Seattle's fine-dining institution Canlis is shuttering its doors to launch a takeout, drive-thru, and delivery concept.

在70年历史,西雅图精细餐厅甘蓝has closed twice: once after JFK’s death, and another after a major traffic accident. Starting Monday, March 16, it’ll close for a third time. Sort of.

詹姆斯胡须屡获殊荣的餐厅正在营业室amid the spread of COVID-19, but pivoting to three other concepts: a takeaway bagel shop in the mornings, a drive-up burger place in the afternoons, and for dinner, delivery-only.

Credit: Courtesy of Canlis

“我们看到了业务巨大衰落。也许刚刚要求取消40%或50%或50%的企业,“所有者标记Canlis告诉vwin德赢ac米兰食品和葡萄酒vwin德赢ac米兰。谷歌,星巴克和亚马逊 - 所有客房均在西雅图制定的旅行禁令方面,这意味着镇外的执行不再是葡萄酒和用餐。尤文图 德赢vwin德赢ac米兰推迟了3月12日至15日的Comic Con。没有更多的商业惯例:数十万个愿意是城市的游客,走了。

It was clear that this wasn’t sustainable for Canlis. Something had to change.

更多的and more, that’s what chefs across the country are coming to terms with. Even if they takeabove-and-beyond precautions在coronav的光irus, it’s appearing that business simply can’t run as usual—if at all.

On March 11, iconic Seattle chef Tom Douglas announced the temporary closure of 12 of his restaurants. Ashe told西雅图时代,销售额在前几天销售额下降了90%。在城市的其他地方,餐厅业务在线报告至少六个其他餐厅都有封闭式的。如果汤姆杜格拉斯无数的詹姆斯胡须奖奖奖,那么不能更好地免疫户外门,它为别人涂抹一个凄凉的照片。

华盛顿州目前拥有该国确认的Covid-19案件数量最多,就像这种写作一样。和官员认为它会得到much, much worse。所有在美国,厨师都在争抢。

鉴于此,Canlis为商业生存提供了一个充满希望的模型。在过去的八天里,业主马克和布莱恩卡尔里斯用工业炸锅和搅拌机更新了他们的厨房,准备炸薯条1000人和击打汉堡包面包。他们向他们的保险添加了送货司机。他们已经更新了他们的网站 - 它的设计师在公告前在公告前拉一下,早上7:30完成。这需要很多帮助。

“我们有人捐赠给我们的设备,这对我们来说非常惊人,”Canlis说。Dave Ellingson,餐厅供应公司Bargreen Ellingson,在两晚的餐厅吃晚餐。“他就像,”嘿,我刚听过你在做什么。你需要什么设备?您可以从测试厨房获取任何东西。“”人们捐赠了去的集装箱。社区在这家餐厅里有集结。

Canlis的服务员,钢琴球员,代客和办公室工作人员总数为150.而其中一些是枢转到不同的工作。有些类似于他们之前做的事情,有些不是 - 但至少他们到了keeptheir jobs. And that was a lot of the reasoning behind launching not just one, but three separate food concepts. “If we look at it and we say, okay, we’ve got to create 150 jobs, and takeout doesn't do it. It just doesn't,” he says.

And it’s not just about the employees. It’s also about the farmers, ranchers, and fish producers the restaurant keeps in business. “Our duck farmer is like, ‘Hey, are you guys shutting down?’ and we’re like no, we’re making cassoulet every Monday. We have a lot of farmers that have called being concerned,” Canlis says.

该餐厅在推出此过渡方面有一些优势。例如,这是一块石头从高速公路上扔石头,这是一个完美的驱动器。(驱动器 - 通过顾客在他们的车上拉起,让他们的食物交付,永远不必离开。)“我们想,我们有一个停车场,我们可以立即为15辆车服务15辆车vwin德赢ac米兰。麦克唐纳甚至不能这样做,“Canlis说。


甘蓝’s at-home delivery—dinner-only—will consist of one option a night. Perhaps cassoulet. Perhaps fried chicken. There’s one catch though: it’s not like UberEats or Postmates, where you can request dinner on the spot. Instead, you’ll have to reserve it in advance, just like you would a standard dinner reservation. The plus side is, deliveries will actually be on time. No more waiting an hour and a half for poke bowls. Already, the restaurant has gotten so much interest that reservations might be hard to come by.

甘蓝’s move has got other restaurants thinking. “There's a bunch of chefs in the city that are all having this same discussion,” he says. “I was on the phone with one team today who was just saying, ‘Hey, we were trying to figure out how not to lay people off. How did you guys do this? Can we get your playbook?’” One farmers' market called, asking for help setting up a CSA delivery.

Countless restaurants are attempting to boost delivery and take-out sales as their dining rooms suffer, which helps keep staff employed. As华盛顿州报道, D.C.-area Neighborhood Restaurant Group is launching delivery and takeout at all of their 20 locations in the coming week. More broadly, apps like Postmates have already rolled out no contact deliveries: drivers can leave food outside customers’ doors. This is an option that restaurants are also making drivers and customers aware of via newsletters and social media posts.


As food is the one industry that just can’t work remote, Canlis is hopeful that this model will help other businesses. “If we can get other restaurants to do it, that’d be awesome,” he says.