog是餐厅,食品卡车和餐饮公司的三方业务,依靠繁忙的午餐时间,不断的办公室餐饮以及繁忙的vwin德赢ac米兰食品卡车活动的结合,以生存。我们业务的这三个支柱在三月蒸发。从6月开始,我们与每周一次的外卖一起lim缩,带来了足够的资金来向供应商,公用事业,保险和一对员工的薪水支付失业福利,但不是我们自己。

We sold the food truck and announced our closure on the same Friday. We planned one final service, a collaboration that showcased our staff with fledgling businesses serving Filipino lechon, kombucha, and tamales, alongside some of our greatest hits: Spicy Ahi Poke, Spam Musubi, Butter Mochi. Pre-orders only.

The Last Day at Poi Dog
学分:Kiki Aranita

The news of our closure unleashed a torrent of grief, attention and sales I did not expect or experience before. My phone dinged constantly. Messages, orders and calls. Emails from people who met their spouses at Poi Dog. Former professors and friends from past lives. Hawaii people, heartbroken their food would no longer be represented on the East Coast. Messages from the Philippines, Bahrain, Hong Kong, Mexico – countries in which we had events planned. Notifications came in so rapidly, my phone overheated and began to malfunction.





poi狗Last Day
图片来源:迈克·普林斯(Mike Prince)



In a yellow haze and in the days following, I made lists and completed forms to cancel internet, delivery apps, knife sharpening and linen services.

I contacted a food rescue that sent volunteers to collect unused ingredients: dried macaroni, gallons of sauces, pork shoulder.

On our website, we set up a Makana form, Hawaiian for “gift,” to facilitate the donation of our fryers, stoves, and hotel pans to entrepreneurs, prioritizing people of color. We received dozens of responses. I spent a day calling applicants. Many didn’t pick up their phones. I called again and again. I slid into DMs.

We split our equipment between two West Philly initiatives: a non-profit daycare and金银花项目


我的朋友,摄影师尼尔·桑托斯,叫做芋泥做的g “an epicenter of creativity for many, many folks to collaborate, cook, and eat.” As I wrote inPOI狗的询问者itu告,“一家餐厅有一个身体和灵魂。我们将前者留在后面。”我为我们作为震中培养的阿罗哈文化感到非常自豪。我的目标是以另一种形式将其永久化,该杂志庆祝多元文化起源的食物。vwin德赢ac米兰这是POI狗的最初目标,该术语在夏威夷Pidgin中意味着“混合品种”。但是,在我这样做之前,我们需要停止流血。