Mi'kmaq Nation Lobster




政府 - 在与土著社区有关的事务中在加拿大成立的真实,还没有做任何事情。

Here’s the deal with Canada: We’re always perceived as the slightly boring, but super nice neighbors to the North. The Ned Flanders to America’s Homer Simpson. In Canada we know we’re more than that, a country of people shaped from birth by free healthcare for all, who embrace immigrants and play a staunch role as peacekeepers around the world. Also, we don’t consider ourselves racist; that’s often seen as an American issue.

We were the freedom that slaves escaped to on the Underground Railroad. We continue the legacy as a safe haven for refugees; no babies are torn from their mothers and thrown in cages here. Our prime minister, the photogenic Justin Trudeau, greeted Syrian refugees with open arms when they arrived at Pearson International Airport in 2015. “Tonight they step off the plane as refugees, but they walk out of this terminal as permanent residents of Canada,” Mr. Trudeau was quoted as saying in the纽约时报in 2015

We’re good people, at least as far as new Canadians are concerned. But when it comes to this country’s first residents, well, that’s a different story entirely.

Mi'kmaq Nation Indian Brook Fishermen
Mi'kmaq Nation Indian Brook fishermen
| Credit: April Maloney

Never has that been more apparent than this fall, as we watched non-native fishermen burn buildings and vehicles, destroy lobster,fishing boats和设备,将锤子钉成木板,以进行自制的尖峰条,然后在手机摄像机上笑那拍摄了他们的动作。200人暴民对一个和平的土著国家进行恐怖主义,而警察则stood by and did nothing。“I can’t believe how they are getting away with these terrorist, hate-crime acts, and the police are there,” said Sipekne'katik Chief Mike Sack to the多伦多明星。一次逮捕是针对殴打他的非本地渔夫。

争端来自1760年签署的条约,该条约承认在新斯科舍省钓鱼和狩猎的土著人民的权利数千年,无论狩猎或钓鱼季节如何。条约权利在加拿大的宪法中也得到了确认。但是,这些权利已经由联邦渔业监管机构和非土著捕鱼社区竞争数十年,这是淡季捕鱼将危害龙虾种群。根据渔夫Lex Brukovsky的说法The Buffalo Tribune, Mi 'kmaw偷猎者。“基本上poaching on a commercial level.” He claims that their fishing out of season will destroy the lobster spawning grounds and says that his catch has dropped 68% in the last two years. Fisheries experts say the Sipekne’katik’s operation is too small to have that kind of impact. In fact, according to the地球和邮件“在违反保护政策方面,执法统计数据表明,非土著渔民是更大的问题。”

酋长迈克·萨克(Mike Sack)
Sipekne'katik Chief Mike Sack
| Credit: April Maloney

Chief Sack解释说,该乐队有11个许可证,每个许可证有50个陷阱。“该地区的商业渔民有935 [许可],每人375个陷阱。因此,与我们的550相比,他们有大约400,000个陷阱。”


“It’s proven that it’s not a factor, there’s no harm to the species,” says Chief Sack. “They just don’t want to share any resources.”

格里·布兰登(Gerry Brandon)是来自多克斯第一民族的厨师,他拥有L'Autochtone Taverne Americaine,这是安大略省北部的一家土著餐厅,正在抵制新斯科舍省龙虾。


“No level of government has ever sided with First Nations people in the defense of our rights,” says Pam Palmater, a lawyer, professor, and activist who is also a member of the Mi’kmaq nation. “They are always in opposition to us politically, legally, and on the ground. You never hear them say to the non-native fishermen that the rule of law in this country is Mi’kmaw treaty rights are protected in the Constitution. We literally have no one to call, and that’s why Canadians have seen countless videos on social media of RCMP just standing around in the face of violent terrorism.”

加拿大是MMIWG(失踪和被谋杀的土著妇女与女孩)运动开始的国家,由Algonquin激进主义者Bridget Tolley于2005年开始,导致询问确定死亡和失踪genocide

It is the home ofStarlight Tours, a practice that dates back to the ‘70s wherein Saskatoon police would arrest Indigenous people, usually men, and drive them to the outskirts of the city at night, in the dead of a Prairie winter, where they would take their outer clothing and leave them to walk back on their own. Onesurvivor在萨斯卡通外五英里处,仅在-7°F度中穿着牛仔夹克。

On reserves across the country there are 63 long-term drinking水咨询in effect that have been in place fordecades。Many residential schools—wherein the Canadian government took native children en masse from their homes and put them in boarding schools run by Christian brotherhoods—turned out to be rife with pedophiles operating under the dictum, “Kill the Indian in the child.” And they took it literally. It is estimated that up tosix thousandchildren died in the residential school system, but nobody knows for sure because of all the unmarked graves. Started in 1894, this practice went on until the last school was closed in 1996.

对土著人口的虐待在白人加拿大人的心理中根深蒂固,以至于it often doesn’t even register anymore. Sort of the way bad news piles into a mountain of awfulness, magically morphing into something you justTSK TSKat, before resuming yourdoomscroll

Until now.

Mi'kmaq Nation Indian Brook Fishermen
Mi'kmaq Nation Indian Brook fishermen
| Credit: April Maloney

Mi’kmaq国家不断提高,不是暴力或报复,而是使用Instagram,Twitter和Facebook,使用主题标签#alleyesonmikmakito widen the scope of the mission. Social media companies, which profit by encouraging us to give away our souls, increasingly allow us to catch a glimpse of the reality that doesn’t make it to the evening news.

This fall we had a direct feed from Nova Scotia, courtesy of Indigenous youth like@alexametallic,@junnygirldecolonized@brookewillisss,表明北美土著人民已经与之抗争已有500多年的暴力,虐待和仇恨的全部袭击。这个词从码头上的Mikmaw传播到全国和世界各地的追随者。

Mi’kmaq以前曾面临过非本地渔民的暴力行为。“我们在媒体上没有声音,”帕尔马特说,他的新书Warrior Life: Indigenous Resistance and Resurgence本周出版。“我们从未接受过采访,我们的观点从未被描绘过。现在每个人都有手机,很难用证据来争论。社交媒体迫使媒体做得更好。”



Mi'kmaq Nation Lobster
Mi'kmaq Nation lobster fishers
| Credit: April Maloney

From Vancouver to Nunavut, and Toronto to Halifax, chefs across the country joined a boycott of Nova Scotia lobster. Admittedly, not a lot of customers are splurging on lobster dinners during a pandemic, but the boycott is less about crippling the East Coast lobster industry than alerting customers to the Mi’kmaq struggle.

Out of all the chefs who’ve entered into the boycott, Montreal’s Chuck Hughes sells the most lobster, it’s an ingredient that he’s known for after besting Bobby Flay with a dish of lobster poutineIron Chefin 2011

“I want to be able to serve it proudly,” says Hughes, “but until things resolve I can’t do that. I took it off the menu to shine a light on what’s happening.” He’s spent the better part of two years filming in Native reserves across the country for his show,Chuck and the First People’s Kitchen。“我在15多个社区中生活和旅行,我看到了美丽的事物,但尤文图 德赢是另一方面,我看到了很多心痛和痛苦。我不是政治家,也不是渔夫,但我是一个人,我可以看到什么时候出了点问题。现在,这在人类层面上是不可接受的。”

Chef Ray Bear
Chef Ray Bear
| Credit: April Maloney

Chef Ray Bear is an Acadian-Cree and owns Kisik Ridge, a 200-acre farm and restaurant overlooking the Bay of Fundy. “I’m very light skinned, you might never know that I’m Indigenous, so people feel they can talk freely around me, and that’s the worst.” He recounts the time a local farmer told him, “All natives are basically lazy drunks and have no right to steal the livelihood from the fishermen.”

Bear feels that overt racism has intensified during the reign of Trump. “People feel they can say whatever they want now. In the past, you’d hear passive remarks. And now? You can’t get any more aggressive than lighting trucks on fire and attacking people.” He was shocked by the levels of violence that erupted back in September. “These are racist and terrorist acts—I’m blown away that it went to that level so fast and nothing was done.”

“I don’t know the laws but they should be able to fucking live as freely as possible,” says chef and culinaryRenaissance manMatty Matheson. “Do you know where your lobster is coming from? People think it’s Captain Highliner or Santa Claus!” He doesn’t sell lobster on his current menu at Toronto’s Matty’s Pattys, but does include a recipe in his new book家Style Cookery。He is taking part in the boycott to show support for the native fishery. “We need to help each other, not try to destroy each other. The Mi’kmaw people should be able to fish all the lobster they want forever.”


“The Mi’kmaw were the first to recognize the United States as a nation, with a treaty signed at Watertown, MA.” says Cheryl Maloney, Political-Science professor at Cape Breton University. “We were America’s first allies.”

Maloney herself is a direct descendant of the treaty signatories. “Americans and Canadians, there’s a role you can play when things aren’t right in the world,” she advises. “Boycott, write letters, speak out. Make a small gesture that leads to a larger gesture.”


谢丽尔·马洛尼(Cheryl Maloney)在省大厦出售龙虾
Cheryl Maloney sells lobster at the Province House
| Credit: April Maloney



Chief Sack was just elected for his third term as Chief of Sipekne'katik, and this has been the most exhausting tenure to date.

“We just want to establish our fishery, build our own lobster plant,” he says, adding that a trap making facility is being planned as well. “We can’t buy traps. Everyone in the area was told if they deal with us the rest of the commercial fishers will boycott them, intimidation and such. This has happened just since mid-September. We’ve been denied for bait and fuel too.”

Two weeks ago he received a phone call from Chief Terry Paul of Membertou, another Mi’kmaw community leader. What Chief Paul told him, about a secret deal they’ve been working on since spring, gave him hope, but he couldn’t breathe a word until an official announcement was made.

11月9日晚上,社交媒体的饲料随着意想不到的消息而爆炸。冰雹玛丽无处不在。事实证明,Mi’kmaq Nation并没有躺下。他们一直在与不列颠哥伦比亚省的高级品牌烹饪一项秘密交易,以购买北美最大的贝类生产商Clearwater。组成这些暴民的愤怒的恐怖分子 - 他们主要出售给谁?您猜对了:Clearwater。

In astatement on their websiteClearwater表示,该公司“以各种形式谴责种族主义”,并断言“ Clearwater和任何雇员都没有参与这些抗议活动。我们呼吁各方面保持平静,以确保所有人的安全。”

“为了开展业务,您首先必须玩游戏,”酋长特里·保罗(Terry Paul)在新闻稿中说。他将领导包括Sipekne'Katik在内的Mi’kmaw原住民联盟,当Clearwater在年底易手时,将获得50%的所有权。“你必须赢得胜利,我们赢了。”

Hell yeah, they won. And the angry mob of white fishermen, ostensibly worried about conservation, while illegally exercising their might to dominate one of the most underserved communities in the entire country? Looks like they got a new boss.

April Maloney的铅照片。