

毫无疑问,感恩节将是今年许多美国人的较小的事情。尤文图 德赢旅行建议,社会疏远和CDC建议意味着更少的朋友和亲戚来了,因此,较不膨胀的蔓延侧面盘子馅饼。但是,如果你真的没有感到整个“烤整个土耳其”的氛围,那么嗯,你可以想象出最容易下降的选择:感恩节掘金。


Perdue Chrencenuggets

“Thanksgiving is going to look very different this year, and we know there’s a lot of cooking fatigue out there right now, so we thought we’d have a little fun with it by launching our limited edition ThanksNuggets," Tracy Hostetler, VP of Marketing, Premium Prepared Foods, said. “Forget the hours of prep, the brining, the roasting, the mountain of dishes, the fancy place settings: this year is all about having a ‘LazyGiving.’ Whether you prefer white or dark meat turkey, our ThanksNuggets have got you covered so you can still enjoy your favorite holiday flavors without all the effort.” (Of course, if you想忘记烤火鸡,你可以查看我们的指南。)

